Chapter 510
Leo was in the hut of the Hand of Tyr. Sinesaraia and Dragonakos stood behind Leo. The two giant dragons in human form were waiting for their master's orders, but Leo didn't speak to them. , he reclined on the reclining chair with his eyes closed, seemingly falling asleep.

If someone could see what was going on in Leo's private space, he wouldn't think the kid was sleeping.

The dummies made by engineering ability are being placed in order under the arrangement of skeletons, and there is a dragon egg near each dummy.

When everything was ready, Leo opened his eyes, and a gleam of excitement and anticipation flashed in his eyes.

"Narcos, Hina Salaya, give me something."

Two red gemstones, one large and one small, appeared in the hands of Dragonakos and Sinai Salaya respectively. These two red gemstones are very special. Layers of water-like luster flashed across them from time to time, and they looked like What kind of liquid is flowing inside, looking through the red color of the gemstone, this layer of liquid looks like blood that is flowing, it is dazzlingly red.

After receiving the red gemstone from Sinasaraia and Dragonakos, a gust of blood rushed to his face, Leo couldn't help taking a deep breath, but then he realized that his behavior was inappropriate He quickly held his breath.

It is not entirely a good thing for me to be entered into the law before the advanced legend. The blood law is affecting my behavior.

Leo is well aware of the root cause of his abnormal behavior. He knows that this is because the power of the law of blood is too great, and his mental power is not enough to control it.

With Leo's current ability, it would have been impossible for him to accept the law of blood. If the abyss crown hadn't shared most of the pressure for him, he would never have succeeded in inheriting Christ's rune master.

You are right, these two rubies are not gems at all, but blood essence, the blood essence of Dragonakos and Sinesaraia.Ever since Leo asked Dragon Prince Twilight to strengthen all his dragon blood guards with blood and greatly increased their strength, Leo, who had seen how powerful dragon blood at the level of Dragonakos was, immediately became conscious. collected his blood.

While keeping Dragonakos' body unaffected, a little bit of blood was let out, and then compressed and fused with magic, the blood essence in Leo's hand was made.

Even though Dragonakos is so stronger than him, the Black Dragon Queen Sinasaraia naturally cannot escape the fate of bloodletting. Fortunately, Leo knew that the Black Dragon Queen had not recovered her strength after the resurrection and did not make any more demands. The reason why the blood essence of the Black Dragon Queen is smaller than that of the Twilight Dragon Prince.

Leo originally planned to select a group of loyal fighters to expand the scale of the Dragon Blood Guards. Who would have thought that the blood essence originally prepared for the Dragon Blood Guards would be used for other purposes.

After collecting the blood essence into the space, Leo closed his eyes, and the room fell into silence again.

Leo, who was reclining with his eyes closed, looked no different from a sleeping person, but compared with the calm appearance, some drastic changes were taking place inside.Under his control, the two dragon blood essences that were collected into the space separated out hair-like red thin lines. Each of these thin lines corresponds to a dragon egg. Don't be fooled by their slender appearance. The eggshell with barbs, as hard as a rock, was as soft as a thin piece of paper in front of these thin red threads, and the thin threads easily penetrated through it.

Counting the twilight dragon eggs left by Leo before, the total number of dragon eggs in his private space is close to a thousand, and none of the thousand dragon eggs is a defective velociraptor egg, all of them are giant dragons eggs, which can hatch into dragon eggs of real dragons.

There are a thousand thin red threads in a thousand dragon eggs. After these thin red threads penetrate the eggshell and enter the dragon egg, the whole thread begins to wriggle silently, like countless worms are running along the red thread. The thin line crawled into the dragon egg from the blood essence, and the scene was extremely strange.

As the volume of the peristaltic blood essence of the thin red thread gradually shrinks, it is clear that the blood essence is transporting dragon blood full of powerful energy into the dragon egg.

Leo is going to...


In fact, these dragon eggs can be hatched long ago, and there are already young dragons in the eggs. The reason why they did not break their shells but chose to sleep inside is because they are not capable enough. The young dragons must accumulate enough energy to survive after breaking out of their shells. It grows up in the shortest time from the incubation period to the juvenile period, and has a certain self-protection power.

What Leo has to do now is to provide enough energy to the young dragons in these dragon eggs so that they can break out of their shells. This is his birth method.

The advantage of this spawning method is that it allows Leo to obtain a large group of dragons in a short period of time. The disadvantage is that these dragons are weaker and less intelligent than other dragons because they are not born normally. The lifespan of the human body is also very short, the good ones can live for ten years, and the poor ones will die in half a year.

