Chapter 11 Entering the Frost Forest
After a night of chatting, they all became acquainted with each other, knowing that these two people are locals from Beiming Snow Region.

On weekdays, I would go back and forth to several towns to sell things to earn the difference. Although it was hard work, I also made money with peace of mind.

"How did Sister Alan get this injury?"

Seeing that they were all kind-hearted people, Su Lin lowered her vigilance.

He just frowned when he looked at the dark red wound on Alan's knee. If it continued to rot, he might even be able to see the bones.

Hearing this, Erhu sighed lightly and put down the towel in his hand.

Only then did Su Lin realize that the clear water in the wooden tray had turned black, appearing very turbid.

"It was scratched by the claw of the magic soldier yesterday, but this wound is very strange. It has been unable to dry up, but it doesn't hurt for some reason."

Alan murmured, with a strange expression on his face.

"Is there such a thing?"

Su Lin was also a little dazed when he heard it, so he took a few steps forward and knelt down to check it out.

Under his careful observation, he found that the flesh was rotting continuously, but the process was extremely slow and not easy to detect.

But if it continues at this pace, one of her legs will be completely corroded in a few days, and it may even affect her whole body.

"We tried applying medicine and it didn't work. We can only relieve it by wiping with clean water."

Erhu replied with a sad face, obviously Alan is extremely important in his heart.

"Perhaps as long as the Shennong Ruler transformed by the Shennong Beast can be cured, you all set off for Chunzi City tomorrow, and I will look for you after I find Axue."

Su Lin stood up and said after thinking for a moment.

Not to mention the kindness of these two people, they are indeed kind to Bei Mingxue, and they are willing to give her the only dry food left.

"Are you going to the Frost Forest?" Alan asked in surprise, it was an extremely dangerous place.

Not to mention that there are all kinds of ferocious creatures inside, and the temperature is extremely low, no one wants to set foot there.

Su Rin nodded, "Don't worry, I have a measure."

"In that case, I would like to thank Brother Nangong. Alan and I will set off to return to Spring City after dawn."

Erhu raised his head, then said with a sigh of relief.

Early the next morning, the sky had just dawned dimly. Although the heavy snow was still falling outside, it was already a little smaller.

Erhu and Alan came here in a carriage with goods, and they had two horses.

So I borrowed a horse for Su Lin to rush to the Frost Forest.

On the morning of the third day, a huge and boundless forest appeared in Su Linduo's vision.

He looked at the frosty forest and couldn't help being amazed, because it was very difficult for plants to survive in the snowy region of the Northern Darkness.

But the forest in front of me is not only huge in size, but also lush with foliage, and the leaves are covered with thick snow.

And the types of these trees are all the same type. The height of the trees is more than ten meters high but not thick, almost half the size of a person.

Su Rin can clearly feel that the temperature here has begun to drop suddenly, one can imagine how low the temperature in the forest is.

He had just tied his horse to a tree on the outskirts of the forest, and when he was about to walk in, he heard a conversation first.

Su Lin was startled, isn't this a forbidden place?Why do others exist?

He hurriedly hid behind a nearby tree, carefully looking towards the direction of the sound.

Sure enough, I saw a few tightly wrapped soldiers coming out of the forest, followed by a few big dogs like sled dogs.

It's just that it is more than twice the size of a sled dog, and it seems to be a unique magical beast in the northern snow region.

"I froze to death. It took eight lifetimes of bad luck to be sent to such a ghostly place."

"Don't complain, this Frost Forest is so big, and our people have been planted at several exits, so Bei Mingxue can't escape no matter what."

"I think it's probably frozen to death inside, but that's fine. I'll go back in a few days and report that I've frozen to death inside."

"If you freeze to death, you have to take the body back. The young master specifically told you to see the body when you are alive."

The soldiers rubbed their hands, shivered, and complained as they walked.

Su Lin became a little confused after hearing the words. Is this Bei Minglei really chasing Bei Mingxue? !

Now that they are hiding in this frosty forest, they even send soldiers to arrest people. It can be seen that they will never give up until Bei Mingxue is found.

Being so decisive and ruthless, he guessed that Bei Mingxue must know something.

It's just that these soldiers should not have been found, it seems that they must go deep into it.

After they left, Su Lin quickly ran towards the forest without meeting other soldiers on the way.

Not only that, no other life was seen, the whole forest was eerily silent, full of unknown trees like Yishi.

After stepping on the thick snow on the ground and walking for nearly half an hour, he found that the road here began to become complicated.

In order to prevent accidents, Su Rin had turned the Sky Crystal Beast into a Flame Sky Crystal in advance, otherwise he really couldn't bear the temperature in the forest.

[Danger alert!Danger alert! 】

Just when he was about to go deeper, a prompt popped up in front of him and made him stop.

He looked ahead and found that there was nothing in front of him except for a few trees.

It's just that this prompt can't be wrong, he murmured: "Danger analysis!"

【Danger analysis in progress...】

[Danger source: There are creatures hidden under the snow 50 meters ahead. 】

After seeing the source of danger, Su Rin continued to walk forward as if nothing had happened.

He looked down at the thick snow piled up on the ground not far away, and when he was about to approach that position, Su Rin actually turned around and walked in another direction.

Seeing that the prey escaped, the creature below couldn't bear it and broke through the camouflage and rushed over.


He deliberately lured this thing out, but he was taken aback when he saw the real face.

A gorilla-like creature rushed towards him, and it was very fast.

A stern look flashed across Su Lin's eyes, his body quickly dodged, and he shouted angrily, "Slash with the Sky Crystal Flame!"

The Sky Crystal Sword in his hand cut out a fire dragon as thick as an arm in an instant, directly making him dumbfounded.

This TM even the dragon has become smaller.

But fortunately, the power is still strong. The gorilla never thought that this dagger-like sword could chop out the fire dragon, and directly sent it flying more than ten meters away.

Some of the trees that had been rubbed were scorched by the flame-cut fire dragon, and a large area of ​​the snow was instantly melted, showing the high temperature.

Su Lin was a little surprised. She didn't expect that her attributes plus Nangong Wentian's original ones would make up for the weakened part of the Sky Crystal Beast.

The gorilla was beaten to the ground, his whole body twitching, it can be seen that the blow was really powerful.

"Why did you attack me?!"

Su Lin stepped forward, looked down at the orangutan, and said coldly.

It also seems to belong to the magic beast, otherwise it would not be so big.


(End of this chapter)

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