Necromancer in another world

Chapter 955 1 Stone 2 Birds

Chapter 955 Two birds with one stone

Serekith's void domain is too powerful, even the current Immotar can be trapped. This void lord is the kind of existence that can rely on the domain to fight against demigods. He belongs to the top rank among the legendary powerhouses. that category.

The energy of the shadows corroded Immotar's body, and the two-headed catastrophe dog slowly moved towards the periphery of the void domain while struggling. As long as he could get out of this domain, with his strength, the chance of Selekis wanting to defeat him was less than [-]% .

It's just that Selekes is not a fool, he would just watch Immotar run out of the Void Realm in a daze?

The energy of the shadow exploded around Immotar one after another, and the shock wave formed by the energy explosion made Immotar's body shake again and again, and the already slow speed of the two-headed disaster dog was affected by this. The speed was reduced by more than half. Under Lei Kesi's interference, Immotar slowed down like a snail.

Obviously he wanted to be stronger, but because the enemy took the lead, he was trapped in the void domain, which made Kongyou unable to exert his strength. Immotar was so depressed that he really wanted to kill him head-on.

It depends on the owner to beat a dog. I will be very upset if you bully my dog ​​like this.

Leo tilted his head, and with the surge of mana, Malaloch came out.

Darkness devours!

Toxic cure!

This is the advantage of being able to use multi-line spells. There are more choices and methods to use in different situations. Malaloch first blessed Immotar with a dark devour, and then healed him with poison Wounds corroded by the energy of the shadows.

With the support of his companions, Immotar's situation immediately improved a lot. At the same time, Selekes' attention was also taken away by Mallorak.

Seeing someone trying to help his prey out of trouble, Serekes would certainly not stand idly by, and the energy of the shadows surged towards Malalok.Seeing this, the latter quickly applied a shadow infusion to himself, allowing the power of darkness to fill his body, and then when the shadow energy surged in front of him, he cast a scorching blast, the manic fire element and the shock wave generated by the blast Break up the attack of Serekes.

Finding that his good Shadow Nova can't help Malalok, Selekes is about to use other abilities, but Malalok's movements are faster than him, and the causative flame ignites Selekes' body, which has corrosive energy The flames of action are rapidly consuming Serekise's strength.

What are energy beings afraid of?
What they were afraid of was spells that could quickly reduce their energy, such as blazing flames, so Serekes panicked. He didn't know if the flames would keep burning, although it didn't seem like it, but what if?If the flame keeps burning, won't he turn into energy again and return to the origin of the world?

It was a matter of his own life, so Selekis dared not and could not afford to bet.The void lord withdrew the void domain used to deal with Immotar, turned around and fled towards the rear of the demon army.

Zerekith is going to run!

Malorak said nothing, but Immoltar quit.

Selekes trapped Immotar with the Void Domain with a sneak attack before, and beat him up when he was trapped, and now he wants to run away when he sees the situation is not good. good thing?

You want to run away after taking advantage, do you really treat me like air?
Immotar's dog's eyes widened, and countless mana burning rays shot at Selekis.


The sharp sound that pierced people's eardrums came from Serekes's mouth. Even people who don't understand the devil's language can hear the pain of the void lord. It's a cry, but it's not a simple cry, it's a scream , is the scream after suffering a fatal blow.

Void lords are elemental creatures produced after dark elements have gathered to a certain extent. The necessary and only element to maintain the existence of these elemental creatures is energy.

Immotar's mana burn ray burns energy.

The hundreds of mana burning rays of the two-headed catastrophe dog hit a creature with a fleshy body. As long as the opponent is strong, it may not necessarily die, but when these rays are shot into Sereketh's body, they will die—they burn more than Zerekith's mana, and Zerekith's life.

Immotar didn't stop after severely injuring Selekes with one blow. He stared at him and shot hundreds of mana burning rays again in Selekes's desperate eyes.

When meeting Immotar, it can only be said that Selekes suffered eight lifetimes of bad luck.

"The host killed Serekise..."

Following Goldfinger's prompt, Selekes turned into a mass of shadow energy without any consciousness, and just as this mass of shadow energy was about to dissipate in the universe, a bloody net covered him, and Leo did it himself.

The blood-colored net trembled, and along the blood-colored energy line forming the big net, the wrapped shadow energy was introduced into Leo's body. The pure shadow energy without any impurities was of great help to Leo as a warlock. Make him ecstatic.

The gains obtained by absorbing this cloud of shadow energy are ten times that of killing Selekes. Not to mention these upgrade experiences, what is more important is that the process of absorbing it gave Leo a new understanding of the pure shadow energy in the universe. A clearer understanding.As a spellcaster, the deeper the understanding of the elements you practice, the faster your strength will naturally increase, the stronger the lethality when casting spells, and the greater the control power when controlling the elements.

