Necromancer in another world

Chapter 1000 Pink Tender Egg Boss

Chapter 1000 Pink Tender Egg Boss

Illidan is in a very bad mood now.

He came to Queen Azshara's palace full of confidence, ready to use the negligence of the demon guards and his familiarity with Queen Azshara's palace to quietly close the demon portal set by the Burning Legion.

Illidan had already observed it before coming here. Out of contempt for this world and due to the smooth progress in the initial stage, the demons of the Burning Legion obviously did not take the threat from this world seriously.The guards set up by the arrogant demons seem to be numerous, and the defenses seem to be tight, but they are full of loopholes. As long as you are careful, closing the demon portal is not a problem at all.

Illidan expected the beginning, but not the end.

In the initial stage of the plan, it was indeed very smooth. He easily closed the two magic hubs that maintained the two portals, and after he finished all this, the demons didn't notice it at all.

The situation is no different from what he expected. With the devil's mentality at this time, it is only afraid that those leisurely devils will react after he completely closes the three magic hubs, but at that time, the whole palace will inevitably be chaotic. , it was really easy for him to take the opportunity to slip out.

It's a pity that the sky didn't do what people wanted, and when he was sneaking towards the third magic hub, something happened.

The originally lazy demon guards suddenly changed and became serious. They patrolled and searched everywhere, not even letting go of any place.

Under the full search of teams of demon guards, Illidan's range of activities is getting narrower and narrower. Although he can sneak, so that the demons can't see him with the naked eye, he still has a body. The net is getting tighter and tighter, and it will inevitably prevail in the end.

Seeing this situation, Illidan was very annoyed.

He didn't understand what medicine the demon guards had taken wrongly, and how they became serious and responsible all of a sudden, as if they were really the guards of the palace.

Could it be that the two magic hubs were destroyed?
Illidan felt that this was the only reason that could explain it.

The demon guards will not take the initiative to approach the magic hub, and only guard around the magic hub. Illidan understands this very well. This is why he dared to boast in front of Tyrande that he wanted to destroy the portal of the Burning Legion by himself. rely on.

Unexpectedly, such an accident occurred when he actually acted. I don't know which demon suddenly went crazy. He ran to the magic hub of the teleportation array to take a look. It was really unlucky.

Seeing that the demon guard's search was getting tighter and tighter, Illidan, who knew that he would be found by the other party sooner or later, acted in a rage.

Since the Portal Gate of the Burning Legion cannot be destroyed silently, it is better to kill it vigorously. These demon guards seem to be numerous and terrifying in appearance. In terms of real ability, they cannot stop Illidan.As long as he moves fast enough to destroy the last magic hub before the truly powerful demon arrives, he can escape unscathed.

Illidan, who was full of confidence in his own strength, rushed out suddenly, and easily killed a group of demon guards by taking advantage of the sneak attack.

It was easy to deal with this team of demon guards, but it also exposed his own position.

The other demon guards, who had been guarding against the intruders for a long time, rushed over immediately, and issued a warning while rushing towards Illidan.

This can be regarded as poking a hornet's nest.

Hearing the warning, hundreds of demon guards who were searching for the intruders rushed over aggressively. By the time they found Illidan, five demon guards had fallen under Illidan's attack.

The death of a companion irritates the felguard, causing them to become enraged.

They are the soldiers of the Burning Legion. They have destroyed countless worlds. In their eyes, anyone who dares to resist the Burning Legion will die.

Now, a native dared to kill a warrior of the Burning Legion, and they had to make this guy pay the price.

Facing the siege of hundreds of demon guards, Illidan quickly fell into a tight siege. Only then did he realize that he underestimated these demons and underestimated himself even more.

Caught in the siege of a group of violent demon guards, Illidan would find it extremely difficult to get out, not to mention destroying the last magic hub of the portal.

Illidan knew that he was in big trouble now, and he was struggling to cope with the besieging him now, but when the boss-level demons or even more powerful demons appeared, he would be in danger.

If you know it, you know it, but at this time, he is surrounded by a group of violent demon guards, he has no power to take care of other things, so why think about ways to get out?

Fortunately, there is no unparalleled road, and when Illidan was anxious, rescuers came.

Well, it's about saving soldiers, but in fact there are only five people, three elves and two humans.Of course, Illidan didn't know that there was a race of humans at this time, and the ancestors of humans didn't know where to play with mud at this time. Leo and Mannoroth in human form were two alien races with round ears in Illidan's eyes.

