Necromancer in another world

Chapter 591 The Red Nightmare

Chapter 591 The Red Nightmare
No matter how desolate Uratek is, he is still an ancient god. The energy contained in its soul is more than the sum of the energy that Leo has absorbed before. From the perspective of outsiders, it only takes less than one hour for Leo to absorb it into his body. Seconds, but in Leo's feeling, this second is longer than ten years.

As Uratek's soul entered his body, vast and full energy hit his body like a sea tide, and the violent energy hit Leo's soul fiercely with the force of destroying everything.

Although Leo's strength is not weak, although Leo has long been prepared, even though Leo has insisted with all his strength, Uratek's soul energy is too much and too strong, far from what he can bear now. The soul of the gods is used for his own use, not to mention that Leo is only a legendary rank now, even if he succeeds in advancing to the demigod level, it is impossible to do so.

If there is no external force to assist Leo, there are only two final fates. One is that the soul is scattered by the violent energy and sinks to the bottom and dies. Neither is acceptable to Leo.

Fortunately, the argument that there is no external force is not true at all. The reason why Leo dared to inhale Uratek's soul into his body so boldly was not because of stupidity, but because of some reliance. This reliance was the mysterious existence that called him the host.

But what surprised Leo was that when his soul was about to be crushed by the berserk energy, Goldfinger still didn't move, but another force protected him.

This force is peaceful and tranquil. While resisting Uratek's violent soul energy, it slowly sorts out Leo's already somewhat scattered mind. Leo, who is on the verge of collapse, only feels a warm influx into his body. Some damaged bodies are gradually recovering, and the pain of being hit has completely disappeared.

It is the divine power of the moon god Elune among the nine moon stones!

Leo suddenly realized that Goldfinger is really stingy, as long as there is any possibility of laziness, it will not make a move, even if Leo suffers from it, it will still ignore it.

He scolded Leo in his heart, but he didn't complain at all, because he found that his soul had nearly doubled after this toss, and the solidification of the soul represented the growth of soul power and the growth of spiritual power.As a spellcaster, what Leo values ​​most now is spiritual power. As a warlock, he is not worried about the lack of magic power. Spiritual power is the only shackle for his growth.

As the saying goes, what you eat makes you healthy.What Leo absorbed was Uratek's soul energy. After the moon god's power repaired his injury, the tonic provided by these energies was naturally Leo's soul. As the energy gradually absorbed for himself, Leo found that his soul was With the rapid growth, the mental strength also rises accordingly.

There is a saying that describes the realm like this: Mountains are mountains, water is water, mountains are not mountains, water is not water, mountains are mountains, water is water, these three realms can be explained in one word: Back to basics, that's how Leo feels now.

As Uratek's soul energy was completely absorbed by him, Leo felt that he had a new understanding of the use of power and a new understanding of the law after excluding the magazines in it and refining the soul essence of the Viper God. In addition to the law of blood, he also vaguely touched a new law power, but unfortunately his current level is not enough. This new law can only be vaguely perceived, and cannot see its true colors.

"This world is so clear."

With an inexplicable sigh, Leo stretched out his hand to hold Uratek's godhood with his index finger and thumb, and put it in front of his eyes for a closer look.

But something the size of a fingernail and very brittle, this is the godhead, the godhead that can make countless strong people crazy, but what use is it to me?
With an inexplicable smile on the corner of Leo's mouth, he tried to call Goldfinger.

"...absorbing divinity... the soul stone is being activated..."

In other words, Goldfinger is also very busy.

Well, Leo admitted that he really ignored the divinity because he was attracted by the godhead.

The divinity contained in the complete soul of an ancient god is many times stronger than demigods like Gazrilla and Shadra. Can Golden Finger successfully activate the soul stone that seals the three demon gods of hell?

Leo waited with an anxious heart. Although Uratek was a downcast ancient god, she was a real god after all, and what she lost was only the body of the god, and her soul was not damaged at all. That is to say, she His divinity is complete, and the amount of divinity that Goldfinger absorbs now is not much different from absorbing the divinity possessed by an ancient god at his peak.

Like a prisoner waiting for the final judgment, Leo's heartbeat was approaching his limit.

"...Activating Soul Stone: Golden Memory Failed... Failed to Activate Soul Stone Blue Spirit Skeleton..."

Fail, fail, fail again!

