Konoha's Opening Double Kamui

Chapter 43 The opportunity to defect to Konoha!

Chapter 43 The opportunity to defect to Konoha!

"I need to know what kind of support it is!" Goju Yakura did not agree easily, but stared at Danzo and asked in a deep voice.

"Fourth generation, don't worry, it's not a decision to embarrass you. If you feel embarrassed at that time, you can refuse!"

Danzo has a well-thought-out plan.

If he really helped Goju Yakura get rid of the Kaguya clan, it would be a great favor to Goju Yakura.

At that time, just when I ascended the position of Hokage, it would be extremely easy to ask Goju Yagura to give an official support on behalf of Kirigakure.

It is impossible for Yakura to refuse.

After all, if you are a member of Shanghai Film Group, if you don't even understand the rules of doing things like this, it would be too absurd.

Goju Yakura didn't say anything more, he thought for a while and said, "I will contact you again."

Immediately afterwards, Goju Yakura flashed and disappeared.

Danzo also left with Liu Feng and You Nv Qu Gen.

After returning to the root base, Liufeng began to think about it. He had discussed with Orochimaru before, and there was still a lack of opportunity for Orochimaru's defection this time.

This time, Danzo's mission to help Goju Yagura eliminate the Kaguya clan may be an opportunity.


The task of eliminating the Kaguya clan is so important, it is definitely impossible for Goju Yakura to let Danzo do it all, and he himself will definitely do it together.

Because Danzo's strength is simply not enough!
After all, the fighting power of the Kaguya clan is too strong, and what Goju Yakura did was not to destroy some clansmen, but the whole clan!

To ensure this, and not let the wind leak, Goju Yakura must also go into battle.

In the original time and space, there were not many accounts of Hui Ye's clan extermination, but most of them were related to the Blood Mist.

With the temperament of the Kaguya clan, as long as Goju Yakura suppresses the Blood Successor family, they will definitely rebel.

But in this life, because of Liufeng's crossing, the fate of Wuyin's entire village has undergone a great change.

The Goju Yagura in the original time and space was manipulated by Obito, not to mention cooperating with people from other villages, even the people of Kirigakure had a hard time seeing their own shadows.

But in this life, Goju Yakura, who has not been manipulated by others, has reached a cooperation with Danzo!

This is also an opportunity for the wind!

Because when the time comes, it will be a chaotic battlefield with Kutachi Yagura present!
And because the fighting power of the Kaguya clan is too strong, the possibility of Goju Yakura turning into a beast is not impossible, and it is not small!
This gave Liu Feng a chance to fish in troubled waters!
At that time, maybe you can also take the opportunity to catch a tail of Sanwei!
Thinking of this, Liu Feng couldn't help being excited.

But no matter what, it is almost impossible to count on the members of Kaguya's clan to "help". It is almost impossible to cut off the tail of the tailed beast Yakura Yakura during the battle. Liufeng needs to create this opportunity himself.

This means that Liufeng must have a reasonable reason to take action against Goju Yagura!

What exactly is this reason?
Naturally, it is the Kaguya clan!

"It seems that we have to find an opportunity, or create an opportunity, to become an ally of the Huiye clan and fight side by side with the Huiye clan!" Liufeng secretly set the tone of this matter.

Once he became an ally of the Kaguya clan as a matter of course, then it is only natural to attack Kutachi Yakura and the others.

Even if one of the three tails' tails was chopped off, no one else would doubt it.

But how to create this opportunity?
Liu Feng touched his head, thought about it, and finally, his eyes couldn't help but light up.

He really thought of a way, to be precise, he thought of a person: Kaguya-kun Maro!

Kaguya-kunmaro was still imprisoned in the prison of the Kaguya clan during this period of time, and he was not under Orochimaru's subordinates.

In the original time and space, when the Huiye clan rebelled, they released Kaguya Junmaru and asked Junmaru to participate in the battle. As a result, the whole clan was killed, and only Junmaru survived.

Orochimaru, who had been staring at Junmalu for a long time, appeared at the right time and successfully subdued Junmalu.

What would happen if Orochimaru learned that Kaguya-kun Maro was going to be killed?

Don't forget, the extermination of the Kaguya clan this time is different from the original one. This is a clan extermination planned by the Fourth Mizukage himself and jointly with Danzo!
The possibility of Kaguya-kunmaro surviving is actually very small.

In order to keep Kaguya-kunmaro, Orochimaru fought with Danzo and Goju Yakura, which is also a matter of course!
Simply perfect!
There is a reason to attack Yakura Yakura!
Liufeng was very excited.

"Originally, I planned to ask Orochimaru to help create the Konoha Nine-Tailed Rebellion, and to attack Nine-Tailed, but I didn't expect that the plan hadn't been launched yet, but I had to ask Orochimaru to help me make a plan to deal with Sanwei."

Liu Feng followed and patted his head, quite helplessly.

Is it not good for Uncle Snake?
You can't hit Uncle Snake's idea over and over again!
In the original time and space, Orochimaru really valued Junmaro very much. Before he discovered Sasuke, he once regarded Junmaro as his perfect container.

But now, Orochimaru has obtained Uchiha Madara's body, so he may not care about Junmaro!

"Oh, it looks like I can only be cheeky and ask Da She Wan to help again." Liu Feng thought rather helplessly.

It's not that he didn't think that he had played the role of Orochimaru before, and intervened in this battle on the grounds of Junmaro, but it would be a bit abrupt if he was a different person, and it was hard not to arouse the suspicion of Danzo and Goju Yakura.

Orochimaru will not have this problem.

Orochimaru and Danzo cooperate with each other and infiltrate each other, and they each hold each other's secrets. Maybe Orochimaru has been staring at Junmalu Danzo and may know.

It is reasonable and reasonable for Orochimaru to take action, and it will not arouse any suspicion of Danzo.

But Danzo has no doubts, and Goju Yakura will also have no doubts.

What's more, this opportunity is also the opportunity for Orochimaru to defect to Konoha!

As long as Orochimaru destroys Danzo's actions in order to protect Junmaro, it is equivalent to tearing up with Danzo completely. Danzo is very likely to launch an action against Orochimaru and directly drive Orochimaru out of Konoha!

After all the calculations, Orochimaru is still the way to go!
"Forget it, let's discuss it with Orochimaru again!"

Liufeng smiled helplessly, leaving behind a Mutun avatar in the root base, and he immediately returned to Takiin's base using the technique of divine power.

"A Fei, is Orochimaru here?" Liu Feng asked A Fei as soon as he appeared.

"In the laboratory, I don't know what I'm researching!" Ah Fei replied.

(End of this chapter)

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