Chapter 998

The Cavern of Time, the old lair of the Bronze Dragon Clan, this crypt maze with strong winds all year round has been guarded by the Bronze Dragon since ancient times, because there is a timeline of the entire world here, allowing the Bronze Dragon to monitor the flow of time at any time.

"In order to prevent history from being rewritten, to stop the evil forces penetrating the long river of time, and to maintain the normal direction of the torrent of time, we need your help, Leo."

The above sentence was the first and only sentence Leo heard when he saw the Bronze Dragon Queen Solidomi. After saying this sentence, Solidomi turned around and left, not interested in listening to Leo No matter what he said, he had no intention of contacting Leo at all. The arrogance of the giant dragon in front of humans was fully displayed at this moment.

Obviously looking for someone to help, asking someone to do something, but putting on such a high profile, is the dragon having a brain twitch, or is it a brain twitch?
Leo is very upset, what's Soli Domi's attitude?

Fortunately, Soli Domi didn't leave Leo there alone. Sanoli, who was familiar with Leo, acted as his guide in the Cavern of Time after the Bronze Dragon Queen left. Seeing her acquaintance Leo felt a little better a little bit.

Through this incident, Leo felt more and more deeply the attitude of the giant dragon towards human beings, the kind of contempt from the bottom of his heart, the mentality of the superior facing the inferior, which is really infuriating.

Following behind Sanoli, Leo's heart was on fire, but his face remained unchanged. After so many things, he was no longer the stunned young man he was back then, and he would not show his thoughts on his face.

What's the point of arguing with someone who despises you?
Don't think that a few harsh words, such as 30 years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi, what will happen to me in the future, will make the other party change their attitude towards you. , when others look down on you, they just look down on you.After all, things are done, not spoken, so many people talk about it, and how many people can really do it?

If you want to impress others and make those who look down on you regret it, then take practical actions and slap him in the face with facts.

Leo understood the truth that it is better to say than to do. The Storm Kingdom, which abandoned him like a pawn, has long regretted it.

Leo, who was abandoned by some people during the political struggle, not only did not die, but lived more and more nourishingly. He personally lived well, and he helped the kingdom of Arathor to rise successfully. Then he has the strength to challenge the position of the boss of the human race in the Stormwind Kingdom.

what is this?
This is a real slap in the face, one hit on the left, one hit on the right, and some people's faces were slapped.

Compared with what I encountered at the beginning, this incident in the Cavern of Time is really nothing.

Don't you just belittle me?
Isn't it just looking down on human beings?
Isn't it just to put on the stinky airs of the dragon?

I am too lazy to talk to you, let alone force you to apologize. I only use iron-like facts to prove my strength, so that you will take the initiative to bow to me.

Leo couldn't help sneering in his heart, no one dared to treat him with such an attitude for a long time, Suoli Domi really pissed him off.

Following behind Sanoli, Leo listened to the former's introduction to the Cavern of Time, and kept observing the mysterious cave maze with his eyes.

The Cavern of Time is the old lair of the Bronze Dragon. Outsiders are not allowed to come in and out casually. It is so easy to come here. Of course, Leo must open his eyes and see what is different here.

On the surface, the Caverns of Time are not much different from ordinary caves.Of course, this is on the premise of removing the ten-meter-tall bronze dragon man and dragon beast in the cave.

In the eyes of ordinary people, this place is just a big underground cave, but it is completely different in the eyes of the strong.

Leo can clearly feel an inexplicable energy filling every corner of the Cavern of Time. This kind of power is very strange. Leo can feel its existence, but he can't capture even a trace of it.

According to legend, the Cavern of Time is affected by the torrent of time due to the relationship of the world time axis. Under the flood of time energy released by the torrent of time, the time passing speed of the Cavern of Time is completely different from that of the outside world, except that it has lived here for tens of thousands of years. Except for the bronze dragon that can accurately know the speed of time passing in the outside world, no other creature can do it.

It is for this reason that guardian dragons of other departments will never step into the Cave of Time unless they are forced to.

It seems that the dragon is also afraid of jet lag?
Well, Leo's thoughts drifted to nowhere.

"Did you hear me talking to you?" It was Sanoli's roar that called Leo back. The bronze dragon girl angrily found that Leo didn't listen to what she was saying. Her kind explanation was all in vain. "You hateful human being, you don't want to listen to me and don't talk about it."

Feeling that her kindness was ignored by others, Sano Li was so angry that she grinded her teeth. The bronze dragon girl really wanted to change back to the dragon form and kill Leo in one bite. If it wasn't for the fact that Leo was too powerful, she would dare to do that and get hurt. Mostly by herself, Sanoli has already taken action.