"Pure energy..." Leo slammed his mouth, his expression still unfinished, "It's really memorable..."

After speaking, he cast his eyes on the several naaru present.

Void Lords are elemental creatures, so why not Naaru?
Compared with the void lords, the naaru present are stronger and have more energy. In Leo's eyes, they are no longer light-powered people like light bulbs, but a group of delicious meals.

Kiru and the others shuddered shiveringly. They all saw the death process of Selekes. Naaru, who was also an energy creature like the Void Lord, couldn't help but feel a little jealous of Immotar. Leo, who subdued Immotar, was even more wary.

In this way, I was frightened, and there are more frightening things to come.

Kiru and the others couldn't hide their thoughts from Leo, who had been paying attention to them all the time. The latter rubbed his chin and laughed evilly, which made Kiru and the others feel inexplicable panic.

Men were killed, and the eredar twins and Brutalus were irritated.

It is not a secret that the Draenei and humans are allied. The demons of the Burning Legion got the news as early as Khadgar took some soldiers of the Son of Lothar and the Draenei to open the passage from Zangarmarsh to Nagrand.

Seeing the appearance of humans, the demons of course thought that the draenei sent out a distress signal by some means, which provoked the human army.

Knowing that the draenei supported by the naaru formed an alliance with humans, and now that the humans killed their subordinates, the twins Brutalus and Eredar who were held back by the naaru naturally vented their anger to fight against them on the two naaru.

Mulu and Kilu have understood what is meant by an indiscriminate disaster.

Light bulbs, today is not your lucky day.

Leo kept his expression on his face, and secretly sent a signal to Kael'thas to do something.

"Pasareen!" On the energy ship, the blood elf prince who had been watching the battle situation gave an order to his advisor, "Take your troops and take down Storm Fortress for me."

"Your Majesty, Your Highness."

A male blood elf with a shield on his back and a long sword on his waist bowed without hesitation. This male blood elf was Passaleon the Calculator.

If he hadn't been reminded by Leo, Kael'thas really couldn't see that Pazaren was a traitor.

Just imagine, who would doubt a subordinate who can carry out his orders without hesitation?
It is for this reason that Kael'thas would easily step into Kil'jaeden's trap in the original historical track.

Seeing that Passalen was about to leave his sight, the astromancer Solanlian suddenly stepped forward to stop him. The blood elf warlock trusted by Kael'thas said to Kael'thas: "Your Highness, it is indeed an attack at this time. Good time for Tempest Keep, but between the draenei and us..."

Before Solanlian finished speaking, Kael'thas waved his hand and stopped her.

"I know what you're worried about. Don't worry. To deal with Illidan and get the Eternal Water Bottle from that traitor, it's not necessary for the Draenei to participate. We now have powerful allies." Kyle Sass pointed to the Arathor army on the ground, "I am more concerned about whether the Draenei can be eliminated before they are recognized by the Alliance."

When the blood elves snatched the energy ship, they killed many draenei. The seeds of hatred between the two races had already been planted. Kael'thas was not the one who waited for the other party to resolve the hatred with him, because the initiative would be in the Hand of the draenei.

The proud blood elves will allow a group of defeated generals to gain the initiative?

Don't even think about it.

Now is the chance to take out the draenei, why not do it?
What's more, it was Pazarene and his cronies who attacked Storm Fortress. If there is any problem, it should be directly pushed on Pazarene. Anyway, that guy has already defected to Kil'jaeden. If the Draenei are really angry Send it to their old enemy, the Burning Legion.

To put it bluntly, what Kael'thas did was killing people with a knife, and to put it bluntly, he killed two birds with one stone.

Don't really think that Kael'thas, who is in the royal family, can't use tricks. No matter how obsessed he is with magic, how can he not understand these things from childhood?

Seeing that Kael'thas could not be persuaded, Solanlian stepped back. Seeing this, Passareen stepped forward and disappeared from the sight of Kael'thas and Solanlian. The calculator was thinking as he walked. Do you want to contact Kil'jaeden and get specific instructions on how to act from the giant of the Burning Legion.

With something on his mind, he was naturally not focused, and his powers of observation also declined accordingly. The always shrewd Passaleon didn't even notice the flashing gazes of Kael'thas and Solanlian when he left.

 Act cute, play tricks, roll around... well, I don't know what I want to say.

  The status seems to have recovered. After going shopping with my wife tonight, try to write another chapter. It should be three more.

(End of this chapter)

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