Chapter 232 Diao Chan
Wan'er's five-stage take-off is usually when Wan'er's 1.2-stage ult is approached, and the 3.4-stage displacement can definitely catch up with you, so running straight is right in your arms, and Wan'er can brake on the left and right to turn...It is more troublesome to cast spells backwards. Easiest to break.

The other is to block the grass vision. During the release of Wan'er's ultimate move, if she is not in the grass, she can't hit the people in the grass. Moreover, it is easier for Wan'er to fly in a straight line. escape.

Diao Chan on the opposite side used the second skill, then turned around suddenly, avoiding part of the damage from Wan'er's ultimate move, and was able to kill Wan'er.

Whether to use the skills to deal damage first, or to avoid the opponent's skills first, this needs to be chosen according to the actual game situation after weighing the pros and cons.

But in more cases, my suggestion is to give priority to avoiding control skills.Because once it is controlled, all hero damage and tower damage will be eaten during the period of being controlled, and it is more likely to be directly killed under the tower by continuous control.

As for the burst damage, it is also Diao Chan's nightmare, but because Diao Chan usually wears defensive equipment, as long as it is not a huge burst damage of several people on the opposite side at the same time, she should be able to survive.If the opponent has a lot of control skills and high burst, don't touch Diaochan in this case, it's too difficult to fight, and the chance of winning is extremely low.

In the current new version, even if Diao Chan jumps the tower, the tower damage will be reset every time the second skill is invincible and immune. As long as the second skill dodge is maintained, no matter whether the tower damage is successfully avoided, the tower damage will be recalculated and the damage will not be superimposed.

Of course, this is not a reason to encourage you to go tower jumping. After all, Glory of Kings is a MOBA game, a strategic game of teamwork. Unless tower jumping can bring huge benefits, it is easy to take this huge risk. Because the rhythm is broken and the points keep dropping, it becomes a headwind, trapped on the high ground and the game fails.

Wan'er set up a combo and stepped on it with two pens, but she was counter-killed by Diao Chan. Many people came out on the barrage and said Diao Chan was a brainless hero.

Although Diao Chan is a hero who integrates displacement, real injury, deceleration, blood recovery and unselectable one.The mechanics are undeniably better than some other heroes, but there are also significant downsides.

First of all, the body is fragile, the AP bonus of the skill is relatively low, and the hand that needs to be hit in close quarters is very short.And especially afraid of control.Then as a mage, he has no hard control skills, and he is afraid of shooting a kite with his hands.In addition, the demand for blue buffs is extremely high, so Diao Chan is actually easy to be targeted from the mechanism point of view.

There are also many ways to beat her, and there is no problem of brainlessness.The solution to these problems depends on the player's proficiency in Diaochan's operation.If a novice Diao Chan believes that he has made some mistakes in the game above Xingyao, he is probably not far from being reported.

As we all know, Diao Chan's second skill is a magical skill. Of course, this is for a proficient master, and for a newbie, it is not much different from a random flash.Using the second skill flexibly can avoid a lot of damage control.

However, the invincibility time of the second skill is very short, how to use it proficiently is a very troublesome problem for many Diao Chan.Another thing about the second skill is the location of the second skill. How to use the second skill to repeatedly jump horizontally so that the opponent cannot touch you is also a relatively difficult problem.

It seems that the first skill can be thrown at will, but in fact it is not like this. How to use the second skill to adjust the position of the first skill to hit more people to trigger many passives and cause more AOE damage in team battles is another problem.

Diao Chan's ultimate move release is also very particular. The perfect ultimate move release is in a place with multiple terrains and many grasses.Because in this way, you can use the wall terrain and card grass to make the opponent lose their vision and perform more operations.

Therefore, to sum up, Diao Chan's release of each skill and the cooperation between skills.It is very test player operation.

With the emergence of dawn and the enhancement of the shooter's range, Diao Chan has completely become a hero in the early and mid-term.If it is delayed to the later stage, Diao Chan, as a mage without hard control and explosion, will be beaten by AA monsters in team battles.

So there is another difficulty. Passers-by games have a high probability of not being able to get the blue buff. In the early stage, there is no way to fight and make war money to maintain development like the professional game level two.

So Diaochan players have another difficulty, how to use the blue that they can't see enough in the early stage to suppress the line, support the side lanes, and develop ahead of time.Try to end the game before the opposing shooter gets up.

