Chapter 84
Recommendation tickets, book lists, tips, kneel down!

"Is the wolf really that scary? What's more, there is only one wolf."

Fang Hong stared in that direction: "You guys search for North American gray wolves first, look at the photos, and then say this sentence."

"It's nothing, just like a normal wolf?"

"I am Cao!"

Someone searched for a single wolf without a reference, and living in North America where all the trees are huge, it is difficult to see the size of the wolf clearly.

But someone searched and found pictures of wolves and people taken together.

In most of the photos, the North American gray wolf has the height between the chest and abdomen of a human being. If it is lying on a human body, it will be taller than a human being!

You should know that this is North America. White people in North America are generally tall and strong. The average height of American men is 175, while the average height of American white men is 178. The height of American white men under the age of 30 is 182, which is on the same standard as the Netherlands and Norway. on-line.

In most of the pictures, 180 can be used as a comparison. The size of the North American gray wolf is extremely terrifying, not to mention like a calf, it is almost bigger than a calf.


In the empty forest, the sound of branches breaking was so obvious that Fang Hong took out his bow and arrow without saying a word.

500 meters away, a small black dot can be vaguely seen.

300 meters away, Gray Wolf is still advancing.

A hundred meters away, Gray Wolf slowed down.

50 meters away, the gray wolf stopped.

Gray on the back, white from the chin to the belly, very close to the husky coat color.

However, in animals such as wolves, the long hair on the neck grows very long, which makes the body look more majestic.

Fang Hong stared at the wolf, and the wolf also stared at Fang Hong. The distance between each wolf and the wolf was 50 meters, and the wind in the forest seemed to have stopped at this moment.

"Brother Gun, turn around and run away?"

"Brother Gun said last time, don't run away from wild beasts in the wild. Once you run away, you will be chased."

Fang Hong whispered: "What I said last time is wrong. It should be said that you should not run away when you encounter ordinary beasts. When you encounter wolves, it is useless to run away or not."

"North American gray wolves can maintain an activity of more than [-] kilometers per day. The range of activity of gray wolves covers most of the United States and Canada. Once they target their prey, they will keep pestering them."

This is the characteristic of wolves, unless Fang Hong can walk into another pack of wolves or another wolf's territory.

But in that kind of place, it can only be said that the crisis is even greater.

"If it is really immortal, should I give it an arrow?"

"Brother Gun, why do I think this wolf is more than 1.8 shoulders tall, [-] meters long, and more than [-] kilograms."

"He's fucking!" Fang Hong was annoyed: "Just now I mentioned the largest wolf pack in North America. This wolf should be a lone wolf from the Druid Peak wolf pack in Yellowstone Park. It is huge, at least 80 kilograms by visual inspection, even The length of the head and tail is two meters, how could such a body be driven out of the wolf pack?!"

It stands to reason that even if a wolf of this size is driven out of the wolf pack, it is easy to mix into another wolf pack and defeat the alpha wolf to become a new alpha wolf. How could it be driven all the way south to this kind of area?

"In 07, the wolves in Yellowstone Park fought fiercely, and the number of wolves dropped sharply. I'm afraid this is the case again. Now it's almost winter, and the lack of food has caused fierce fighting to happen again. There is no way for this wolf to mix with another pack of wolves in this environment, so it was driven south and came here, logically, there is no monster of this size in the resident wolf pack in the forest here."

"Say so much, give it an arrow."

"First, this kind of wolf is to protect animals. Second, a 110-pound bow is enough to pierce it, but it still needs to be shot!"

Shoot a fixed target, shoot a rabbit with its back at close range, and there is still some drama.

Shoot wolves? 50 meters?Fang Hong couldn't shoot at all, even if Gray Wolf stood still, a bag of arrows would not necessarily hit the target, not to mention, is Gray Wolf stupid?
Fang Hong could only confront Gray Wolf.

Even more frightening, the wolf looked like it hadn't eaten for a long time, perhaps it had just been driven into the area.

"Impasse, sudden embarrassment, unpreparedness."

"Embarrassed? This is a 6 that is pretending, but it's just embarrassing when it comes to this thing? If it were me, I would have turned around and ran away."

