Chapter 828
There are two options before the alliance, the first is to sit back and watch the tribe lose to the Qiraji beetle, and the second is to help.

The advantage of choosing the first method is that you can reduce the loss of some soldiers now. After all, the tribe is not a soft persimmon that can be pinched by others. Even if it fails, it can bite off a piece of the opponent's flesh. Most of the old nests have to be carried out by the alliance alone, and at that time it may be repaid at a price that is several times more than it is now.

If you choose the second method, the alliance will lose a lot of people now, but if they attack the Northrend continent, they will have the help of the tribe to bear part of the pressure for them, and the loss will be much smaller at that time.

Whether to lose less now or possibly to lose less in the future is a question worth considering.

Leo did not deny that he made this suggestion at this time with the intention of testing everyone's attitudes. He wanted to use this to see what his teammates really thought—whether they did it for the glory of such illusory things, regardless of the lives of soldiers. Personal prestige is more cherishing the lives of the people.

If possible, Leo would like them all to choose the second one. Unfortunately, he forgot that this is a world where glory is higher than life, and it is a world of feudal monarchy. There are no human rights in this world, even if they are destined to sacrifice The vast majority of bottom-level soldiers will also choose the first option.

It is a common concept among people in this world to regard glory as more important than their own lives.

Seeing that all the leaders of the alliance, including Scarlett, had expressions that were too much to talk about, Leo shrugged, and wisely did not deliver speeches such as equal human rights for everyone to persuade.

What choice to make is someone else's business, and outsiders have no right to interfere.

The so-called do as the Romans do, you have to respect the customs and habits of the local people when you come to a place, and what you think is good may not be suitable for others.

'Since everyone has made the same choice, we might as well watch a good show here, how about relaxing before the big battle? '

The Horde knows that the Alliance is waiting to pick up a bargain, but what can they do now?
The Qiraji Beetle decided to attack them, not the Alliance. Saurfang must not mislead the other party and transfer the hatred value to the Alliance.

Damn alliance, sit back and watch us lose, one day I will get my revenge.

The alliance between the tribe and the alliance not only failed to improve the relationship between each other, but made new enemies.

The fight lasted for nearly two hours. The tribal soldiers didn't know how many xenomorphs they had killed, nor how many companions they had lost their lives. They only knew one thing, and that was - kill!

Swing the sword to chop, swing the sword again, chop again.Numbly and mechanically, he carried out the movements that he had trained thousands of times, killing the enemies one by one.

The usual boring training saved their lives at this time, allowing them to have a higher survival rate on the battlefield.

"Rexxar, it's completely meaningless to fight like this. The warriors of the Horde shouldn't die here, let alone use their own blood to reduce casualties for the Alliance."

Saurfang is not going to fight any more, the tribe has shed too much blood in a meaningless war, and he can't leave all the tribe's troops at the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj.

"Those fools whose minds are only fighting won't leave."

Rexxar pointed out the biggest problem of the tribal army now. The generals of the Warsong clan will not obey their orders. It is absolutely impossible for these people to want the army to withdraw.

"If they want to fight, let them fight."

Saurfang gave Rexxar a wink, and the positions of the two orc commanders quietly changed, completely oblivious to the strange Warsong generals being surrounded by the Qiraji beetle one by one, and one by one After dying in battle, the control of the army gradually fell into the hands of the two orc commanders.

"The Kor'Kron troops are in the rear, all retreat to me."

Saurfang issued an order, and some people wanted to oppose it, but without the leader of the Warsong clan, their influence on the army was far less than that of the two orc commanders.

The tribe has withdrawn!

The moment the tribal soldiers appeared in their field of vision, all the alliance soldiers clenched their weapons. They didn't want to attack the tribe, but they understood that they would go up after the tribe withdrew.

"Saurfang and Rexxar are really courageous. They retreated as soon as they said they wanted to. It's a pity for those generals of the Warsong clan."

When several orcs with angry faces passed by, Leo said this to Scarlett seemingly inadvertently.

Hearing Leo's words, the orcs were shocked, and turned their eyes to Leo, but Leo didn't pay attention to them at all, and they gradually walked away unwillingly under the push of their companions behind them.

Scarlett laughed. She knew that Leo was doing bad things again, and the target of the bad things was targeting the tribe. How could she expose it before it was too late for her to help?

"Stop snickering from the sidelines, it's easy to be misunderstood." Leo added, "Misunderstand that we still have the intention to flirt at this time."

Scarlett glared at Leo, and her face really became serious, which made someone secretly amused.

This silly girl has everything written on her face, if someone sees the clue, wouldn't my previous words be in vain?
The relationship between Saurfang, who trained for Thrall and commanded the Kor'kron Guards, and the Warsong Clan was already bad, and now that something like this happened, the conflict between the two sides would intensify.At this time, the most important thing for the Alliance to do is not to snicker from the sidelines but to pretend that they don't know anything.

