Chapter 687
Chapter 687
All the envoys believed that the Tang Dynasty completely ignored the Eastern and Western Turks, let alone the small countries around the Tang Dynasty.

However, Turi Keku, the eldest son of the Eastern Turks, dared not speak up in front of Li Er.

After all, Tuli Keku knew about the situation in Tang Dynasty. Li Er had so many concubines, including more than a dozen princesses.

Although there is a lesson learned from Princess Changle, Tuli Keku raised this topic cautiously.

But his original intention was to let Li Er reward a princess at will. As long as East Turkic can get close to Datang, it will be enough to ensure East Turkic's position on the grassland.

But Tuli Keku never expected that Li Er would be so stingy.

"East Turkic even offered so many generous gifts, and even promised to build six cities for Tang Dynasty. As a result, Li Er is not even willing to reward me with a single princess!"

Although quite dissatisfied, Tuli Keku still did not dare to express his complaints.

And the civil and military ministers of the Manchu Dynasty all praised Li Er one after another.

"My Majesty, before my Tang Dynasty, I suffered many humiliations from the Eastern Turkic barbarians, but my Tang Dynasty never sent the princess to those barbarians for peace! My Tang Dynasty was able to persevere even when I was weak, let alone My Great Tang is now a powerful nation, the Holy One is really wise!"

"My Majesty, the current national strength of our Great Tang is different from before! Now that a small country like Turkic surrenders to our Great Tang, naturally our Great Tang should not lower our status and send our Princess of Great Tang to the Turks for marriage! This is what your Majesty has done. wise!"

"My Majesty, although the Turks sincerely surrendered to my Great Tang, the princess of my Great Tang is extremely delicate, how could she just marry into this barren place of the Turks! Your Majesty is wise!"

These ministers all ignored Tuli Keku's presence, and directly expressed Li Er's thoughts.

And Tuli Keku also looked embarrassed.

"I didn't expect that I, East Turkic, gave so many benefits, but I still couldn't get the support and favor of Datang, alas..."

On the other hand, the envoy of the Western Turks looked at the scene where Turikku was deflated, and couldn't help but burst out laughing, his rough face turned red.

Seeing the Western Turkic envoy who was holding back his laughter, Turi Keku was very unwilling in his heart.

"I, the Eastern Turks, have sent so many benefits to Datang, but now I have ended up being ridiculed by the Western Turks. If this spreads, it will make the surrounding small countries laugh their heads off!"

"If I, East Turk, can't get Tang's marriage, wouldn't I cut off my limbs! No, I have to think of a complete solution! I can't let East Turk suffer such a big loss! What's more! I, East Turk, must not Be looked down upon by the Western Turks!"

Turikoku made up his mind.

"Although King Tang rejected me, it was only on the grounds that the princesses are too young. It is well known that King Tang loves face. If I make an excuse no matter how small I can wait, it must be difficult for King Tang to turn down his face and reject me directly! "

"Yes, the only way to keep my face and safety in East Turkic is to use the next trick!"

Tuli Keku gritted his teeth and said, "Speak to the King of Tang! The guilty minister knows that the princesses in Datang are quite young now, but the guilty minister can assure the Tang king! My thoughts are definitely the most true! If the princess is young , the guilty minister can wait a few more years!"

"Besides, there are still many things that have not been resolved in East Turkic, and the guilty minister can't feel at ease to marry Her Royal Highness, it's one thing!"

"East Turkic is also in chaos now, the guilty minister understands! Even if we marry Her Highness, Her Highness cannot give Her Highness a good environment!"

"That's why the criminal minister is willing to wait for Her Royal Highness. During this period of time, the criminal minister will also raise the East Turkic to a new level!"

"I just ask the king of Tang to write a marriage contract to the guilty minister now!!"

As soon as Tuli Keku's words came out, Li Er's face turned dark immediately.

"I just wanted to use a proper method to reject this East Turk, but I didn't expect him to climb down the pole!"

"I still really made a mistake! This Tuli Keku is so sincere, what should I do!"

Li Er's original intention was to reject Tuli Keku's marriage request in a reasonable way without losing face.

But I didn't expect that Tuli Keku would directly follow his tricks, and now Li Er couldn't sit still.

After all, if he wants to marry the princess and go to East Turkic, Li Er is naturally unwilling.

Previously, Turks threatened Princess Changle to get married as a lesson for the past. Li Er was once bitten by a snake for ten years and was afraid of well ropes.

What's more, as an emperor, Li Erxin is proud and arrogant, and now Datang's national power is strong enough.

If at this time the Princess of Datang is sent to East Turkic for marriage, wouldn't this make the world laugh at Datang?
"The history books of later generations don't know how to slander me! The national power of the Tang Dynasty is already so strong, and they still take the initiative to make a marriage! It's ridiculous!"

Now is the time when Li Er can't get down from the stage, and he is scanning his gaze to the ministers below.

The former ministers of the following line cupped their hands and said: "My Majesty, I feel that what Tuli Keku said is quite reasonable. The current national power of our Tang Dynasty is strong enough to ignore the East and West Turks. This is undoubtedly true. It is a great blessing for the people of my Tang Dynasty! But since the Eastern Turks have surrendered to my Tang Dynasty, Turi Keku is also very eager for my Tang Dynasty's marriage! And he has offered so many tributes to my Tang Dynasty! I Datang, as a kingdom of heaven, naturally shouldn't refuse this request!"

"My Majesty, I think it's true! Although the Tang Dynasty is powerful, it can't be beaten with four fists! There is no reason in the world to be arrogant and invincible! My Tang Dynasty is now strong, so I should unite with the small countries around me! Only Gathering the power of all nations can make our road to the Tang Dynasty smoother! Now the prince of Turkic is asking me to marry the Tang Dynasty! This is undoubtedly a good thing to deepen the relationship between the two countries! The holy lesson!"

"My Majesty, I also feel that my Great Tang should absorb the experience of the previous dynasty. Although the current national power of the Great Tang is strong, there are still too many foreign enemies! If my Great Tang can win over the Eastern Turks with my relatives at this time, it will be great for me. For Tang Lai, it is naturally a good thing among good things! Our people in Tang Dynasty and Turkic people can also have more opportunities to communicate! The Holy One is a bright lesson!"

"My Majesty, my Great Tang has decided to include Turkic as a vassal state of my Great Tang, why can't I agree to Turkaku's marriage request? Isn't this an opportunity to get closer! My Great Tang and Turkic You can also usher in peace completely! Your Majesty, you have learned a lot!"

(End of this chapter)

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