Necromancer in another world

Chapter 1097 Suppression

Chapter 1097 Suppression
Snow Leopard Goddess hit the ground heavily, and her body was already frozen. It turned out that just when she was about to pounce on Sindragosa, the ice elements around the Blue Dragon Queen rioted, and as a result, Snow Leopard Goddess was frozen into a ice sculptures.

Not to mention the futility of the sneak attack, she was in danger instead, the Snow Leopard Goddess regretted it, she knew that she had been tricked by the other party, the blue-haired woman deliberately showed her flaws, in order to lure her to make a move, and she was really fooled .

Thinking of this, Goddess Snow Leopard felt regretful, it was only because she was too confident in her own speed.

I originally wanted to catch my opponent by surprise, but who would have thought that others would have already dug a hole and waited for me, and regretted it only after the sneak attack failed, wouldn't it be too late?

Snow Leopard Goddess once again shattered the ice that sealed her. To her surprise, Sindragosa did not take such a good opportunity.

Is that blue-haired woman too confident in her own strength, or does she simply look down on me?
Snow Leopard Goddess moved her body carefully, and slowly distanced herself from Sindragosa. Her intuition told her: leave this woman quickly, she is dangerous.

"Are you going?"

The corners of Sindragosa's mouth were slightly upturned, and the Snow Leopard Goddess saw it clearly. It was clearly a mocking smile, as if seeing a clown who was overwhelmed.

Who is that blue-haired woman laughing at?

Who else but me.

The Snow Leopard Goddess was extremely humiliated in her heart, she really wanted to rush forward again, but her strength was not as good as others, and she could only humiliate herself when she went up, in the end, the Snow Leopard Goddess chose to retreat.As everyone knows, her choice made Sindragosa look down on her even more.

As a strong person, she has lost her courage and the heart to challenge a strong enemy. The snow leopard goddess has come to an end. No wonder she is only the bottom of the gods. Even if such a guy is given her more time, she is still a waste.

Since it is waste, there is no need to stay.

Schindler Gosa's eyes turned cold, and his sapphire-like eyes shone with a fascinating light, but in the eyes of the Snow Leopard Goddess, the light was like a talisman, very terrifying.

She's going to do it... she's going to do it...

Snow Leopard Goddess roared in her heart. The feeling of crisis made her hairs stand on end. In the eyes of outsiders, this appearance was no different from a big cat whose hair was blown up. The snow leopard locked by Sindragosa's energy How can a goddess be half noble and elegant?

Hundreds of fist-sized ice cones appeared beside Sindragosa, which were the product of the gathering of ice elements under divine power.

With the sound of swishing through the air, the cones of ice turned into thin lines, attacking the Snow Leopard Goddess at a speed that exceeded the human visual response.

If one ice cone with concentrated divine power has the ability to injure Snow Leopard Goddess, then hundreds of such ice cones have the possibility to kill Snow Leopard Goddess.

My feeling was right, that blue-haired woman was really dangerous, I would die if I couldn't take her attack.

The Snow Leopard Goddess was horrified. Before she met Sindragosa, she never thought that there would be an existence that would pose a fatal threat to herself in the mortal world.

If I knew it would be so dangerous, why would I join in the fun?
The Snow Leopard Goddess smiled wryly. For a deity with low strength like her, safety is the most important thing. It's just that safety is not always what you want.

Sindragosa's aura locked on her, and the Snow Leopard Goddess knew that she couldn't dodge. At this moment, she could only rely on herself. As long as she could block this round of attacks from the opponent, her helper would come and be the same as her. The Ice Bear Rhinoceros and the yet-to-be-shown Wind Serpent will not watch themselves being killed.

With a low growl, the Snow Leopard Goddess mobilized her divine power, and her body surface was soon covered by a layer of ice armor. Instead of attacking and attacking, she chose to defend. This kind of response fell on Sindragosa. The eyes made the Blue Dragon Queen completely disappointed in this Snow Leopard Goddess.

This snow leopard is really hopeless, even if she doesn't have the courage to attack against attack, she can't do such a stupid thing.She is a snow leopard, a snow leopard known for its speed and agility, what is it to add a layer of ice armor to herself?

Is it stupid or stupid to reduce the dexterity and speed that I am good at, and to strengthen the defense that is not very good?
"If this is the so-called god..." Sindragosa's eyes became colder, "You really let me down."

When the word disappointment came out, hundreds of ice cones condensed around Sindragosa again.

Clap, clap... splatters of ice...

The ice cone hit Snow Leopard Goddess like a torrential rain, and the impact made Snow Leopard Goddess scream in pain. Under the continuous blows of the ice cone, Snow Leopard Goddess felt like a boat in a storm, and she was in danger of being destroyed at any time.

"Hurry up and save me!"

Seeing the second wave of icicle rain from Sindragosa, the Snow Leopard Goddess died. One wave of icicle rain was enough for her, so it's no wonder she didn't get hurt in the second wave.Being wounded in front of a powerful enemy like Sindragosa, what protection is there for life?
In order to survive, the Snow Leopard Goddess didn't care about the majesty of any gods, she asked for help.



The God of Ice Bear and the God of Rhino roared. The strength of Sindragosa shocked them. Sitting on the same boat as the Snow Leopard Goddess, they understood that they could not allow the Snow Leopard Goddess to be seriously injured or even killed by Sindragosa. Otherwise, they will be the ones who will receive the ice pick next.

