Chapter 69 Rustle

Everyone remember to vote for me, after midnight, it will start hitting the home page of the new book list.


Early in the morning, Fang Hong woke up, moved his uncomfortable shoulders a little, and then yawned.

In fact, people who haven't woken up are less likely to yawn. Yawning is usually due to full sleep. Of course, it may be a person who is full of sleep yawns and then infects the people around him.

The first thing after getting up, of course, is to solve the physical problem, and then start the live broadcast.

Fang Hong turned his head and looked to the side for a moment, then turned around again, and was stunned on the spot.


Fang Hong didn't dare to twist his face, but squinted his eyes and took another look.


The ultra-fast vibrations finally merged into three rustling sounds.

Fang Hong started the live broadcast.

Water friends filed in: "Brother Gun, good evening."

"Is it good to cut in the morning? Brother Gun, this is in North America."

Someone immediately noticed the strangeness of the scene. Fang Hong leaned his back on the stone and sat on the ground, motionless.

Not far away, a rattlesnake coiled in place, raised its head and stared in this direction.

This rattlesnake is extremely huge, and although its black round eyes are not as vicious as the tip of a soldering iron, they also seem to reveal murderous intent in their innocence.



Fang Hong opened his mouth slightly, and spoke without moving his lips: "This thing is a rattlesnake, estimated to be three meters long, and belongs to the largest individual among the prairie rattlesnakes. I don't see a tail. Ten-jointed rattlesnakes, except when they were born It left a nine-section rattle when it shed its skin nine times later, using the concept of martial arts novels, this thing can be regarded as a dragon."

"Brother Gun, stop being ridiculous and run away."

"I can't run. It is two meters away from me. For a three-meter-long rattlesnake, two meters is only within the range of its one bite. As long as I move, it can bite me in the next second and inject venom."

The range of the rattlesnake's pounce is about two-thirds of its body length, so it can't die. The distance between Fang Hong and the rattlesnake is stuck at about two meters.

"Brother Gun, didn't you bring realgar, why didn't it work?"

"We have to believe in science." Fang Hong muttered, "I lost the realgar bag when I ran for my life last night. Now, I have to deal with snakes, insects, rats and ants during the whole journey."

In the absolute attack range of the rattlesnake, it is possible to escape with speed, but not now.

Just woke up, due to sitting all night, Fang Hong's entire back is numb, and his left leg is already numb due to the pressure of his right leg, and he can't take off his right leg. If he moves his right leg, the rattlesnake is very likely Eighty-nine will attack.

"Fortunately, it didn't wag its tail anymore. When I just woke up, this guy obviously felt that I was moving and kept wagging its tail."

"If I'm holding a knife, or standing, or holding a bow and arrow, it can't even try to threaten me. The problem is, I don't have anything in my hand, and I can't move."

This prairie rattlesnake is brown in color with some black markings: "All snakes in the world have a characteristic that the older they are, the more dangerous they are. Among the rattlesnakes, except for the Santa Catarina Island rattlesnake, the number of tail joints decreases every time it molts. In addition, other rattlesnakes are older with more tail joints."

"According to my guess, this rattlesnake has molted about 13 times. There is a huge gap between the rattlesnake and the broad tail of its tail, indicating that the telson has been broken. This snake has lived for about [-] years. After a few months, it died of old age, so it survived, and I met it before it died."

"Now, either it is my food, or I am attacked by it, it depends on who can bear it more."

"Forbearance? Brother Gun, are you still running away, unarmed, and catching snakes with bare hands?"

"It's fine to catch a snake with bare hands, but the problem is that this one is too big for me to catch it. The rattlesnake has the most brilliant infrared light-sensing organ in the world. As long as I move a little, it can judge that I am a living thing. Then rush up and give me a bite."

"So, you can't move now?"

"I have to wait for the sun, as soon as the sun comes out, I will chop it into pieces!"


The direction of Fang Hong's back is the east, and the boulder blocks the direction of the sun. As long as the sun exceeds the height of the farthest mountain in the east, the rattlesnake will be driven by nature to bask in the sun.

