Necromancer in another world

Chapter 977 Auchinton, the wind is blowing

Chapter 977 Auchinton, the wind is blowing

Auchindoun, cut off from the dead air, is decaying at a speed visible to the naked eye... collapsing...

The world of Draenor fell into a riot the moment the Book of the Dead took shape. It was an invisible energy riot. All creatures, whether they were wise or not yet enlightened, could feel the strangeness. The message told them: the world has changed and become complete.

Affected by this, the creatures showed completely different reactions.

The weak and unintelligent creatures worshiped in the direction of Auchindoun. The throbbing from the depths of their souls made them tremble uncontrollably. They knelt down and expressed their surrender in front of that unknown force.

However, while most of the living beings surrendered, a few strong men still kept their pride in their hearts. Although they resisted very hard and their bodies trembled, they still stood.These powerhouses include Kael'thas of the Netherstorm, and the four elemental gods on the Throne of Elements.

If the riot of energy in the whole world only worries Kael'thas, then the four elemental gods are angry.They never thought that under their noses, someone would become a god.

Become a god?

Yes, judging from the extent of this energy riot, it is definitely related to the gods, and the four elemental gods also felt divine power in the direction of the energy riot.

Someone has become a god in the world of Draenor. Doesn't that mean that besides their four gods, there is another real god in this world?

Multiple incense burners, multiple ghosts, one more Buddha and more pillars of incense.

The belief in a world is limited, and one more god will divert some believers. It is easy to use the power of Gruul to eradicate Naru headed by Adal, and before they are lucky, another god appears, four The Great Elemental God really had the urge to vomit three liters of blood.

Just after I solved Gruul, who had been pressing on my head, and Naru, who made me jealous, another god appeared before I could celebrate, and I couldn't live through this day!

The four elemental gods, who have always regarded the world of Draenor as their own private property, found out that someone was trying to get a piece of the pie. How could they let it go?

Go, find that kid!
The four elemental gods left the elemental throne and followed the source of the energy riot.

Just as they set off, Harlan, located in the middle of the Nagrand Prairie, reacted.

Sinasaraia and Sindragosa floated above the city, looking in the direction of the elemental throne, sensing the restlessness of the distant elements, both women's complexions were not good-looking.

The energy riot in the world of Draenor was caused by Leo. Leo had already informed them about this matter, and even asked them to monitor the actions of the four elemental gods. Now, as Leo expected, these four guys really How could they not worry about running to the ruins of Auchindoun?

Although three of the four elemental gods are injured, the rotten ship also has three catties of nails. The four elemental gods have been gods for many years, and Draenor is their home field. It is not as easy as imagined To deal with it, if these four guys were a bunch of pasta, Leo would have led someone to kill the elemental throne and trampled on them.

"I don't know how the master will resist the four elemental gods?"

Sinasaraia was quite worried, she didn't want something to happen to Leo, it wasn't out of consideration for her own life, but also because she expected to avenge Deathwing together with Leo.

Even if she got the soul stone of Hell Demon God Diablo, Sinasaraya still didn't have the confidence to face Deathwing alone. The shadow in Laya's heart was too heavy, and she couldn't pass her own psychological barrier.

Sindragosa remained silent. Ever since her painful death in Dugu, the Blue Dragon Queen's heart has been filled with resentment. Although her situation has improved a lot since she followed Leo, she is used to being with the cold and lonely Like an iceberg, it has the temperament of keeping strangers away.

Suddenly, the expressions of Sinasaraya and Sindragosa moved at the same time. The two looked at each other, and immediately used magic to hide their figures and cover their aura. Before no one noticed, the two women had already moved towards the elemental throne. go.

It turned out that after learning that the four elemental gods had left the elemental throne, Leo gave new instructions to Sinasaraia and Sindragosa.

The four elemental gods leave, and although there are still many elemental creatures on the Elemental Throne, these creatures are far from the opponents of the two dragon queens. At this time, the Elemental Throne is in a vacuum period of power, which happens to allow Sinasaraya and Sinde Lagosa went to explore the bottom of the elemental gods.

Last time, Leo was not sure whether the elemental gods really left or set up a trap, but this time it was different. He made such a big commotion in Auchindoun that the four elemental gods couldn't figure it out.

As for who will manage Haran after Xinasaraia and Sindragosa leave, there is no doubt about the ability of the blood elf countess Liadrin.

Nagrand, far away from Terokkar Forest, was alarmed, and the ruins of Auchindoun, the center of the incident, were even more unsettled.

The aura of death enveloped the entire ruins, no matter on the ground or underground, life was withering—the crow people, the ethereal revenge army, and those who were not strong enough were turned into corpses under the erosion of death aura, and the corpses quickly decomposed into flying monsters. Ash.