Therefore, this requires Diao Chan players to suppress the opponent's mid laner blood line in detail when laning, and support in time, and end the game as soon as possible after gaining the advantage.This is another test for Diao Chan players.

Because Diao Chan has extremely high requirements for cooling reduction, but in passerby rankings, he often cannot get blue.Cannot stack cooling with blue buff.What should we do at this time?
The answer is to find a way from the outfit.In other words, using the least amount of money to get enough cooling requires Diao Chan players to have a clear mind.For example: If your Diao Chan has ten mercies, and the cooling shoes have already shrunk by 25%, the question arises, how can the remaining 15% shrunk be the most economical to produce?
The answer is the two codes of the sages.A code of 500 yuan, 1000 yuan will be enough for you to fill the CD, and then a book of synthesizing God Eater, one can make up for a bright moon, and it can be considered that all the money has been used wisely.

In addition to this example, there are many more about the equipment, such as the double shoe flow, the various options for the magic equipment and meat equipment in the actual game before.It is not easy to become an excellent Diaochan player.

Let Jia Luo, a shooter, go in the middle to deal with Diao Chan?
From a tactical point of view, Diao Chan has two major problems in the early lane, one is slow line clearing speed, and the other is short hands.In terms of line-clearing speed, Galo obviously has no advantage, but in terms of hand length, players who have experienced the era of blood pumps and gibbons must have a deep understanding.Then we can choose to use the longbow to hit her once Diaochan shows her head and clear the line. With the longbow state, each time she draws A, it will bring a total of 180+0.2AD damage.In the case where the opponent's auxiliary ability to grab the line is not strong, if Diao Chan forcibly clears the line, there is a high probability that he will be hit by Jia Luo and go home with residual blood, even if he grabs the line, there is no advantage.Diao Chan's obvious backswing of skill 2 also makes it easy for Jia Luo to hit the full damage of skill 2, a total of 750+1.2 AD damage, which is difficult to bear in the early and mid-term.In the later period, after Diaochan's equipment was formed, Jia Luo's equipment was also formed. High and stable DPS has always been Diaochan's natural enemy

From a strategic point of view, due to Galo's own fragility and the slow speed of clearing the line in the early stage, no matter which way he goes, he relies on auxiliary protection.If you go to the development road and shoot the auxiliary conjoined body, a 1v1 situation will be formed in the middle.And because of Diao Chan's powerful one-on-one combat ability, even if he clears the line in the middle faster than Diao Chan, he dare not show his head to clear the line rashly.Once the outcrop clears the line and is crippled or even stuck to a single kill by Diao Chan, it is easy for Diao Chan to get the line right, forming a more passive situation.And if Jialuo is placed in the middle, the middle auxiliary conjoined body can avoid this problem
So what is the first step for mid laner Jia Luo to beat Diao Chan?Is it an inscription build?no.Is it a play idea?Nor is it.It's a lie.It's not about cheating your opponent, it's about cheating your teammates.

Since the mid laner Jia Luo relies heavily on auxiliary protection, it is bound to create a 1v1 or even 1v2 situation on the side.At this time, the hero of the development road needs to have enough single-line ability to avoid the situation where Diao Chan is suppressed but the opponent's shooter has a bad start

So in shooters, there are not many such heroes.Baili Shouyue and Li Yuanfang are more useful, but these two shooters also face more problems.For example, Baili's keeping the contract may encounter the problem of getting shot in a round without flashing too many times, and Li Yuanfang may encounter the problem of being powerless due to too much salary deducted for the following crimes. What should I do at this time?
As a mid unit, Galo has provided very stable DPS.In fact, the development path can not be limited to shooters, and add an anti-pressure tank to ensure that the line does not collapse, and assist the middle and field to play rhythm.In the current version, all tanks except Baiqi are basically feasible.Among them, Lu Bu can make up for the lack of spell damage caused by the mid laner Jia Luo to a certain extent, so he has a higher priority, and the problem can be easily solved.

Diao Chan has just been weakened recently, and the barrage asked how strong Diao Chan is now.

As long as you don't cut back the blood and don't prolong the cd, it won't have a big impact.

The deceleration has been cut, but the body is hardened. You can pretend to sell blood, play psychological games, and bet on the opponent's misjudgment, so as to achieve the effect of retaining people.

Suppose you are full of blood Diaochan, once you start fighting, you will immediately turn big and aggressive, and your opponent will definitely run away, and the speed will be reduced, so it is meaningless for you to chase.

