Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 38 Punishment Mission——Investigation of the disappearance of 7 Langfeng (6)

Chapter 38 Punishment Mission—Investigation of the Disappearance of Seven Wolf Peak ([-])

Mari Fujii comes from the Whirlpool Islands in the Chengdu area, where there is a Sea God Temple that everyone believes in, and the ancient habit of casting nets for fishing is preserved.

According to her, the song she hummed just now was hummed by the woman of the fisherman's family when she was mending the net and waiting for her husband to return, and it contained good wishes.

"Like Mari, I am also from the Chengdu area." Nobi Komura said as he put down his cup of noodles, the firelight shone on the lens, making his expression hard to see, "But my hometown is Jihuashi, a small city in the south. The smell of flowers and sea breeze is mixed there all year round. Although it is not developed because there is no port, it is the most beautiful city in Chengdu in my mind."

The team members roasted the bonfire and chatted, gradually getting to know each other better.

Fukuoka Akira looked at his watch, it was already eight o'clock in the evening, and said: "Okay, it's time for us to rest, now let's arrange the night watch."

Camping in the wild is not just a matter of setting up a tent and lighting a bonfire. There are countless wild elves appearing at night, some of them are gentle, but some are hunters in the dark.

What's more, the purpose of Long Yi's trip is that there is almost a high chance of encountering unknown man-eating beasts, so vigil is a must.

"Girls forget it." Looking at Kurosaki Mai and Fujii Mari, Fukuoka Akira shook his head and said that keeping these two vigils really disturbed him, so he might as well cancel it.

"From now until 6:11 tomorrow morning, Miyazaki-kun will be on guard in the first half of the night, and Nobi-kun will be on guard at 2:4, and then I will be at 6:[-]. Is there a problem?"

Both Long Yi and Nobi Komura said there was no problem.

Because there were only two tents, Kurosaki Mai and Fujii Mari slept in one, and Ryuichi lent Kurosaki Mai the sleeping bag; Fukuoka Akira and Nobi Komura slept in the other, also two sleeping bags.

After the arrangements were made, the rest of the people quickly got into the tent, and their elves also took back the elf balls.

Long Yi gently hugged Hui Yuan in his arms, and gently combed its hair.

Korakola fell asleep next to his calf, and Lobster Minion and King Carp were put in a small river not far away, they prefer to sleep underwater.

There is also the Arbor snake, which coiled a branch early.

"Huihara, are you comfortable?"

It makes a lazy cry.

Serpentine bear's hair was originally rough and hard, but during its hospitalization, Long Yi prepared high-grade elf food for it three times a day, so after half a month, its brown hair became soft Quite a lot.

This is a good sign, because the evolutionary type of the Serpentine Bear has a smooth fur, and the soft fur proves that Huiyuan is on the correct evolutionary path.

The vigil was boring, luckily nothing happened the first night.

At 7 o'clock in the morning, Long Yi and his party continued on the road after having breakfast.

Today their goal is to spare the Seven Wolf Peak and go to the forest in the north, where the largest coyotes group in the forest is the territory.

This route will inevitably pass through one of the other two wolf packs. After negotiation, they decided to go to the west where the Thunder Beast is.

After all, compared to Dai Rubi, Thunderbolt Beast has a gentler temperament, basically it will not take the initiative to attack humans, and Akira Fukuoka also admitted that he wants to subdue a Thunderbolt Beast.

The rest can do nothing.

When they re-entered the mountain forest, they seemed to be a lot more familiar, and it took about an hour to enter the territory of the Thunder Beast.

But what makes Fukuoka Akira regretful is that this kind of elf, like the teacher in the school said, rarely appears in front of humans.

Several times, they found something moving in the bushes in the distance, but when they passed by, there were only a few shallow footprints left, which were identified by Nobi Xiaocun as Thunder Beast.

It is impossible for Long Yi and the others to accompany Fukuoka Jing to wander around here, so after a short circle, they left the territory of the Thunder Beast and came to the north of Seven Wolf Peak.

The trees here are sparser than in the south, with fewer shrubs and vines, and the ground is dark soil rather than a soft layer of rotting leaves.

"Look, it's a hyena dog!" Long Yi shouted.

It was a small canine animal with gray fur all over its body, and dark gray textures on its face and limbs.