There is a price to be paid for violating the laws of nature, and this is evident in the hatchlings that are spawned.

If you want to get a normal dragon army, you have to take your time, but does Leo need this?Does Leo, who can create bone dragons and dracolich, really need to wait slowly?

The answer is naturally no - no need!
When Leo didn't get the law of blood, he couldn't do the method of spawning dragons. After becoming the master of runes, spawning dragons would naturally no longer be a problem.

clack clack...

With the influx of a large amount of energy, each dragon egg began to react, and fine cracks climbed up the shell of the dragon egg, and the young dragons broke out of their shells amidst the sound of egg shattering. Judging from their size, you It can't be connected with giant characters at all, because the largest of these thousand baby dragons is no bigger than a human three-year-old child.

The young dragons swell rapidly after breaking out of their shells, and their size is getting bigger. This is the process of the young dragons using the energy accumulated in their bodies to enter the young period. This period is the weakest of a giant dragon since its birth. At this time, if they are attacked, they will be killed without any resistance. At this time, they must have a safe environment.

This is why there are dragon guards in the dragon's lair, because the dragon cannot stay in the lair all the time, and the role of the dragon guards is to guard the lair for the dragon.

Generally, the whelps are only about ten meters long when they first enter the juvenile stage, and the size of these forcibly spawned wyrms will be even smaller. Such a size obviously cannot meet Leo's requirements, so Sinai Saraya and Dragona Koth's blood essence continued to function.Leo, who controlled the law of blood, continued to pour energy into the young dragons through the blood essence. The young dragons that had obtained enough energy did not stop growing after entering the juvenile stage, and they continued to grow.

Ten minutes later, the two blood essences disappeared after exhausting the last bit of energy, and those thin blood-red threads also turned into tiny energy and entered the bodies of the young dragons. At this time, the bodies of the thousand young dragons had grown to It is 10 meters long, and its strength has also rushed to the epic level, reaching the level of Perision who had just been subdued by Leo.

Less than 10 minutes after birth, he possessed the strength of the epic realm. If it were a normal-growing giant dragon, this would definitely be a great thing, but it would be a life-threatening talisman for these young dragons who were encouraged by Leo.

The life span of being forcibly spawned has been greatly reduced, and a relatively huge amount of energy has been injected on this basis. The lifespan of the young dragon has been weakened to the extreme. After the blood essence disappears, the young dragon's body stops growing within half a minute. It sounded in Leo's private space, and if there was a dragon present, he could tell that it was the sound that the dragon would only make when it knew it was about to die.

"Don't blame me, in this troubled world, if the heart is not hard enough to die, it is me, but I don't want to die."

The wailing of the young dragon made Leo sigh. Facing fierce enemies, he could kill without guilt even if he slaughtered thousands of people. , This trace of guilt shows that Leo has not become that kind of cold-blooded and heartless person.

After clearing up his mood, Leo found that some young dragons had died and started the production of dracolich, and the dead young dragons were transformed into dracolich.In Goldfinger's sound that the dracolich had completed its transformation, the number of Leo's dracolich army gradually increased.

An hour later, when the last dead dragon was successfully transformed, Leo opened his eyes.

Seeing Leo sitting up from the recliner, Sinasaraya took a small step forward and called softly: "Master..."

After waving his hand, Leo stopped the Black Dragon Queen's words. He didn't tell Hina Saraya what he had just done. After a few seconds of silence, he turned his head and said to Hina Saraya: "Tell Oni, she has done a very good job, but the number of dragon eggs needs to be increased, let her prepare another two thousand dragon eggs, and you can get them after a while."

In Stormwind City, Onyxia’s life is for dragon eggs. As the black dragon princess, Onyxia naturally has status in the black dragon clan. Ordinary black dragons can’t afford to provoke her and dare not disobey her request. .

Although Sinasaraia is the Queen of the Black Dragon, her identity cannot be revealed. If the news of her resurrection reaches Neltharion's ears, Leo will be in big trouble. Wing is not a wise choice, so she can't be allowed to ask the black dragons directly, but through Onyxia, there is no such concern.The black dragon who was asked for the dragon egg would only think that Onyxia was playing some tricks, and would not think of Hina Saraya.

Leo's request can't be refused by Hinasaraia. It is extremely difficult for others to get a dragon egg. As the queen of the black dragon, Hinasaraia can get hordes of dragons just by moving her mouth. Rushing to send it to her.

"It's an honor for Oni to serve the master. I will let her prepare everything in the shortest possible time."

(End of this chapter)

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