Necromancer in another world

Chapter 733 Non-transferable Ability

Chapter 733 Non-transferable Ability
"The host killed Lacamera..."

Waiting for this tip!

Leo exhaled a long breath, and all the blood-colored energy lines covering the Red Nightmare disappeared. After the battle, there was no need to rely on the power of the Lord of Terror, Diablo, and those negative emotions would have less impact on the mental power. To endure a moment is a moment.

"...The host obtained: Divinity...Soul Stone: The blue spirit skeleton is being activated...Insufficient divinity, the activation of the blue spirit skeleton failed..."

Has it failed?

Leo sighed, including the gain from killing Lamarck, he still failed to activate the blue spirit skeleton, and the divinity obtained by killing a demigod is completely incomparable with that of a god, even a god who has fallen to the extreme like Uratek Still able to get rid of the demigod by several blocks.

Are you really going to force me to kill God?
Killing the gods is not just a joke. To mortals, the gods are superior. How many people can end well if they lie about hunting the gods with mortal bodies?
Those who really thought that hunting gods was as easy as it was written in the novels would turn into miserable wretches who were wiped out to the brim.

Fiction can be immoral, but in reality... you can try it with your own life.

"...failed to absorb magic equipment...the ability to extract was successful, and the host obtained a transferable ability: electrostatic spray, do you want to extract?"

Electrostatic spray, a good ability, but it is useless to Leo who has Thunder Fury. Of course, this does not mean that this ability is useless. I believe that the kobold land master Flintage will need it .

Flintage, the kobold that made Leo worry, has not realized the clone skill until now, and he does not know when he will be able to advance to the kobold hero profession geomancer.

Seeing the rewards of killing Lamarque, Leo remembered that he hadn't finished reading the reminder when he killed Lamarque, so he quickly checked it.

"...The host obtained: Divinity...Soul Stone: The blue spirit skeleton is being activated...Insufficient divinity, the activation of the blue spirit skeleton failed..."

Leo knew this result a long time ago. Even Lacamera, who was killed behind Lamark, couldn't activate the divinity of the blue skeleton, let alone the previous ones. The important thing is the next reminder .

"...failed to absorb magic equipment..."

Well, Chimerocs are poor, even if they are demigods, you can't expect to get any oil from their clean appearance.

"...The extraction ability is successful, and the host obtains the non-transferable ability..."

Not transferable?

It was the first time for Lei Aoshan to hear the four words "non-transferable" in the ability extracted by the golden finger. His heart skipped a beat. Something unusual is a monster. Could it be that this time he can get an extraordinary ability?
"...incomplete toxicity law..."

Hearing this sentence, Leo's mind exploded with a bang, right?Not hallucinating?


Leo almost jumped up.

Goldfinger isn't playing with me, he actually got the rules!
He rubbed his eyes vigorously, and after confirming again, Leo knew that he was not dreaming, nor did he have any hallucinations. Goldfinger had indeed drawn a rule for him.

A law is a law, even if it is an incomplete law, it is a law. It is a kind of experience and perception of a certain ability. Compared with a single skill, the law is much more comprehensive, and the improvement of strength is also greater.

"...Will it be extracted?"

How can you not smoke?

If the rules are all gone, wouldn’t that be a mallet?

Leo chose to extract without hesitation, and a message flowed into Leo's mind.

With the experience of obtaining the law of blood last time, Leo was ready to accept the impact of a huge flow of information, but his estimation was wrong, and the information about the law of poison system was not as much as he imagined. The law of blood can only be described as pitifully small.

The reason for this situation is not because the blood law is much more complicated than the poison system law, but because the blood law obtained by Leo is complete, and the poison system law drawn this time is not complete, it is just Lamarck The very small part of the law that I realized is still a thousand miles away from being complete.

Although there is little information about the poison system law, Leo's excitement has not weakened in the slightest. He believes that as long as he understands the information, the necromancer's poison system skills will be able to reach a big level, and it will no longer be useless. It's a tasteless spell.Thanks to the improvement of the ability to use poison, the power of the poison flame combined with the poison and fire elements, and the evil flame combined with the three elements of poison and dark fire will also increase a lot.

More importantly, the incomplete law can be perfected through comprehension. As long as one is lucky enough, smart enough, and persistent enough, the incomplete poison law obtained now can be upgraded to complete. It's great news.

To comprehend the power of the law, the most difficult thing is not to complete the law, but to obtain the law, even if it is to get a trace of information, the most difficult thing is to create something from scratch. This is the so-called difficulty in the beginning of everything.

Putting away the corpses of Lamarque and Lacamella, even with Leo's calmness, he couldn't help smiling until flowers bloomed on his face.