Saurfang was in a hurry, afraid to stay here for too long, Rexxar who was following him snorted at Varian, then gave Leo a vicious look, and retreated with a murderous look on his face.

The general of the defeated army is still so arrogant, I really thought I didn't dare to make a move.

Anyone who has murderous intentions towards him, Leo will not give him a good face, how can Leo give him a smile when Rexxar has a bad face?
"Rexxar and the others left, won't you follow?"

A certain person raised an inappropriate topic to the blood elves in front of the orcs.

This time, not only Rexxar, but even Saurfang's face turned ashen - well, Saurfang was originally covered in green skin, so the change in his complexion really couldn't be seen.

Kael'thas ignored Leo, and the blood elf prince felt that this kid had no good intentions.

In the previous battle, the blood elf didn't say that he didn't make a move at all, but he only maintained a soy sauce posture, without a trace of presence.

When the Horde army retreated, Leo suddenly made people remember them again. No matter how Kael'thas responded, the thorn between the blood elves and the orcs was planted.

Did Leo think that if he hated the orc sin'dorei, he would join the alliance?
To Kael'thas' pride, getting him back into the alliance was as difficult as killing a god.

"You deliberately froze my relationship with the orcs, but I will not join the alliance."

Kael'thas expressed his attitude. If Leo wants to pull him into the alliance, it's better not to open his mouth, lest he refuse everyone at that time.

"Putting you into the alliance, how is this possible?" Leo's tone was full of surprise, it sounded like he was shocked by Kael'thas's thoughts, but the next sentence revealed his intention, "You don't Think night elves are to the Alliance what blood elves are to the Horde?"

Kael'thas understood that Leo wanted the blood elves to learn from the night elves, under the banner of a tribal faction, but in fact they did their own thing.

It is indeed a good idea to neither betray the covenant nor be controlled by others, but am I not doing that right now?
It's really not kind for this kid to point out what I'm doing now.

Then again, when has this kid ever been kind?

Leo and Kael'thas flirted with each other secretly, but Varian didn't know it. When the tribal soldiers retreated, he drew out his sword and shouted, rushed into the chasing alien swarm. Behind him was Scarlett who also took the lead. And Alliance leaders such as Jean.

"For victory, for the honor of the king, for the alliance, march forward bravely."

The king took the lead and the officers dared to neglect, they shouted and led the soldiers to kill.

The battle between the alliance army and the alien worms has begun.

The enemy has changed a batch, and the alien worms don't care. No matter what kind of enemy they face, they always respond to the enemy with the same attack method. Who should they fight?

The alliance is not like the tribal army. The latter has more fighters and fewer mages than archers. The former not only has enough fighters but also enough mages and archers. Fighting in this tunnel is much more beneficial to the alliance than the tribe.

It is very beneficial to have more long-range attackers. Hundreds of alliance fighters can't get through a wall of alien bugs in front of them. Before they can break through the fighter's blocking magic and arrows, they will turn into corpses.

Some xenogeneic insects wanted to sneak in from the ground. They used this method to kill a lot of people in the tribe. Now they tried to repeat the plan, but unexpectedly kicked the iron plate.

The alien worms who got into the ground would not have thought that there was a group of enemies waiting for them to throw themselves into the net, and countless spider monsters greeted these different worms with enthusiasm and deadly methods in their unique ways.

It would be boring without Vek'lor and Veknilas.

Leo yawned while casting the spell. He looked like he was not working hard, but no one dared to say that he was not doing his best.

The clusters of green poisonous mist raging among the insect swarms, the large wall of fire that killed and injured countless alien insects, and the spider monsters that ensured the safety of one's feet, which one was not Leo's masterpiece?

It's not that Leo doesn't work hard, but that Leo is too strong, and the alien swarm can't get into his eyes at all.

The demigod is indeed a tyrannical existence!

With Leo, the demigod, at our side, victory is not difficult.

Many alliance fighters thought this way in their hearts. They couldn't help fighting with high spirits when fighting the alien species. The alliance's offensive became more and more fierce because of them, and the alien species swarm was defeated and retreated.

"I said, we are fighting in the front, and you are watching the show in the back, isn't it good!"

Someone bored began to harass Kael'thas. When the Horde attacked, the blood elves would cast a few magic spells to make soy sauce. When the alliance attacked, they didn't even bother to fight soy sauce, and directly started the onlooker posture.

"My people have to save mana to deal with C'Thun. Besides, don't you have you in the alliance? How could the Twin Emperors be your opponent? Come on, I will fight for you."

Isn't the battle for me the legendary support for me spiritually?

I thought I was the only one who could say this kind of thing, but I didn't expect you to learn from Kael'thas too!
 Sleepy in spring, tired in autumn, nap in summer, the first day of work after the long vacation, I really want to sleep

(End of this chapter)

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