Saving the Snow Leopard Goddess is saving themselves. No one does not value their own lives. How dare the Ice Bear God and the Rhino God not go all out?
The strength of Moshe and Nalorak alone could not hold back the two animal gods who put on a desperate posture. Fortunately, Leo did not lack men. As early as the moment the Snow Leopard Goddess asked for help, Leo released the digital beast again. men.

"Ordered to kill!"

Taragaman stepped forward, swinging the two tall swords in his hands like windmills spinning at high speed, the sound of the sharp blades breaking the wind could be heard from far away.

A sword shadow attacked the Rhino God, how could Taragaman be so powerful that the Rhino God could not perceive it?
How can a demon guard whose strength is comparable to that of a demigod catch me?
The rhinoceros is notoriously thick-skinned. His defensive power is ranked second, even the ice bear dare not be the first. Taragaman's strength is not weak, but it is nothing in the eyes of the rhinoceros god.

In order to rush to rescue Snow Leopard Goddess in time, the God of Rhinoceros didn't care about it, as if I was going to rush forward against your attack.

Facing an opponent with thick skin, strong attack and high defense, Moshe, Huma, and Mallorak had nothing to do. They tried their best to stop the Rhino God's footsteps. The thick skin on the Rhino God's body blocked his Under all their attacks.

It is a good thing to have confidence in yourself. If you don't know your opponent's cards and are blindly confident, something will happen.

The sound of sharp blades chopping like flesh was so crisp, Taragaman's twin swords cut through the thick skin of the Rhino God as effortlessly as chopping tofu. Wailing——The blades of the two great swords were completely submerged into the body of the Rhino God.

A phantom strike that ignores defense!
The Rhinoceros God paid for his self-confidence. He never expected that Taragaman would have the ability to kill the target regardless of defense. No matter how thick the skin is, it is not much better than a piece of thin paper under the attack of the ghost.

Blood splattered, pain pierced into the bone marrow, and the wailing of the Rhinoceros God resounded throughout the battlefield, as if time stood still at this moment.

Can God be hurt too?

Hearing the miserable howl of the Rhino God in their ears, and seeing the two great swords that Taragaman chopped into the body of the Rhino God, at this moment everyone realized a fact, a fact that was subconsciously ignored by them—— God can also be hurt.

To be injured means to be killed, and to be killed means to be defeated. Taragaman can severely injure the Rhino God, why can't we?
At this moment, the morale of the coalition forces on the offensive side was greatly boosted. Once the myth of the invincibility of the gods was broken, it was replaced by the idea that filled everyone's minds - the slaughter of gods.

Tushen, what a crazy word, what an exciting word, what an exciting feat!

Heavy wheezing came from the mouths of allied fighters, even the elegant blood elves were no exception.

By killing those guys, we can slaughter the gods, become the heroes sung in the epic, and have the qualifications to be remembered by future generations. Although slaughtering the gods is dangerous, but...why not?
"Aha, God is nothing more than that."

Taragaman was so excited that he was trembling all over. He hurt a god, and he seriously injured a god with one blow. Hearing the scream of the rhinoceros god, he watched the golden blood splashing from the opponent's body. Seeing the unbelievable eyes of the rhinoceros god, it feels great.

I, Taragaman, finally showed my face, and I finally cheated for a while, to see how that little bitch Ilsa will still be arrogant in front of me in the future.

The Hunger's resentment is not as deep as usual. He was suppressed miserably by Ilsa. The demon guard, who is obviously higher than the succubus, is far less powerful than Ilsa, and he is not as favored by Leo. On the other side, Taragaman was so wronged that he wanted to cry.

While Taragaman was excited, a shrill scream that could tear his eardrums came from his head, and a meat wing fell beside Taragaman. The hungry man looked up, but saw Ilsa's pale face and A wind snake confronted, the succubus' bone whip was shattered, and blood was still flowing from the corner of its mouth.

The scene above his head was like a basin of icy water, which made Taragaman feel cold from head to toe. He knew that if Ilsa hadn't saved him, he would have been killed by the wind snake hidden in the dark.

The Wind Snake sneakily hid in the dark, just wanting to cast a shadow on others. Originally, his target was Sindragosa. Who let the Blue Dragon Queen press down on the Snow Leopard Goddess to fight, but after seeing Taragaman beat the Rhino After Shen was seriously injured, Wind Snake changed his mind.If there is no Ilsa, the Wind Snake will definitely be able to succeed. Taragaman is so ecstatic that he lost even the most basic vigilance after a successful blow.

After a long walk at night, I finally met a ghost. When the wind snake met Ilsa, when the wind snake who wanted to sneak attack on Taragaman met the succubus who had been hiding in ambush for a long time, he was destined to be a tragedy-who let the wind snake and them come There was such a big commotion at the time, seeing that he hadn't appeared for a long time, who wouldn't be wary?Ilsa succeeded in breaking off the wind snake's wing with her heart and mind.

The four animal gods who came to Gudak in response to the call of the Frost Troll all appeared, but Leo's side still had many hole cards to play, and the balance of victory and defeat began to tilt at this moment.

 I wanted to change it four times, but something happened at home, so let’s make it three times today

(End of this chapter)

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