The Island of Terror came at the right time. The harvest this time was unbelievable, and Leo felt dizzy.

Two demigod corpses, plus an incomplete poison system law, as long as he is given time to digest, his strength can only be described as a sudden increase.

The only downside is that his strength will drop within half a month. In order to deal with the two Chimeroc demigods, he has drawn too much power from the demon gods in the Red Nightmare, almost reaching his limit. For the basic spiritual power of the caster, he must spend at least half a month resting.

If you want to gain something, you must pay. Half a month is not a long time. Anyway, the situation in Silithus has not deteriorated to a serious level. In addition, Tuge gave Leo an excuse to leave. It's not surprising that something big will happen.

"Could it be that I have to go back to the Kalimdor continent less than a day after I came to the Kalimdor continent from Stromgarde? People in the tribe won't think that I have returned in anger?"

Leoto kept weighing his chin, whether to return to Stromgarde or stay in Kalimdor.

"Master, is the plan to capture Chimerok going ahead?"

Sinai Salaya stepped forward. The Black Dragon Queen had accumulated a lot of grievances in the previous battles. While maintaining her human form, she could only exert less than [-]% of her strength, which made her vulnerable to Lamarque. If he returns to his real body, even if he can't beat Lamarck, he won't appear too weak.

I have experienced many battles in my life, but I have never been as useless as I am today, but now that Lamark is dead, even the body has been put away by Leo, and the resentment in Hina Salaya's heart can't vent to him, only Able to turn rage on other chimerocs.

"I almost forgot if you didn't mention it." Leo waved his hand, "Go, Chimeroc should be unable to stop you now, and capture the rest of the island to me as quickly as possible."

One sentence from Leo decided the fate of the whole Chimeroc family. Without the protection of the two demigods Lamark and Lacamera, what would the Chimerocs on the Isle of Terror use to resist Sinasaraia, Sinde The arrest of a strong man like Lagosa?

The Chimerok's roar resounded on the island of terror, and the mass arrest of Sinai Saraya and the others triggered a collective resistance from the Chimeroks, but in the face of the powerful strength, this resistance had little effect, and one by one Chimerok was beaten. He became seriously injured, and was caught in front of him one by one by the dracolich army released by Leo.

Eventually, all Chimerocs on the Isle of Terror became Leo's prisoners.

A race was arrested because of the thoughts of a strong man, and the Feather Moon Sentinel who was close at hand had no intention of stopping it at all, and no one would come out to fight for the Chimeroks. This is the world where the strong are respected, and this is The rules of the world.

As long as you are strong enough, as long as you do not touch the interests of the stronger, you will not be punished, and you will not get into trouble because of it.

Axiom is something that is said with words, and justice is something that people play with. Whoever has the biggest fist has the final say. Only the weak will pray for justice and axiom, and the strong will dismiss it.

"Those world-hating nagas surrounded the island, and they sent several teams to land on the island separately, apparently to investigate the situation on the island."

Capturing Chimeroc didn't quell Sinasaraya's anger, and she returned to Leo after the Chimeroc on the Isle of Terror was out of reach, as the misanthropic naga crashed into the muzzle.

Sinai Salaya made a killing gesture, and said to Leo with the desire to kill: "Master, do we want to..."

Leo waved his hand to stop the Black Dragon Queen.

"We don't know how many people hate the world and how powerful they are. There are many strong people in the Naga clan, and the risk of going to war with them is not small."

Killing the two chimeric demigods Lamak and Lakmera did not overinflate Leo's self-confidence, and Shandris Yuyue's reminder kept him awake.

It took hard power to kill Lamarque, but it took advantage of Thunderfury to kill Lamarque.

If the law understood by Lacamera hadn't happened to be the electrical system that was restrained by Thunderfury, it would be hard to say what the outcome of the battle would be.

Without Thunderfury, the divine sword that can control thunder and lightning, even if Leo could kill Lacamera, he would have to pay a high price, and it would never be as easy as it is now.

If self-confidence is too much, it is no longer self-confidence but arrogance. The sober Leo will not be so arrogant that he will start a war with a powerful race without knowing the details.

"Follow your orders, master."

Although she was unwilling, Hina Salaya endured it, because Leo's orders cannot be disobeyed.

Good luck to you.

Hinai Saraia snorted secretly, the world-hating nagas who were sent to the island of terror to investigate the situation didn't know that they had already made a big circle around the gate of hell.

"Since we're here in Feralas, and thanks to your reminder, it doesn't seem right for me not to pay a visit. Syndra, Sinestra, follow me to Feathermoon Stronghold."

(End of this chapter)

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