"It's really embarrassing. If it was 100 years ago, this wolf would run away when it saw me holding a bow and arrow. But now, especially in the United States, wolves are not afraid of people at all."

In the 15th century, there were [-] species of wolves in North America. One special species of wolf called the white wolf was exterminated by the Inlanders, and the Americans massacred the wolves on their own territory. It was introduced from Canada, and Americans don't kill wolves now, so wolves don't realize that a creature like Fang Hong is called a human—the most ferocious creature in the world.

"It's moving!"

The lone wolf spared a giant sequoia queen.

Fang Hong is vigilant: "You should have heard a lot of idioms, such as wolf-hearted, wolf-hearted, wolf-ambitious, wolf-greedy and tiger-watching, wolf-watching and suspicious. As a creature like a wolf, turning its head doesn't mean it gives up."

"However, I am not prepared to confront it head-on. I will continue on my way and leave this giant sequoia forest. If it sneaks up on me, I can only do it. If it doesn't sneak up on me, then forget it."

Fang Hong's mending ax was inserted in the side pocket of the mountaineering bag, and with a bow and arrow in hand, he made a detour to the east.

No matter how he walked, Fang Hong could still feel the wolf following him.

To the east, Fang Hong didn't relax his vigilance at all, and kept paying attention to the back, and the panoramic function of the live camera also provided a tracking field of view.

Fang Hong passed by the water source twice without stopping to fetch water, but continued to head east.

A shelter must be found before the sun goes down.

In other words, it doesn't take long to leave Sequoia Ridge, but you must find a place to hide that the gray wolf can't reach.

The problem now is that with this wolf following him, Fang Hong can't hunt and can't find anything to eat.

"The North American gray wolf, even if it is just a single one, is one of the most ferocious land animals in the world. Whether the jaguar can win against the North American gray wolf is a matter of opinion. It has been following me, enough to make nearby creatures like rabbits far away." Fleeing far away, I can't get food supplements now."

Finally, after walking out of Sequoia Ridge, on the one hand, the altitude began to rise again, on the other hand, the temperature dropped sharply.

This is a coniferous forest.

Fang Hong stepped on the soft fallen leaves and kept moving forward.

"Damn it!" Fang Hong avoided a tree: "There is actually a snake hanging on the branch. Fortunately, I didn't go over it."

There was little sunshine in the forest, and the sun was setting, and the surrounding area was already getting dark.

Fang Hong didn't have any choice, he climbed directly onto a huge pine needles as thick as two people's arms: "Fortunately, this is North America, there are giant trees everywhere, I'm afraid I can only spend the night here."

Climbing to a tree branch more than six meters above the ground, Fang Hong took out the downhill rope.

Unexpectedly, the rope that was originally intended to be used for downhill has been used as a binding rope.

Fang Hong chose this tree because its wood is hard and the branches are not easy to break, and because there are two very close branches here, which can be used to lie down on, and there is a third branch behind it.

Just as Fang Hong was making a net with a rope, not far away, a fat bird flew up.

The bird was numb all over and was about [-] to [-] centimeters long.

"Isn't this a snow chicken?"

Fang Hong froze for a moment, then watched the bird take off.

"Damn it!" The house leak happened to be raining all night!

"This is a snow chicken, also known as a thunderbird, a bird that originated in North America. It is good at running and can't fly for a long time. If it didn't take off after being frightened by me or the gray wolf, I would be in big trouble!
"Thunderbird, the reason why it is called Thunderbird is because it likes to fly high before the rain comes, just like chasing lightning."

If it didn't fly up in fright, it meant that it was going to rain.

Fang Hong looked up at the sky. The sky in the north was much darker than in the south, and it could be observed through the forest canopy.

Heavy rain is coming, and it's still freezing rain!


Fang Hong kept on doing nothing, took off the safety rope, wound it around the pine needles, and tied it into a knot: "It's really raining, so I can only hang it to sleep."

Lying on a branch in the rain?That's not what dying is.

Fang Hong has not eaten for a long time since he ate two pieces of snake meat in the morning. The water in the water bag is less than one liter, and there is no place to rest. If it rains again...

(End of this chapter)

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