You just saved me a lot of time if you didn't listen. Anyway, you are the one who suffers if something goes wrong, and I can't blame it.

With a look of anger, Sanoli pointed to the curtain of colorful light in front of her, and said to Leo: "The eternal torrent of time is ahead, and there are many loopholes in the timeline. It’s still not enough, the loopholes here need your help.”

The eternal torrent of time sounds like cutting a wire with a kitchen knife and sparks lead to lightning all the way, but its appearance is too inconspicuous.If Sanolie hadn't said it herself, Leo would have thought that the one in front of him was just an ordinary magic barrier, so why would he think about it on the world timeline?

This thing is cheating, if someone who doesn't know it jumps in, it will be a lot of fun.

Leo rubbed his chin, secretly cursing.

Who would have thought that the torrent of eternal time, which is full of abuses, would look like this. This is a typical pockmark, not a pockmark, but a deceit.

Spreading his hands to the angry Sanoli, Leo asked, "What do you want me to do?"

This Hundan really didn't listen to what I said!

Leo's words drove Sanoli crazy. She had told Leo before, but now Leo asked such a question, didn't it make it clear that she didn't listen to what she said?
Taking a deep breath and suppressing the anger in her chest, Sanoli tried her best to control herself and said in a calm tone: "My clan has already arranged everything, you just go in, Kill them once you find the Eternal Dragon in the Time Axis."

"It's that simple?"

Leo was stunned, isn't it just to kill people, this is too easy, the bronze dragon called him all the way to the Cavern of Time just for this?
Sanoli nodded seriously and said, "Yes, it's that simple."

Is it really easy?

The answer is of course: no!
Let me ask, if it is a simple matter, with the arrogance of a giant dragon, will it ask humans for help?

Leo rolled his eyes, this girl Sano Li couldn't take him for a fool, and he didn't believe that the bronze dragon who simply slashed people would not be able to pull the thugs.It is clear that Sano Li intends to take revenge and wants to cheat herself.It's just that this chick didn't seem to understand the situation. Now the Bronze Dragon asked him, Leo, to help restore the timeline and stop the plot of the Eternal Dragon.If something goes wrong with the restoration of the time axis, the most anxious person is not Leo, but the Bronze Dragon.

Thinking of this, Leo smiled, and walked towards the torrent of time that was like a magical barrier.

Two steps!

Three steps!

What surprised Leo was that Sanoli didn't intend to keep him at all. Could it be that this chick really stayed to the point where she couldn't even figure out the situation?
Leo was puzzled. He originally thought that Sano Li would stop him, but now it seems that is not the case.

Is there a discrepancy between the actual situation and the expectation, or the bronze dragons have other plans?

Lei Ao's footsteps paused slightly, but his body did not stop, and he really stepped into the torrent of time.

Let me see what tricks you guys are going to play.

Sano Li opened her mouth, as if she wanted to remind him something, but she finally stopped. Although she didn't like the stubborn fellows of Quicksand Scale, she was still a member of the Bronze Dragon no matter what. In addition, she didn't have a deep friendship with Leo, so some things were hard to say.

"Anyway, you can't die with your strength, so I won't feel guilty!"

After staring blankly for a while, Sanoli stomped her feet resentfully, and ran away after leaving an inexplicable sentence. She was going to report back to Queen Solidomi.

Not long after Sanoli left, a dwarf came out from the corner. She looked at the position Leo had entered and sneered, her eyes full of murderous intent.

"The guy who disturbs the torrent of time, I, Chromie, will not let you continue to exist, and let the eternal torrent of time bury you."

The dwarf is Chromie, and Chromie, who had already tried to kill Leo, hadn't been stopped by Sanolie, he would have taken action against Leo a long time ago.For Chromie, Leo is the troublemaker. He constantly rewrites the history seen by the bronze dragon and makes the world run out of the known track. Such aliens should be killed.

Obviously, Chromie's appearance in this place is not accidental. He hid in the dark early in the morning, in order to enter the same time with Leo and kill Leo in the torrent of time.

Solidormi is not the bronze dragon king Nozdormu after all, her words are not absolutely binding on diehards like Chromie, if it were Nozdormu instead, Chromie would never dare to have other thoughts.

Leo, who stepped into the torrent of time, didn't know that a bronze dragon who wanted his life followed behind him. This bronze dragon would keep looking for his flaws in the dark, in order to kill him with one blow.

The eternal torrent of time is the home court of the Bronze Dragon, and Chromie had a lot of advantages before the two sides played against each other.

It's easy to hide from open guns, but hard to guard against hidden arrows. Leo's journey through time is bound to be very exciting.

(End of this chapter)

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