Necromancer in another world

Chapter 575 Shadra's Poison Sac

Chapter 575 Shadra's Poison Sac
The shackles of the domain, Leo, have also experienced it before. Under the void domain of Duchess Braumux, Leo and the others would not be able to escape so easily without the anti-magic shield of the spellcaster nemesis. Now the one who casts the arcane domain is stronger than Brau Mux is stronger than Kael'thas, and this kind of restraint is even stronger.However, the enemy Kael'thas had to face was Gazrella, the demigod of beasts, and the arcane field could only prevent the three-headed sea serpent from running and ramming, which didn't limit it too much.

What's worse is that Kael'thas's arcane domain can only cover a kilometer range, with a radius of no more than 500 meters. With Gazrella's body, the distance of 500 meters is not much different from being around him.In many cases, the huge size is very advantageous in battle.

The existence of the arcane field and the addition of mana absorption made Gazrella feel the threat from Kael'thas. The three-headed sea snake was surprised to find that the elf mage holding a golden staff had mana comparable to that of a demigod. The existence of self-death is naturally the goal of Gazrilla's first destruction.

The two snake heads on the two sides of the three-headed sea snake are like fully fired cannons, and water jets hit Kael'thas directly, while the snake head in the middle is looking for an opportunity, trying to execute the one-shot kill. lift.

With the strength of the blood elf prince, if he is alone against Gazrilla, he is indeed not his opponent. It is said that the gap between the peak and the demigod cannot be made up by strong mana and outstanding skills, because the two are not at the same level in quality .

Knowing that you can't beat your opponent and still playing heads-up, this is not brave but stupid. As a wise prince and a knowledgeable mage Kael'thas would not do such a thing, the helper he brought with him when he came to intercept Gazrella Not a lot.

"Monster, look at the sword!"

Gazrella focused on Kael'thas, allowing Scarlett to find a chance. Taking advantage of the opportunity when the three-headed sea serpent didn't pay much attention to others, the female knight swung the sword of Ashcandi to attack the Templars. The judgment of the three-headed sea snake hit Ghazrilla heavily, and the scales of the three-headed sea snake, which were so hard that they could withstand the full blow of the legendary warrior without breaking, were not much harder than a piece of tofu in front of the Ashkandi sword, which ignored defense. Under the blazing holy light, all the blades of the great sword were pierced into Ghazrella's body, leaving only one hilt in the female knight's hand.

Scarlett's wrist trembled, and the great sword that pierced Gazrilla's body suddenly shot out golden arrows, and the power of the holy light exploded in the three-headed sea snake under the holy storm.

The three-headed sea snake is also a snake. It has the common characteristics of squamous animals. The scales on the surface of the body are extremely hard, but the scales are soft and tender. Although it has consciously strengthened its body after becoming a demigod, its weaknesses are weaknesses after all.

Flesh spattered, and Scarlett's holy storm blasted a two-meter-deep wound the size of a football on Gazrella's body.


Gazrella screamed in pain, a snake head gave up attacking Kael'thas and turned to Scarlett to devour, trying to swallow the female knight alive.

The biting speed of the snake's head was very fast, but someone was even faster. Liadlin, who was standing in the distance, used a leap of faith to pull Scarlett to her side, and Gazrella jumped into the air.

Gazrella didn't give up after one shot, and Scarlett had already been found in its other two heads, and the three-headed sea snake, the female knight who injured her body, would never let it go.

It's just that it still has time to chase Scarlett now?
Gazrella's snake head biting at Scarlett missed the attack, and at the same time, the height of the entire head dropped to the point where it was almost touching the ground. At this moment, a troll in heavy armor broke through the sand and flew out of the gravel. With a roar, he slashed the heavy sword in his hand towards Gazrella's head.

Faced with the troll's surprise attack, the three-headed sea snake's eyes flashed mockingly. Although it is a melee beast and demigod is not good at mental perception, it is a demigod after all, and the troll hiding under the gravel has long been killed by it. I found out, now the other party jumped out and wanted to sneak attack. Isn't this courting death?
The snake head that Gazrilla failed to attack changed its direction the moment the opponent jumped out, and the huge snake mouth swallowed the heavy armored troll in one fell swoop. The daunting fangs were The moment the snake mouth closed, it tore the troll's body apart.

The King of Sandfury, Ukez, failed in his surprise attack on Ghazrella and ended up being buried in Shekou.

Leo frowned at the loss of a legendary thug. The demigod is indeed powerful. If the demigod doesn't have special equipment, he can't hurt the demigod at all, and the demigod's counterattack can kill the legendary strong man.However, Leo was not affected by this. Ukez's death cost him a subordinate and gave him a chance.

Without any hesitation, Leo quickly pointed out a finger, and the corpse exploded!

