Konoha's Opening Double Kamui

Chapter 20 The shock brought by half-length Susan

Chapter 20 The shock brought by half-length Susan

"What, what, Mu Dun!"

The eyeballs of Shiki's people almost popped out of their sockets, and they gasped in shock on the spot. Isn't Mu Dun the unique ninjutsu of Konoha Chuyogi?
How come this masked guy in front of me can do it too?

Immediately afterwards, the eyes of these Takigakure ninjas all showed great panic.

With a chakra that is as huge as a tailed beast, coupled with wood escape ninjutsu, how divine is this person!

Shemu gritted his teeth fiercely, staring at Liufeng with a pair of eyes, full of shock.

"Master Shiki, there is no other way, we can only use... the water of heroes! Please approve!" A jonin yelled hoarsely at Shiki, enduring the great pain in his body.

"Water of heroes? It is said that Chakra can instantly strengthen a person ten times. I really want to see it." A Fei stood on a branch with his arms folded, and said leisurely.

It's quite pleasant to see this stuff lively.


There is no other choice at this moment, and Shiki burst out such a word from his throat.

Before the words were finished, the nine ninjas, including Shiki, suddenly burst out with an astonishing amount of chakra.

The richness of the chakra seems to have turned into water vapor, which can be seen with the naked eye!
The contrast between the front and the back is huge, and the contrast is so strong that it is staggering.

"It's really increased by ten times!" A Fei was slightly surprised, "If this is the case, Obito can't be such a joke!"

"Their hands are bound by my wooden escape, how did they drink the hero's water?" Liu Feng was surprised at this point, which was different from A Fei's focus.

He has been staring at these ninjas from beginning to end, and he has never seen them drink the water of heroes!

They have no chance at all.

Could it be... at that time?
Suddenly, Liufeng thought of a doubtful point. After Shiki approved the jonin to drink the water of heroes, everyone made a biting movement.

Could it be...they hid the Heroic Water in their mouths in some form beforehand?
Liu Feng couldn't help guessing like this.

Rukaze's guess was actually quite correct, including Shiki, all the jonin in Takigakure Village had a special pill that had been prepared in advance in their mouths.

Inside the pill is the hero water solidified with chakra.

Biting the pill's coat directly is equivalent to drinking the hero's water, which is very convenient.

At this time, the Taki ninjas in the state of chakra explosion have become extremely powerful, and each of them is not weaker than the Kage-level powerhouse.

Of course, this is just talking about the amount of chakra, but even with the same level of chakra, these people will definitely not be able to beat the shadow-level powerhouse.

After all, the battle experience and vision of both sides are there, and it cannot be made up for by a burst of chakra.

Ka Ka Ka!
The sound of objects collapsing sounded, and the wooden branches wrapped around Sheki and the others were all forcibly broken by them!
The chakra that erupted was so amazing.

"Water Escape Water Dragon Bomb!"

Shiki let out a low shout again, and the nine ninjas on the scene formed seals at the same time, and the nine water dragons swept towards Liufeng again.

It's just that this time the nine water dragons are several times thicker than before!
Now, Liufeng is unable to resist with the pure fire escape ninjutsu.

After all, each of the nine ninjas on the scene exploded with ten times the original Chakra.

Liufeng still did not choose to use the divine power penetration skill. At this moment, the power of the pupils in the eyes turned, and the blue chakra gushed out like a flood, and quickly formed a huge half-length blue giant in front of Liufeng. Come.

The blue giant was wearing armor, a helmet on his head, and holding a blue sword in his hand. Just looking at it gave people a strong sense of visual impact.

Standing inside the blue giant, Liufeng calmly looked at the nine ninjas outside.

With just one swing of the sword in the blue giant's hand, the nine powerful dragons suddenly collapsed into the invisible like fragile porcelain.

"This, what is this!"

Shibuki was stunned.

The other junin were also stunned.

How to deal with such a huge monster?
Is this still ninjutsu?

This is the ignorance and ignorance of these small countries and small villages. Some ninjas with insufficient strength, level and background do not even know Susano.

Under the horrified gazes of Shiki and the others, Rukaze's half-length Susano swung his right hand high, and slashed at Shiki and the others fiercely with the sword in his hand.

"Water Escape Water Formation Wall!"

The nine shouted in unison, another group ninjutsu.

Amidst the clattering sound, the incomparably huge water flow condensed into a huge and thick wall of water in front of the nine people, but this wall of water also collapsed instantly under the slash of the half-length Susan.

The incomparably fierce water flowing back and forth, coupled with the unrivaled mighty power of the half-body Susanodachi, combined into a terrifying energy impact, Shiki and other nine high-ranking ninjas were swept away at the same time.

Several people fell hard to the ground and rolled several times. They all felt that their bones were about to fall apart, and they could no longer exert any strength.

"You, who are you!"

Shibuki pointed at Rukaze with his finger, and even his voice trembled.

The appearance of Xu Zuo, half-length body, completely smashed the last belief of those people like Shibuki to fight. Facing this god-like irresistible power, how could they have any fighting spirit in their hearts.

"Surrender to me, or, destroy! Choose yourself!"

Rukaze ignored Shibuki, but stood proudly within the half-length Susan, and his flat tone brought unimaginable pressure to Shiki and the others, making them breathless.

When hearing Liufeng say this for the first time, Shiki still wondered if Liufeng was crazy, but now, Shiki knew that the masked man in front of him did have the strength to easily destroy Takigakuze Village!

How to do?
Shibuki was in a dilemma, bead-sized beads of sweat instantly covered his entire forehead.

"Master Shiki, you must not give in! We still have the last hole card, and we haven't lost yet!" A jonin saw Shiki's hesitation, and couldn't help calling out in disbelief.

"Do you still have hole cards?" Liu Feng was slightly interested, "Go ahead and use it! When I completely destroy all your support, you will know how to choose."

The purpose of Liufeng coming to Takiyin is just to use this place as a secret stronghold for him to do things conveniently, nothing more.

He didn't want to destroy or occupy the village, so for Shemu and the others, he didn't want to kill people unless it was absolutely necessary.

After all, it will depend on Shiki and the others to manage the village in the future.

 Thank you Shi Shang for the reward!This is the first reward for this book, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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