Chapter 668 Framing
Chapter 668 Framing
The Western Turkic envoys directly framed the Eastern Turkic envoys.

The Eastern Turkic envoy was also very dissatisfied and said: "Tang Wang Mingjian, if I, the Eastern Turkic, hadn't been deceived and deceived by the Western Turkic, I would not have dared to attack the Tang Dynasty. The king was beheaded, and I beg the king of Tang to forgive our East Turkic offence!"

The envoys of the Eastern Turks are now explaining with the idea that they must be forgiven by the Tang Dynasty.

If not, when Datang really decides to march on the East Turks, then the East Turks will definitely be wiped out.

For the sake of their families and tribes, the envoys of the East Turks completely started to have no bottom line.

Cheng Yaojin cupped his hands and said: "Shang Mingjian, these Turkic beasts are now biting dogs. Doesn't this prove that the prestige of my Tang Dynasty makes them feel afraid? If my Tang Dynasty marches against the Turkic grassland now , then these Turkic beasts will definitely be wiped out! Your Majesty, please think twice!"

Cheng Yaojin looked at these East Turkic envoys very angrily.

I thought to myself: "At that time, it was your East and West Turks who directly tore up the covenant, and it was your East and West Turks who slaughtered the people of our Tang Dynasty. Now that our Tang Dynasty is strong, it was your East and West Turks who came to surrender earlier. How ridiculous!"

Yuchi Gong who was behind him also hurriedly said: "My Majesty, these Turkic people are only afraid of my Great Tang's liquidation, so they want to surrender so fearfully. You can directly wipe out these Turkic beasts together, to promote the national prestige of our Great Tang, and also to make those small countries on the border dare not dare to act presumptuously against our Great Tang! Holy lesson!"

After listening to the words of the Eastern Turkic envoys, the ministers and ministers behind them also said unceremoniously: "My lord, our Tang Dynasty is now strong and strong, and it is the time to liquidate the Turks. The reactions of these Turkic beasts are also He showed his fear of my Great Tang. If my Great Tang can't take advantage of these beasts to destroy them when they are weak, then when these beasts regain their energy in the future, they will definitely bring disaster to the people of my Great Tang. Holy Master Mingjian!"

These ministers were very rude to the Turkic envoys from east and west.

They know that the lifeblood of Datang is completely in their own hands now. If Datang decides to include these Turkic animals into the vassal state, it is equivalent to giving them a gold medal to avoid death, so that they have enough time to recover.

These Turkic beasts will definitely attack Datang when they become strong in the future.At that time, it will naturally be another disaster for the people of Datang.

The melee between East and West Turks is a good time for Datang to send troops. If Datang sends troops to the Turkic Grassland now, the East and West Turks will be wiped out together.

Then not only can avenge the people of the Tang Dynasty, but also wash away the humiliation of the Tang Dynasty being invaded by the Turks.

At that time, the Turkic Grassland will also be incorporated into the territory by Datang in the name of legality.

Naturally, there is no need to worry about the harm that the Turks will cause to the Tang Dynasty. This is a good thing that kills two birds with one stone.

Therefore, at this moment, these ministers refused to relax at all, and refused to forgive the pleas of these Turkic beasts.

And Li Er also gradually became deep in thought.

Although these Turks are all forces that committed wars against Datang.

But the current Datang is strong enough, and it is different from before.

The 30 Northern Liang Army guarded the border of Datang, enough to sweep away all foreign forces.

There is also a reason why these Turkic beasts are so anxious to plead guilty to Datang.

But it is not so safe to fight.

After all, if an army of 30 is going to go out, a huge logistics force must be needed to supply them in time. At that time, money, food and grass will be a huge expense.

It can be said that the current Li Er does not want to start a war in a hurry.Because once a war is launched, the consumption must be huge.

Datang has just entered the prosperous age and has avoided all enemy attacks.The people have also encountered a lot of suffering, and now is the time to cultivate their health and rest.If the war is forced against the Turks, it is very likely that the people of Datang will be sent into disaster again.

As the emperor of the Tang Dynasty, Li Er couldn't help but think about it a lot. After all, if he was not careful, he might collapse the Tang Dynasty again.

After all, there are lessons learned from the Sui Dynasty. The Sui Dynasty consumed too much national power because of the three attacks on Goguryeo, which led to the collapse of the country. As an emperor, Li Er naturally did not want to give up when faced with the opportunity to expand the country's territory.

But Li Er understood what these ministers said.

If Datang included these Turks as a vassal state simply for the purpose of expanding its territory, it would be doomed to breed tigers.

Now the East and West Turks are in a melee, and both sides are miserable.That's why he came to Datang in such a hurry and asked to be included as a vassal state by Datang, so that he was safe.

But if Datang really did this, it would be tantamount to giving these Turkic people a good opportunity to cultivate their health and rest.

If the troops of these Turkic beasts are restored, they will definitely launch another attack on Datang.

If you wait until then to think of fighting the Turks, it must be too late.Even if Datang can defeat the Turks by then, it must take a lot of effort.It's just not worth it.

Li Er just sighed in disappointment.

And this action was keenly captured by the son of East Turkic.

The eldest son of the East Turks was sitting in his seat in fear, watching many ministers crusade against the East and West Turks together.

But Tang Wang actually showed a disappointed expression.

"Does the king of Tang really want to bring East and West Turks into the Sweet Potato Kingdom?" Thinking of this, the prince of East Turks became more and more happy.

"If this is not the case, then why didn't the king of Tang clearly tell the envoys of East and West Turks to leave immediately? Why do these ministers keep persuading the king of Tang not to accept it?"

"Perhaps the king of Tang wanted to bring the Eastern and Western Turks into the vassal state. After all, the territory of the Tang Dynasty could be more than doubled without a single soldier. Which emperor can not be tempted?"

The eldest son of East Turkic became more and more excited and thought: "If King Tang really thinks so, then my East Turkic business can be done today!"

Just when the envoys of the Eastern and Western Turks were attacked by the ministers.

The eldest son of East Turkic stood up, and the envoys of Silla, Baekje, and Goguryeo looked at the eldest son of East Turkic in confusion.

I don't understand what the son of East Turkic meant by this.

Now Turkic is the target of everyone's criticism at this night banquet, but this son of Eastern Turkic has taken the initiative to stand up?
(End of this chapter)

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