The corpse explosion performed by Ukez's corpse is comparable to the self-explosion of a legendary strongman. How can the weakly protected tender meat in Gazrella's mouth withstand it?

There was a muffled sound from the snake head that swallowed Ukez, and large swaths of blood gushed out of the snake's mouth amidst the miserable cry.

At this moment, a figure flashed away, before Gazrella's injured snake head was raised, he threw something into the mouth of the screaming snake, and it was clearly Pasonia.

A foreign object was thrown into the shattered Shekou, and Gazrilla had a bad heart. These mortals were so insidious and cunning that they let a legendary warrior explode in their own mouths in order to injure themselves. Definitely not a good product.

Just as he was about to spit out the foreign object in his mouth, a familiar feeling of paralysis erupted suddenly. The snake head into which Pasonia threw the foreign object turned dark green in the blink of an eye, and this dark green was using the snake head as a base to attack Jia Zira spread all over her body.

Damn humans, they actually threw that spider demigod's poison sac into my mouth!

Gazrella was terrified, the familiar numbness and the familiar dark green color were the symptoms of the spider demigod Shadra poison in his body.

The three-headed sea snake thought right, what Pasonia threw into its mouth was Shadra's poison sac.

The seriously injured spider demigod was torn in half by Anub'arak who was attacking secretly. The poison sac in its body was also exposed at the same time as its body was torn apart. Anub'arak consciously blocked it when he swallowed Shadra's body. Gazrilla's sight prevented the three-headed sea snake from seeing the scene where Pasonia cut off Shadra's poison sac. If they saw it, they would definitely feel vigilant, but unfortunately, there is no such thing in reality.

Knowing that he had been tricked by the other party, Gazrella roared angrily.

These despicable and cunning mortals are really abominable, and I fell for their evil tricks. Now the snake head thrown into Shadra's poison sac is completely paralyzed and unable to move the poison sac in its mouth. If there is no tide stone Blocking the toxin with surging magic power will quickly spread to every corner of your body.

Even if there is treasure Gazrella in the mouth, it is not easy. Due to the existence of Kael'thas' mana absorption and the limitation of the arcane field, Gazrilla can't use the magic power of the tide stone to expel the poison. Blocking is already its limit, and one of Gazrilla's three snake heads has been disabled.

Seeing Gazrella, whose head had been crippled, tsk-tsk, Pasonia is really powerful, not only the timing is just right but also full of courage, what she threw into Gazrella's mouth was a demigod A poison sac is a priceless treasure for a thief like her, but she threw it in without hesitation. How can an ordinary thief have such determination?

Eyes wide open...uh, four eyes wide open, Gazrella, who suffered a big loss under Pasonia's hands, wanted to find out the traces of the former, but Pasonia's ability to sneak is really good, Gazrella Rila, even a demigod far superior to her, failed to find it.

"Be careful! We hit it once and it doesn't feel anything. If we get hit by it once, we won't die but will be seriously injured."

Seeing the death of a troll under Leo, Kael'thas quickly reminded that the blood elf prince was fully urging the mana absorption and the arcane domain to carefully keep a distance from Gazrilla. If it weren't for his arcane domain Even if Gazrilla's action is delayed, Pasonia will not be so easy to succeed, so even though Kael'thas did not cause much damage to Gazrilla, in fact his role is the most important thing to ignore.

Suddenly, a green vine that embraced ten people emerged from the ground. The highly poisonous flower vine twisted its body like a poisonous snake and wrapped itself around Gazrella's tail. Above, the target was Gazrilla's head.

Without Kael'thas's mana absorption, with Gazrella's strength, just shaking the magic power can knock the poisonous flower vine away, but now it can only get rid of it by twisting its body.

Paying attention to the highly poisonous flower vine Gazrella that clings to his body reduced the pressure on Kael'thas a lot, and the blood elf prince had time to take a breather.

Kael'thas, who faced Gazrilla directly in this battle, was under the greatest pressure. In order to get rid of the snake head between the mana absorption and the arcane field Gazrilla, he was always looking for a chance to kill him, and this one The head, which is twice the size of the other two heads combined, is Gazrella's most powerful weapon, and [-]% of its strength lies in this snake head.Kael'thas, who has already positioned himself as the main field controller in this battle, not only has to calculate the distance between the two sides, but also has to fight against Gazrella's ice spell cast by the tide stone, and he has to pay attention to the unsightly stone. Knowing when the snake's head will be devoured, he is the one who suffers the most in the audience.


Leo, who had never really participated in the battle, said such a sentence without thinking. Liadlin, who was standing beside him, looked at Shadra's body thoughtfully, but only saw an empty space. .

Have several beast pets under Leo devoured the corpse of the spider demigod?
Liadrin was thinking that the crisp and melodious bells echoed over Zul'Farrak, and the bell of death rang while the silver chains trembled.

(End of this chapter)

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