As cold-blooded animals, snakes are not very athletic in this situation, and they need the sun.

As for Fang Hong, he needed to wait until the moment it turned its head and crawled out of the shadows into the sunlight.

If there is a heart rate monitor, it can be found that Fang Hong's heart rate has reached an extremely low level at the moment.

Just after waking up, his heart rate should have increased significantly, but Fang Hong had been motionless for more than 10 minutes.

"There is a very serious problem. If I am awake, I can sit here without moving for a day and compare my patience with it. But now I just woke up, and all the functions of my body are recovering. If I don't move for a long time , I’m afraid that the cerebellum will automatically order the muscles to shake.”

As a high-level species, or the species with the most powerful neurons, human beings are not as good at controlling their own bodies as low-level animals. The reason is that the brain and cerebellum can bypass human self-consciousness and order the body to stretch at any time.

Most of the time, the will can overcome the body, but there are two exceptions, one is during sleep, the consciousness is fully asleep, and the control over the body is very weak.

One is just waking up, and the will has not yet taken over the body.

For example, Fang Hong's left leg is going numb now. If he doesn't do something, his brain will automatically order his left leg to move in order to prevent ischemia and necrosis, which is the legendary cramp.

Cramps, often caused by strenuous exercise or work fatigue or severe twisting of the shins, often occur while lying down or sleeping.

Little by little, carefully, Fang Hong took 5 minutes to slowly raise his right leg a little bit so that his right leg was not resting on his left leg.

After a burst of numbness, Fang Hong felt that blood was passing through his left leg, so he put his right leg down again.

No one can last long by lifting one leg up in the air with the bracelet alone.

Only this little movement was noticed by the rattlesnake.

The rattlesnake raised its head again, seeming very vigilant.

"I give you a kiss, this thing has noticed that I am moving, and it is very vigilant now."

The sunlight spread out inch by inch, moving at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The rattlesnake's vigilance and outburst, the sun's arrival—who came first?

The Red Grand Canyon in the early morning, under the sun, the earth is shining.

The breeze blows, and the wings of the birds flutter in the sky.

A battle of willpower is going on silently.

Dispel the coldness of the night, and inject a more gloomy feeling of bone erosion.

The fine scales on the top of the rattlesnake's head are dull, like a frosted mirror.


The rattlesnake's tail vibrated at a rate of more than fifty times per second, which showed that it was vigilant and was threatening Fang Hong.

If you go one step further, you will show your weapons, the most terrifying pair of Tibetan teeth and daggers on land that have evolved over hundreds of millions of years.

Sunshine, shadow of boulders.

Another pair of opponents who are competing.

The shadows are crumbling inch by inch, and the sun is gaining ground.

Finally, the rattlesnake's tail was bathed in sunlight.

Fang Hong remained still, the rattlesnake turned its head and swam towards the sun.

Seeing the rattlesnake turn his head, Fang Hong put his left hand on the ground, turned over, and wanted to stand up, but his left leg was numb, so he knelt down.

Wait for the rattlesnake to go?Surrender your life to fate?What are you kidding?
The half-kneeling Fang Hong opened the zipper of the mountaineering bag and put his hand in.

The most cold-blooded and patient hunter in the world suddenly realized at this moment that he had been deceived, turned his head and swam, and after advancing one meter, his upper body suddenly rose, and his torso supported the snake's head. In the air, his torso was still twisting. Moved, and the snake's head firmly moved in Fang Hong's direction, and opened its jaw at a terrifying angle.

Fang Hong reached into his backpack and pulled out the most convenient weapon.

bow and arrow?That's too late.

kitchen knife?not long enough.

Make up ax?Not easy to hit.

What Fang Hong took out was a big iron pot!

The rattlesnake that had rushed into the air slapped its tail on the ground, the entire rear half of its body straightened, and the front half of its body swam in the air.



At this moment, both sides of the duel used the same vocabulary.

(End of this chapter)

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