Even absorbing the divinity of an ancient god like Uratek can't successfully activate the soul stone of the three demon gods who sealed hell. Is it really so difficult to unseal a demon god?

Thinking of this, Leo felt a little bit of complaint, a little bit depressed, and a little bit anxious, so if he wanted to unseal the soul stone, wouldn't he have to continue to challenge demigods or even gods?Don't keep setting such high goals, okay, it's a lot of pressure.

Some people say that what falls from the sky is happiness. Leo didn’t believe this before. In his cognition, what falls from the sky may be bird excrement, or it may be an accident that will make you a member of an air crash. Airplane, but now he believed it no matter whether people believed it or not, because Goldfinger gave the third hint.

"...Activate the Soul Stone: Red Nightmare successfully!"

Leo blinked vigorously, then shook his head vigorously, and finally after confirming that he did not have hallucinations, he vigorously waved his fist, and his face flushed with excitement.

Scarlett and Passonia, who had never seen Leo in such a gaffe, looked at him strangely. They didn't know how much benefit Leo had received, which caused him to act like this Come.

"Hahaha, it worked, silly girl, Passonia, I made it."

Someone's laughter echoed in the hall, and Leo's mood was extremely good. Although he hadn't had time to check the successfully activated red nightmare, Leo knew that its existence would definitely increase his cheating level by several levels. .

The four night elves including Halm and Silf stood aside and looked at Leo who lost his composure. Except for Silf who was still indifferent, the expressions on the faces of the other three night elves were very strange.

They saw very clearly just now that Leo took out nine precious moon stones when he broke through Uratek's box of souls. The moon stones are precious not only because of their rarity, but also because their storage time is very short, so short Only one day.After one day, no matter where you put the moon stone, unless the moon god Elune personally casts a spell, the most essential part of the energy in the moon stone will disappear without a trace. At this time, the crystal clear light of the moon stone will It will dim down and eventually turn into a green stone with a natural flavor—the secondary moon stone.

Before entering the Dark Abyss, the three of Leo set off from Astrana with the Silver Wing Sentinel led by Pilturas. Two days, that is to say, it is impossible for Leo's moon stone to be prepared before, and even if he wanted to prepare it, he would not be able to obtain it.

Then the only reason why Leo was able to take out the moon stone is that he got it after entering the sunken temple of the moon god, but after entering here, everyone acted together, Harm and the others did not see Leo Have you touched anything special, so where did the nine moon stones come from?

Harm and the others would be scratching their heads if they thought about this question alone, but combining it with Leo's words, the correct answer seemed to come out.

What Leo said before breaking Uratek's soul box clearly expressed the following meaning: the nine moon stones were specially used to destroy the statue of the moon god Elune because Uratek, the snake god, dared to occupy it. punished.

In order to punish Uratek for occupying the statue of the moon god, and can also give nine moon stones, in Harm they thought that there would be no one else except the moon god Elune himself.

Thinking of these night elves, they are very uneasy. Why did the moon god Elune give the moon stone to a human being? We night elves are her followers, okay? Could it be that Leo is a special existence favored by the moon god? ?

This thought, together with the thoughts of the other three night elves present besides Syrph, is completely unreasonable. The moon god actually favors a warlock who uses the power of darkness. The idea of ​​the god is really unpredictable.But since Leo is favored by the moon god, the envy of him can be kept, and there is no need to keep the jealousy and hatred.

Leo didn't know that the attitude of the three night elves towards him had undergone complicated changes, and he was now worrying about how to deal with Uratek.

Trigolei, who is absorbing the energy of Gazrella's demigod body, is very envious of the Godhead of the Viper God. However, his blood power has only absorbed less than one-fifth of his blood power, and he is unable to continue. What should be done with the remaining Godhead? ?

To Scarlett?

Uratek is a deity belonging to the evil and wild department, and it is mutually exclusive with the holy light power of the paladin, and Scarlett can't absorb it at all.

For Pasonia?
This girl knocked one-third of the bluntly and then there is no more content. In Pasonia's opinion, as long as you have something like godhead, you can find ways to increase the rest. If you suck too much, you will be easily affected The impact of Tektronix's power system is very unfavorable for future development.

for myself?
Leo shook his head, completely unnecessary.

So what to do with the rest?

Dividing the remaining godheads into two, Leo walked up to Sylph and handed one of them. He looked into the eyes of the night elf thief and said seriously: "I never thought that my life was only worth two plants of ice." Cover grass."

(End of this chapter)

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