Then I will give a new idea, but it is suitable for Diao Chan who has a certain level, the kind of jumping with the second skill, never thinking about where to jump, how to move, and can't control this kind of gameplay.As long as it is not a one-on-three, four-five, it is very safe, at least one-on-one is guaranteed, and there is no problem with two.

The specific steps are divided into four steps as follows: In the first stage, after the fight starts, don't rush to open the zoom, and make the most of your first second skill to avoid the first wave of attacks from some opponents.

Because, the vast majority of people, as soon as they start fighting, they can't wait to turn in their skills with full firepower. At this time, after you resist the first wave, your blood volume should have dropped a lot, almost half or even only three points left One of the times (the first step is to put it bluntly, acting, while avoiding part of the damage, accepting that the opponent knocks out a lot of your blood), this step is well performed, and you can fight back with a hideous face behind.

In the second stage, observe your opponent. If he sees that your blood volume is low, and at the same time, his brain is extremely determined under the psychological hint of "Diao Chan has been cut into a dog", he will never leave the field, and he will kill like chicken blood. you.Seeing the opponent's intentions, you can be secretly happy.At this point you can open up, and then the critical third stage comes.

In the third stage, after the expansion, you must always pay attention to two points: the first point: don't be too eager to hit hard.Don't use your extreme hand speed to frantically brush your skills, it will only make you recover blood quickly + wear off your opponent's blood. If one goes up and down, your opponent will find out immediately: Damn, I can't beat you, I want to run .

Then the illusion of "I'm low in health, I'm about to be killed by you" that you carefully created earlier will be seen through by the opponent in advance, and the deceleration will be weakened, and it will be difficult for you to keep people. Isn't it a waste of acting?

So the essence of the first point is: blood volume control.Control the opponent's blood volume to be equal to yours, or slightly more than yours, and always give him hope, the ideal is to grind his blood to about half.

The second point is to keep your distance.Try to walk around the edge of the big move, keep an edge distance from the opponent's hero's hand length, and every time you jump, jump diagonally behind his intention. For example, if he clearly rushes to the left, you jump to his upper right corner or lower right corner.

Let’s talk about the details, after you jump and wait for the cd, move slightly, the purpose of this move is to induce him to come to the position where you are walking, and when he is about to arrive, you can cd one Jumped away again.

There is also a more detailed one, you need to induce him to move on the side where your teammates come from, rather than the direction that is convenient for him to escape.Moreover, it is best to use the nearby wall, you go through the wall to make him move around.

In this process, you have to exert 70.00% of your strength, maintain a balance with him, and grind until his blood volume is half or slightly lower.Your purpose is to lead him by the nose, let him chase after your butt every time, and induce him to move according to the position you have calculated.

The fourth stage exerts force to kill.At this stage, his blood volume is low, and your blood volume is also low. Don't be afraid, you will recover blood with almost unlimited skills. In the end, if you fight blood, he is definitely not your opponent.

At this point, it is time to decisively find an opportunity, what time?That is, he has just handed in the movement skill, and when he can’t move on the cd, you immediately extract your hand speed, reach your limit, hit all the damage, and don’t stay too far away (after all, the deceleration is cut to prevent him from running drop), get close to him, and he will soon be able to beat his remaining blood into a state, and he will most likely not be able to run away.

The whole process may seem very long, but in fact it only takes a few seconds, and it is enough to make a big circle.It's no problem to have teammates.Of course, the above is only limited to some tank auxiliary fighters. If there are hard control mages, you have to pay attention to the blood volume when playing this way. The specific situations are different and cannot be generalized.

Diao Chan on the opposite side was also included in the target list by Lin Mu. If Diao Chan's finances were improved, it would be easy to get a three-kill and four-kill, and it would be difficult to catch him to death.

Going alone may avoid key skills and be counter-killed.If you go with two people, you may also be targeted by Diao Chan's passive real injury. In short, it is difficult to deal with, especially when you meet Diao Chan who is very good at playing and has details.

Diao Chan has a very high upper limit, and she can face all kinds of assassins. She can survive without the protection of auxiliary tanks. In the end, as long as you keep 21212121, you can consume the enemy.

Unlike Zhuge Liang, the ultimate move must be locked on the opponent and can only be continuously increased by killing. It is also not like Huowu. A set of skills cannot be empty of any one, and it is difficult to enter the field and continue to output after it is released. Unlike Luna, who must remember at any time Considering how many times this is the level A, always pay attention to whether it will be empty.

But if you want to increase the upper limit, it still needs a lot of details.

(End of this chapter)

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