The eyes are red and the whites of the eyes are yellow.The protruding canine teeth are very sharp, and its body is smaller than some larger Chinese pastoral dogs. It hides beside a big tree and stares at it.

Inexplicably, it was obviously an ordinary elf whose strength was not strong, but Long Yi was a little chilled by its eyes.

"I don't like the look in its eyes." Nobi Komura expressed Long Yi's feelings, "It always feels like a butcher is looking at pork."

The coyotes noticed it was being spotted and backed away slowly.When it retreated, the front half of its body was lowered, ready to fight at any time, showing a wealth of combat experience.

Then it went, and everyone in the team felt a little uncomfortable.

"There are too many coyote dogs here, and their members are everywhere, and we can't escape at all." Akira Fukuoka said.

His original plan was to go to the coyote's territory first, and then slowly search for the shining coyote, and see if he could find some clues or lead out the cannibal during the search.

After all, once an elf becomes a cannibal, it will also become very sensitive to the smell of humans.

But the look in the eyes of the coyote just now gave him a bad feeling, but if he went back home just because of a small coyote, Akira Fukuoka would be a little bit speechless.

"Let's go further and find a good place to camp early."

Just like what Akira Fukuoka said earlier, coyote dogs can be encountered everywhere here, and even big wolf dogs are occasionally seen.

There are too many members of this pack of wolves, and their territory is dozens of times larger than that of the circled bear. Most of the northern forest is shrouded in the shadow of the wolves' sharp claws.

What worried the team members the most was that every coyote and big wolfhound they met on the way looked at them with creepy eyes, and then retreated silently.

The first one who couldn't bear it was Fujii Mari. She suggested to go back the same way, but was rejected.

But other people also decided to find a place to camp for the time being and see the situation.

Long Yi found a good place.

It was a cave at the foot of the Seven Wolf Peak. I don't know what kind of elf left it behind. It was spacious enough inside, but the cave was not big enough to accommodate a circle bear at most.

This is a good place that is easy to defend but difficult to attack!
What's more, there is an underground river inside the cave.After investigation by several water elves, this underground river is actually very shallow, and it is directly connected to the river in the forest they came from before, ensuring a smooth back road.

Everyone decided on the spot to sleep here tonight!
So we pitched tents, collected firewood...

But soon they stopped this meaningless action, because countless pairs of red eyes began to appear from the forest, they spread in all directions, and all they could see were those trembling red eyes.

It's a coyote!

Countless coyotes!

Much more coyotes appeared than Komura estimated, and there were also a large number of large coyotes among them.

five hundred?No!Let alone one or two thousand!
After surrounding the cave, the wolves walked out of the cover of the forest without any scruples. They bared their fangs undisguisedly, and a lot of saliva dripped into the ground.

The Coyote was behind, the Big Wolf was in front, and then the pack parted ways.

Several special elves appeared.

There were more than a dozen particularly strong and tall wolfhounds, and there were even a few ferocious black Luga!

There are almost dozens of them, all of which are taller and more ferocious than ordinary wolf dogs. These strong elves guard 7 stronger ones.

5 big wolfhounds, 2 black Luga.

These 7 elves walked to the front of the wolf pack, among them, 5 big wolf dogs and 1 black Lujia were one step behind, and the remaining black Lujia walked in the front.

When it came to stand in front of the cave, suddenly a thousand wolves howled together, and the terrifying pressure made it hard to breathe.

"This...could it be this year's wolf king?" Kurosaki Wu muttered to himself.

"What do you know?"

Mai Kurosaki knew that this was not the time to be self-willed, so it was rare to be stubborn, and quickly said: "Actually, I am a member of the student union. I investigated the information of Seven Wolf Peak before I came here, and I know that this year's wolf king is not seven wolves. Any one of the wolves in the picture, but a black Luga that suddenly appeared, it should be the one in front of me! If I am not wrong, the six elves behind it are 7 coyotes and the Derby The chief wolf of the pack!"

"You mean, we are surrounded by 7 of the last 6 wolf packs in the forest!? And all of them out!?"

Everyone was terrified by this guess. They looked at the pack of wolves in front of them. It seemed that only the sum of 6 packs of wolves was the most reasonable.

Seven Wolf Peaks...what happened?
(End of this chapter)

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