In order to rescue their besieged kinsmen, Xin, Jie and Piaowu, the three elf mages, started with their strongest group attack spells.

The demon guards who were besieging Illidan were unprepared for the sneak attack from behind, and suddenly fell down, and a small gap appeared in the encirclement.


Jay waved at Illidan, motioning him to join his group as soon as possible.

Without hesitation, Illidan kicked his feet hard, dancing wildly with two half-moon-shaped wheel blades in his hands, using his extraordinary speed, quick shots, and sharp weapons to kill the demons who wanted to re-encircle them. With the help of the mage's magic, they successfully joined forces with Leo and the five.

"Hey, I know you. You're that Illidan Stormrage kid. How did you get here?"

After receiving Illidan, Xin asked the question in his heart.

Hearing that this guy was Illidan, Leo couldn't help but carefully sized him up a few times. At this time, Dan always wasn't the overlord of the world in later generations. Leo didn't see any domineering, only a little bit of evil in him.

The current Illidan is still not well-known among the elves, he is just a magic apprentice, and the three of Xin Ashes have been magisters for many years, and their status is much higher than Illidan.

Illidan had never experienced emotional setbacks, hadn't blinded himself and turned into a demon hunter, and hadn't been imprisoned in a dark dungeon for tens of thousands of years alone. At this time, Illidan was still young and promising. youth.

Leo, who was observing Illidan, didn't notice that Mannoroth had been looking weird since he summoned him.

The Burning Legion invaded the world where humans and elves lived for the first time, and fought against Tyrande and others in the battle to destroy the Well of Eternity. Who is the commander of the demons?

Not Archimonde the Defiler, nor Kil'jaeden the Deceiver, but Mannoroth the Destroyer!
Mannoroth, the most powerful abyss lord in the Anellan world!
It was in this battle at the Well of Eternity that Mannoroth suffered the biggest defeat in his life, and was even seriously injured. This is why he went into battle with injuries during the second invasion, and because the injuries on his body were still intact. Yu gave Grom Hellscream a chance to die together.

The Battle of the Well of Eternity can be said to be the beginning of Mannoroth's tragedy, how could he not remember?
Mannoroth never dreamed that he would have a day to participate in this incident again, let alone stand on the opposite side of the Burning Legion.

Could it be that the master summoned me to satisfy his evil taste and watch me fight myself?

Mannoroth was very helpless. According to Leo's understanding, the probability of this matter was not [-]% but [-]%.

If Leo knew what Mannoroth was thinking, he would definitely comfort his subordinate and tell him that life is like a tea table, and the tea table is filled with cups and utensils.

"I'm here to destroy the portal. Those creatures called demons are constantly transporting people through the portal. If this continues, the number of demons will increase. The portal must be closed." Illidan gasped. After taking a few breaths, he exhausted a lot of physical strength under the siege of the demon guards. After recovering, he said, "I have destroyed the two magic hubs that maintain the portal, and only the last one is left. With our As long as the speed is fast enough, it is not difficult to achieve."

When it comes to the last magic hub left, Illidan's face is full of pity, and it feels bad to miss this last step.

What this kid said seems to make sense, why don't you close the demon's portal before going to see Her Majesty Queen Azshara?

The three elf mages winked at each other, they were moved by Illidan.

In fact, it was true when I thought about it. It was the demons that threatened this world. Even if Queen Azshara listened to their advice, the portal had to be closed to deal with those creatures called demons.

Since the portal will be closed sooner or later, instead of worrying Her Majesty, it is better for them to settle this matter before going to see the Queen.

This time, the three elf mages quickly reached a consensus, and the whole team rushed towards the direction Illidan pointed.

Leo scratched his face, the three elf mages and Illidan didn't consider his opinion at all when they were discussing, and he was ignored at this moment.

The elves are indeed proud creatures, but it's no wonder that since the troll empire was defeated, the elves have become the rulers of this world. This rule lasts for thousands of years, and it is inevitable to develop an arrogant temperament.

The demon guards can only rely on a war of attrition to besiege an Illidan. Now that there are three more elf magisters, how can they trap their opponents?Even if the demon guards were all in a berserk state, they still couldn't stop their opponents.

If there were no accidents, it would not be a problem for Illidan and the others to reach the third magic hub.

However, how can there be such an easy thing in the world, can the Burning Legion be made of mud?

"Aha, who I thought it was, it turned out to be the three of you."

A joking voice came from the direction of the magic hub, and an elf led a group of captain-level demon guards to block Illidan's path.

(End of this chapter)

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