Chapter 283 Set a grand goal
Chapter 283 Set a grand goal
Li Er and the civil and military officials present all stared at Bai Jingyi's back, not knowing what he would do next.

He won't really kill all these masters in the palace, and then tell those students......

When thinking of this result, Manchao Wenwu was in a cold sweat.

It is no exaggeration to say that the King of Beiliang is brave and resourceful.

While they were thinking, Bai Jingyi suddenly turned around and looked at every minister present with cold eyes.

Afterwards, Bai Jingyi said without haste, "Anyone who dares to reveal half of what happened today will do so at their own risk!"


All the civil and military personnel in the Manchu Dynasty gasped.

The king of Beiliang dared to say such bold words.

Which one of the people present is not a powerful person in Chang'an City, and who has never held a high position?
Could it be said that the King of Beiliang would not ask other officials at all?
However, what made them even more unexpected was that Li Er waved his hand directly and said: "Preach my will! Today's dinner, you must not reveal half of it to anyone!"

Now with Li Er's will, the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty stood up one after another, bowed to Li Er and said, "I obey the order!"

Bai Jingyi nodded lightly to Li Er, then looked at the Guozijian offering wine, Kong Yingda said: "Then I will trouble Master Kong."

Kong Yingda quickly stood up and looked at Bai Jingyi and asked, "I don't know how old the King of Beiliang is going to be!?"

Bai Jingyi smiled lightly and said: "Put all these masters in the Imperial Medical Office."

"I also hope that Master Confucius can go to the cell and make an announcement, saying that their master is temporarily staying in the palace!"

Kong Yingda hurriedly asked anxiously: "But if that's the case! Wouldn't these hometown children commit suicide in the imperial city!?"

But Bai Jingyi waved his hand and said, "Master Kong, don't worry! These stubborn old men will never kill themselves!"

"As long as their teachers and students are not allowed to meet each other, then these stubborn old men will definitely try their best to escape from the palace instead of committing suicide!"

Afterwards, Bai Jingyi turned around, looked at Cheng Yaojin and said, "Transfer all the students in the cell to the station!"

Cheng Yaojin just quacked and said with a strange smile: "Nephew Bai's family, don't worry! My old Cheng can definitely transfer these people to the station without anyone noticing!"

Bai Jingyi nodded lightly, then looked at the ministers in front of him and asked, "Which one is Lord Hubu!"

Immediately, a minister stood out from the crowd, bowed to Bai Jingyi and cupped his hands and said, "I'm not an official, but I happen to be in charge of the household department!"

Although he spoke very modestly, he couldn't hide the arrogance in his heart.

Bai Jingyi saw that this person looked familiar, he should be a member of the family's ministers.

Anyway, they are all people who can be controlled by themselves, so there is no need to see outsiders at all.

Bai Jingyi said calmly to him: "Find out all the food books that the imperial court has sent to Shandong over the years!"

"Subordinate to obey!"

Then Bai Jingyi bowed to Li Er and cupped his hands and said, "My lord! If only the people in Chang'an City could read and write!"

"Then Chang'an City must have a prosperous culture! It is said that the people in the prefectures and counties around Chang'an City can read and write!"

"Then my Tang Dynasty must be prosperous in culture!"

"If the people in the entire Tang Dynasty can read and write! Then I will call him a cultural power!"

"In less than ten years! My Tang Dynasty must be full of talents!"

When they heard this, Li Er and Man Chaochao Wenwu felt their hearts beating faster.

In their minds, they have even fantasized about the peaceful and prosperous world with the heyday of culture.

However, they soon woke up from their fantasies.

After all, if you want to achieve such an ambitious goal, you will need a lot of human, material and financial support.

Especially paper books, these are eternal problems.

Ordinary people's homes, let alone reading, even paper is hard to see.

So they could only treat Bai Jingyi's words as empty talk.

Bai Jingyi looked at the people in front of him and smiled faintly, "Why don't you believe me!?"

They were all taken aback when they heard Bai Jingyi's question.

They want to believe too, but how does that make them believe?

After all, their thinking has long been solidified, and they think this is impossible.

Li Er hesitated in the end and did not speak after all, while the ministers below couldn't help the doubts in their hearts.

Hastily asked: "I don't know what basis the King of Beiliang has!?"

Xu Maogong also cupped his hands slightly and said: "As the saying goes, Luoyang paper is expensive! This paper has always been a big problem!"

"Ordinary children from poor families can't afford paper at all! Let alone ordinary people!"

"They can't even eat enough, so how could they buy paper!?"

Fang Xuanling also raised doubts and asked: "Even if the people in this world have bought paper! Where can they get books!?"

"Every master's inheritance will never be passed on, and books are the most important thing!"

Listening to their questions, Bai Jingyi didn't answer directly.

Instead, he smiled lightly and said, "These are minor problems! Nothing to be afraid of!"

The ministers present suddenly felt their brains go blank.

This has been a big problem that has plagued thousands of years.Bai Jingyi even said that this is a small problem.

If these words came from an old man who was over sixty years old, they might still believe it.

But these words came from a 16-year-old boy.

How should they believe that?

After all, changing the situation of Tang students is different from fighting a war, and this book is not something that money can buy.

What's more, how many refugees should there be in Datang?

If they are allowed to read and write, how many books and paper should they need?

When thinking of this, the officials present couldn't help but feel their scalps tingling.

It was hard for them to imagine how much money it would take.

However, Bai Jingyi turned around and said with a faint smile: "Since I said these are minor problems! Then I have my own solution!"

"Everyone just wait and see what happens! This king will definitely do what he says!"

The ministers below were talking quietly, obviously they didn't believe it at all.

And today's dinner has already been eaten, not to mention that the guests have already been detained in the Imperial Medical Office.

So this dinner party is no longer necessary.

Li Er stood up first and said, "I'm a little tired today!"

All the civil and military officials below stood up one after another, bowed to Li Er and said, "I will leave!"

After saying this, all the officials present dispersed like a tide.

But Li Er stopped Li Chengqian alone and said: "Gao Ming stay!"

Li Chengqian didn't know why, so he followed Li Er and went straight to the East Palace.

After arriving at the East Palace, Li Chengqian bowed and cupped his hands and said, "I don't know if the emperor called my son to stop me, what's the matter!?"

Li Er winked, and everyone around him retreated.

Even his confidant, the accompanying old eunuch, retreated directly outside the door.

After everyone has left.Li Er said slowly: "Today, Bai Jingyi said that he has a solution to the problem of literacy and hyphenation among Tang people!"

"Although I don't believe it in my heart! But..."

(End of this chapter)

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