Chapter 128 Attack
Lin Mu killed Zhao Yun in this wave, and the opponent's rhythm completely collapsed.

Everyone on our side has also been revived. Lin Mu feels that if he suppresses the tower now, then takes a dragon, and fights another wave, it seems that he can push a high ground, and then a wave?
Originally, a few minutes ago, our side had some advantages in the confrontation road, and the other roads had a faint tendency to collapse.

But now, our side has a huge advantage. Li Xin on the opposite side was completely defeated, and the auxiliary shooter and jungler on the opposite side were also killed by Mulan one after another.

Ma Ke and Yaomei directly led the line to push the tower, followed by our mid laner Zhuge Liang.

The opponent didn't know whether they were afraid of being beaten, or they changed their strategy. They let go of all the outer towers and directly guarded the second tower.

Zhao Yun and Sima Yi didn't come out to lead the line, but just cleared the wild monsters in the wild.This wild monster is still left by our side, like three wild boars, "Mr. Yunzhong" or something.

The red buff was taken by Mulan, and the blue buff was taken by Zhuge Liang. Li Bai took his own blue buff, and Marco also got his own red buff.

All the buffs in the field are in our hands!

Lin Mu didn't know why the other side suddenly became so cowardly, could it be that he was really scared of being beaten by him?

Although their strategy can reduce the loss of points and being single-caught by our side, it has lost a lot of economy.

The snowball on our side will only get bigger and bigger. When the economy is far ahead or even crushed, even people at the level of Xingyao can easily beat players with a peak of [-] points.

Even if the gap between the enemy and ourselves is not so exaggerated, our side still has a huge advantage.

And now the opposite side has been pressed inside the tower, lacking the view of the river and the dragon pit.It's okay for the wild area to let go, but also for the dragon?

Lin Mu feels that this strategy on the other side has completely accelerated their demise.

Also, their lane clearing speed is not fast.When Sima Yi cleared the line, he would go around behind the soldiers, and if he was not careful, he would be shot off by our side in seconds.

It's the highland security guard, it's a bit difficult to deal with!
Guangxin increases combat power by 50.00% on high ground, this is no joke.After all, the range of Guangxin's three skills is still relatively far.

And we all focused on pushing up the ground tower, and sometimes when pushing and pushing, three light blades suddenly appeared inexplicably, and we sent people home to soak in the hot spring.

How many optical letters are overturned on the high ground.

"It's a little tricky."

Now it is necessary to demolish the second tower on the opposite side first, and then talk about Kamikochi.

Lin Mu noticed that Li Xin on the opposite side was guarding his confrontation lane. After clearing the pawn line on the confrontation lane, he immediately turned to the middle lane and cleared the middle lane with his teammates.

Our side must break the rhythm of the tower guard on the opposite side, otherwise, if multiple people clear the army together, the total economy will be more than one person can eat.

If our side fails to break this rhythm, the economy will be dragged down by the opponent sooner or later.In the late stage, when everyone's economy is saturated, the competition is purely personal operation.

If it is a competition of personal operation, Lin Mu is not afraid.It's just that he wanted a quick fix.

How can I say that it is almost twelve o'clock now, what games are we playing at night?Lin Mu remembered that once before, he started a game at one o'clock in the morning, not to mention losing a star, but when he woke up the next morning, he had a big pimple directly under his eye!

Staying up late, apart from refreshing, really has no benefit at all, it is all harmful.But some people feel that staying up all night is cool for a while, and staying up all night is always cool.

You feel good at night, but you can't get up the next day. In fact, you sleep almost the same amount of time, and you will not be energetic if you stay up late.

So now Lin Mu just wants to play faster, and it is best to be able to catch a mistake on the other side and completely break their mentality.

Li Bai on our side is playing the master, going down the road, Ma Ke Jiayao, and Zhuge Liang are clearing the soldiers. After clearing this wave of soldiers, there is still a wave of our soldiers in the middle. We can use this wave of soldiers to see if we can Cannot push towers.

On the way, Li Xin is clearing the army.

Next, the three of us will gather in the second tower, and Li Xin will definitely support from the top.Lin Shu feels as if he has a chance.

While manipulating Mulan to the opposite red area, Lin Mu opened the record panel and checked the equipment of Li Xin opposite.

CD shoes, resistance shoes, anti-armor, black cut, and two storm swords, it should be to break the army.

Looking at the economy again, Li Xin's economy is second to last, and Mulan is already more than 3000 ahead of him.With this kind of economic advantage, if Li Xin didn't have a skill and a flash, Mulan would kill him casually.

Mulan was squatting in the grass next to Hongbaba, and Li Xin was clearing the line of troops a little behind the opposite tower.

In this wave, Lin Mu has already made up his mind. If he disabled Li Xin's state, forced him to flash, and forced him to go home without being in a state, it would be considered a success.

Mulan has flashes, and if she wants to kill Li Xin by force, it is okay, but it is not necessary at all.Instead of killing Li Xin with a flash, wouldn't it be nice to use it to cut the back row?
Sima Yi, Hou Yi, and Mulan dodged out of the group one by one, but the other party couldn't react at all.

At this time, the system broadcast showed that our side had killed the Juggernaut, and the next wave of troops would be the Juggernaut Vanguard.

Li Xin also finished clearing the line of soldiers, and as expected, he was approaching the middle road, and he was going through the red zone to the middle road.

When Li Xin walked up to Mulan, Lin Mu couldn't help but sigh, who designed Guangxin's walking posture, isn't it a bit crazy?
While walking, he would suddenly touch his giant sword. I have to say, it is really handsome!

"Sorry, I had to say goodbye when we first met!"

Lin Mu threw out the light sword with the second skill, rolled forward one by one with the first skill, and then leveled a to play silence!

The sudden appearance of Mulan really frightened Li Xin into a panic!
Li Xin quickly charged up his first skill on the spot, and then rushed towards the second tower.

Lin Mu followed up with the first skill, immediately cut the epee, and pushed twice with the second skill.

In a panic, Li Xin immediately handed over Flash.

Seeing that she could no longer push Li Xin down, Mulan directly used her skills to pat a, pat a, and played a set of explosions.

If Li Xin didn't have anti-armor and resistance shoes in this wave, even if there was a flash, he might not be able to escape.

The middle line of soldiers is about to enter the tower, and our shooter assistant and mage all rushed to suppress the tower.

Li Bai used wild monsters to unlock his ultimate move, two stages and one skill advanced, one ultimate move hit three people, and shaved the opponent.

As far as Li Bai's economy is concerned, what harm can be done, and Sun Bin on the opposite side has released a second skill to boost blood, Li Bai's damage is almost negligible.

Li Bai seemed to have consumed a wave, but he didn't seem to.

The line of soldiers entered the tower, and the three of us went directly to the next stop of the defensive tower and started pushing.

Sima Yi on the opposite side didn't dare to step forward easily, and Hou Yi also paid attention to his position, for fear that he would be lost if he was not careful.

Mulan also leaned over at this time.

"The skills are ready!"


Lin Mu signaled to his teammates that he wanted to get out of the way.

(End of this chapter)

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