The earth disintegrated - the originally thick land began to melt after being dissolved in the dead air, and melted into a gray mist with a breath of death at a speed visible to the naked eye. It is strange that people can stand on these gray mist, It's just that the price paid for standing on it is the loss of vitality.

At this time, Pandemonus and Tavalok, who could not fly, were dumbfounded. The two crows, Aegis and Seth, could fly. With the rapid loss of their own vitality.

The loss of vitality is the loss of lifespan. Doesn't this make them wait to die?
Pandemonus and Tavarok were almost driven mad by the feeling.

As for the powerhouses like Mannoroth and the crow god Anzu, those dead spirits can't do anything to them.

As a light-type creature, the dead Auchinton made Douri extremely uncomfortable. In such an environment, Naaru did not receive any energy supplement at all, and the combat endurance was greatly reduced.

Originally, he wanted to retreat, but now the environment has become extremely unfavorable to him, and Deoli doesn't want to stay here for even a second, but he is trapped in a river of blood, and he can't break free even if he tries his best for a while. , and with Izual watching over him, Douri had to reserve part of his combat power to defend against this enemy who was also a creature of the light system, which made it even more difficult for him to get rid of the entanglement of the blood god avatar.

There is no room for hesitation in such things as running for your life. If you feel that your life is in danger, you should run away immediately. Procrastination will only lose your life.

D'Ory soon regretted that he hadn't tried his best at the moment of death.

When the dead air completely enveloped the ruins of Auchindoun, when all life within the range of the dead air decayed into fly ash, and when the entire land turned into a strange smoke with dead air, the space mutation began.


Space cracks with a width of one meter appeared on the periphery of the ruins of Auchindoun. The sound of space shattering made Pandemonus and the others tremble with fear. Deore saw that he was tearing apart, and Shafar was terrified. fly outside.

Others don't know much about it, but those who have wandered in the universe for countless years, such as Deoli and Shafar, the Prince of Nodes, know what happened to Auchindoun—the whole Auchindoun is being destroyed An extremely powerful force forcibly stripped from the world of Draenor.

It is not an easy task to separate a place from a world, and it is thousands of times more difficult than destroying the world.

To destroy a world, you just need to use violence—the premise is that you have enough power, but if you strip away a part of the world, what you have to fight is the rules of this world, and even the rules of the entire universe.

Not to mention fighting against the rules of the universe, even fighting against the rules of the world is not something ordinary gods can do. It belongs to the power of a very small number of extremely powerful people standing at the top of the food chain of the entire universe.Deoli and Shafar had only heard of this kind of thing, but they had never seen it with their own eyes.

Now, things happened right in front of them, how could they not be horrified?
Who is it?

Which extremely powerful person in the universe came to Draenor?
People who can achieve this level are all overlords of the universe, and the little Draenor is worthy of them who dominate thousands of worlds and billions of creatures?
D'Ory couldn't figure it out, and he was even less willing to believe it, but the facts were in front of him, and he couldn't help questioning it.

Now I can't even escape.

The desperation gushing out of his heart made Deore lose his belief in survival. In front of such a strong man, he is just an extremely small ant, how can he fight?What courage does he have to fight?

"I wanted to play with you for a while, but I didn't expect you to be so unqualified. I'm really disappointed."

The voice of the blood god avatar came from the blood river. Deoli did not resist, and the blood god avatar would not be polite to him. The surging blood wave took the opportunity to engulf Naru, and when Deore got rid of his frustration, his desire to survive was rekindled At that time, the decline was irreversible.

It's over, it's over, it's dead this time!
Seeing that D'Oli was swallowed up by the river of blood, Shafar the Prince of Junction felt even more desperate. The only strong support was lost. With his own strength, there was absolutely no life left.

When Shafar was frustrated, Ilsa found an opportunity.

Amid the crackling sound of the bone whip shattering the air, Shafar's body received more than a hundred whips in just two to three seconds, causing Prince Node to grin his teeth and scream in pain.

Pandemonus and Tavalok were extremely helpless, they could only stand on the ground anxiously as they couldn't fly, they couldn't help at all.

The pain of the rapid loss of vitality, the distress of seeing their companions trapped but unable to help them, the void lord and the spar giant can't do anything except shout out, they are really going crazy.As Auchindoun gradually peeled off from the world of Draenor, more and more space cracks appeared, denser and denser, and the sound of shattering became louder and louder, and their loud roars when they vented were also covered up.

Seeing that Auchindoun was about to be stripped from the world of Draenor, the ground atomized by the death gas suddenly split open, and the hurricane burst out from Auchindoun's underground labyrinth, tearing everything they could touch.

The wind came so suddenly and so violently, Aegis and Seth, who were just above the crack, were torn into pieces before they could scream, leaving only the bird feathers in the sky.

Auchinton, it's windy!
(End of this chapter)

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