The young soldier of magic begins to penetrate the heavens

Chapter 34 Broken Dragon Mountain (Punch Card)

Chapter 34 Broken Dragon Mountain (Punch Card)

Broken Dragon Mountain is located in the northeast of Nangong area, more than 300 kilometers away from Nangong City.

Naturally, Su Lin couldn't come here on foot, so he asked the city defense force for a flying dragon and flew over.

"This is Broken Dragon Mountain?"

He looked down at the map in his hand and raised his eyebrows.

From the map, it can be seen that this place is surrounded by mountains and mountains, and there are no other towns within a hundred miles.

But there is actually a village in the wild mountains.

Looking into the distance, he vaguely saw a mountain range surrounded by clouds and mist, in the shape of a dragon.

The mountain is round and beautiful, with thousands of peaks lined with halberds and thousands of people opening their screens, just like the sun reflecting the haze and light locks of emerald green, the rain is harvested and the color is cold and blue.

It is impossible to see the specific situation in the mountain from above, so I plan to go to the village marked on the map to inquire about the situation.

As the flying dragon slowly sank into the cloud, the scene below quickly appeared in his eyes.

I saw that there was indeed a village at the foot of Duanlong Mountain, with a total of more than [-] households, large and small.

Living here is really isolated from the world.

"Don't go into the village, land from outside."

Su Rin ordered the flying dragon under her feet, after all, if she flew in so rashly, she might scare people.

After getting the order, Feilong turned in one direction, in a bamboo forest hundreds of meters away from the village.

"You wait for me here, I will go alone."

After tidying up her clothes, Su Lin walked directly towards the village.

According to what Bei Mingzheng said, the personal servants of his grandmother Yuxi lived in seclusion here.

It's just that so many years have passed, and I don't know if he is still there.

At the same time, he also found that the clouds and mist here seemed to linger all year round. It was noon now, but the mist seemed to have no intention of dispersing at all.

This half of the Duanlong Mountain and the village are completely covered.

After going around for more than ten minutes, I finally came out of the bamboo forest, and the huge mountain range of Duanlong Mountain appeared in front of my eyes, looking like a giant from the ground.

"The sun in the east is so bright...

The rain from the west...

I don't know when my sister's sweetheart will return..."

Just after stepping out of the bamboo forest, a song with a strange dialect sounded.

"This singing... is a bit outrageous!"

When Su Rin heard it, she shuddered, what kind of ballad is this?

He walked along the singing, and soon saw the singing man by the side of a river.

To be precise, it is a little girl, who looks about eleven or twelve years old from the back, with a ball head tied.

At this moment, he was sitting on the bank of the river with his trousers rolled up, kicking the clear water with his little feet, splashing waves of water from time to time.

After seeing her singing stop, Su Rin approached slowly, and when she was about to say hello, the other party spoke first.

"Outlander, what are you doing here?"

The girl's voice sounded weird, with a heavy dialect flavor.

It's like the Sichuan of the previous life, and it's like the accent of Yunnan, and he can't tell it.

Su Lin was a little surprised when she heard the words, this girl's perception ability is good.

He didn't even make a sound when he was walking, but the girl still noticed it.

"Little sister disturbed you, brother came here looking for someone, I wonder if you know him?"

Su Lin asked politely, after all, he is an outsider, and he came here to find someone.

You can't put on an air of condescension.

"Who is it? I know everyone in this village."

After the little girl finished speaking, she hummed a song again while kicking the water in the river.

This time Su Rin felt a little weird, the girl kept her back to him.

This is illogical. Most people would look back when they heard a stranger asking for directions, but this girl just sat there kicking water and humming.

"Tian Yan, I don't know if I know my little sister?"

He reported the name Bei Mingzheng had told him, and at the same time observed the girl's every move.

"Who are you?"

After hearing these words, the little girl's kicking action slowed down significantly, she asked quietly.

"Nangong Wentian!"

As a result, just after he said his name, the little girl got up quickly and put on the small red cloth shoes next to her.

"Come with me."

After she finished speaking, she finally turned her head, and a pair of immature cheeks appeared in front of Su Rin.

This face directly surprised him, it seemed unreal, like a person in a painting, giving people an unreal feeling.

Seeing that she had already crossed the river to the other side first, Su Lin saw that there was no danger warning, so she slowly let go of her vigilance and followed.

After walking for a few minutes, the village at the foot of the mountain reappeared in his eyes.

On the village road lay a few yellow dogs and three or four big roosters walking leisurely, not afraid of strangers at all.

"Ayan, I'm back so early."

"Sister Yan, will you accompany me to fly a kite?"

As soon as he entered the village, he met a few villagers and children who were playing and greeted him enthusiastically. They seemed unmoved by the arrival of Su Rin, a stranger.

Instead, she looked at him curiously.

"Xiaobao, sister doesn't have time to play with you today, how about next time?"

The girl knelt down and pinched the cheek of the child in front of her, then got up and continued walking towards the village.

Seeing this, Su Lin had no choice but to follow, he always felt that this place made him a little uncomfortable.

Led by her, the two soon came to an ordinary thatched cottage.

He took a look at it, and found that the furniture inside was ordinary but well-organized, but there were many mirrors in front of the dressing table.

"sit down."

The girl said lightly, and Su Rin had no choice but to sit down in front of a square wooden table.

Before he could continue to ask why he brought him here, the girl took out a mahogany brocade box from the dressing table. It was already covered with a thick layer of dust, which showed that it hadn't been touched for a long time.

"Everything you want to know is here."

The girl threw it directly, and then sat opposite him, resting her chin on one hand, staring at him with a smile on her face.

This made Su Rin dumbfounded, he didn't ask anything yet?

It seems that people already know what they are here for.

He gently pushed away the mahogany brocade box in his hand, and a somewhat yellowed letter was quietly lying in the box.

Su Rin looked up at the weird girl again, and then she took out the letter and got clues.

"Although I died, I still ordered people to keep this letter, which shows my expectations for you... my good grandson?!"

He almost fell off the stool when he read this. Was this written by his grandma "Yuxi"?
But how would she know her name and come to this place? !
According to what Yuyan said at the beginning, her mother was also her grandmother, who died before she was born.

"I know the reason why you came here, so I will tell you everything... Nuwa stone plus 36 blood spirit beads, it will be..."

(End of this chapter)

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