Chapter 105
Yun Zhanbei's words made Anxi dumbfounded, "Brother, I'm not Meng Ran's guardian. I don't know where he went. Isn't he one of yours? Find it yourself."

Anxi was probably the only person in the whole company who dared to talk to Yun Zhanbei like this. After hanging up the phone, Anxi shook his head thinking of what Meng Ran said when he came here today.

Although Yun Zhanbei seems to be all-rounder, but when he meets Meng Ran, even if he is the king of heaven, he will fall down.

The food that I thought was generally not very delicious just now became delicious after being stirred up by Yun Zhanbei's gossip. Sure enough, everyone can gossip.

Meng Ran's house.

Yun Zhanbei and Yun Xiaobao looked at each other.

"What do you think we should do now? Yesterday I actually..." Yun Zhanbei was a little embarrassed to speak.

And Yun Xiaobao, a child less than two years old, can know what, in his eyes, seeing his own uncle so sad, he silently crawled over and patted his hand.

"Alas..." Yun Zhanbei, who sighed, picked up the little guy in his arms, took the things he had prepared before, and left Meng Ran's house.

The driver had already arrived downstairs and was waiting, without him needing to speak, the driver was driving in a certain direction skillfully.

And in another black car after he left, Meng Ran's slender long legs stepped out of the car.

She looked thoughtfully at the direction Yun Zhanbei left, and went straight home. Looking at the extra things in the house, her heart was full of mixed feelings.

This feeling is like those men who broke into her world in the previous world, they all ended up...

When Yun Zhanbei came back, Meng Ran was not at home.

Yun Xiaobao in his arms was already tired and fell asleep. After putting him on the bed, Yun Zhanbei started to call Meng Ran, but the ringtone came from the living room.

His brow furrowed.

Obviously, Meng Ran came back and left again.

He went to Mengran's house.

It is neatly arranged, and the things inside can be seen at a glance, even less than the things in his house.


After dark.

There was a strong wind blowing outside the window, and the sound of "whoosh" was matched with the sound of rain constantly beating against the window. Luckily, Meng Ran's room was soundproof, so it had little effect on Yun Xiaobao.

Yun Zhanbei was a little worried about Meng Ran, who hadn't come back yet. The phone was in the house, so he had no way to find him, so he could only wait here.

Sitting like this is the middle of the night.

When Meng Ran came back, he was refreshed. Just before he discovered that the little ghost had such profound ghost power, he was so excited that he immediately put a long line.

Today she went to collect the net, sucked up all the ghost power in that nest, and sent them to reincarnation by the way.

This violent storm came because of him. Not only did the cold aura on his body not make him feel any cold, but it made him feel comfortable physically and mentally.

But Yun Zhanbei didn't feel this way. When he saw Meng Ran came back, he was wet and cold, as if he had lost his body temperature.

He went to the bathroom and took his own bathrobe and put it on him directly, "What happened?"

"It's okay." Meng Ran let Yun Zhanbei rub his hair with a clean towel, "I'm not cold, let go."

Yun Zhanbei wrapped Meng Ran tightly so that he couldn't move. At this time, Meng Ran was still standing at the entrance, the coldness on his body was so cold that Yun Zhanbei was very worried.

"I put a hot bath for you, you go directly to take a bath, and I will get you clothes." The man entered Meng Ran's room skillfully, and skillfully made Meng Ran feel different.

Isn't it just one day, this man took the wrong medicine? ? ?
Meng Ran, who didn't quite understand Yun Zhanbei's behavior, went directly to the bathroom outside, and sure enough, as Yun Zhanbei said, he gave him a hot bath.

Just as she was unbuttoning her chest, Meng Ran took out his bathrobe and knocked on the door, "I put the stuff on the chair by the door for you, take it yourself."

The sound of a shower came from inside, Yun Zhanbei pursed his lips, turned around and went to sit in the living room.


Meng Ran, who had taken a bath and soaked comfortably, did not notice Yun Zhanbei's body reaction of suddenly froze when he opened the door to get his clothes.

It wasn't until the bathroom door closed again that Yun Zhanbei breathed a sigh of relief.


What is he nervous about? !

What is he nervous about.

Facts have proved that when Meng Ran finally came out, Yun Zhanbei was still very nervous, and even his hands and feet became unnatural.

"What's wrong with you." Meng Ran, who was wiping her hair, looked at Yun Zhanbei strangely, a man who was usually indifferent, suddenly being so "considerate" to him.

It really made people's backs tingle, and he always felt that he was planning some bad idea. With such doubts, his eyes were locked on Yun Zhanbei's body.

"'s okay." Yun Zhanbei turned his face away unnaturally, not looking into Meng Ran's eyes.

But his unnatural tendency to have the same hands and feet also reveals his inner indifference, making all his behaviors look even more strange.

There was a hint of embarrassment in the air.

This kind of atmosphere is what Meng Ran can't bear the most, it always makes his back go numb, and he wipes his hair while walking towards his room.

As soon as his hand touched the doorknob of his room, Yun Zhanbei's calm voice came over, "Meng Ran, let's talk."


On the balcony surrounded by glass on all sides.

Meng Ran looked at Yun Zhanbei who was sitting across from him and calmed himself down by the cold night wind, and casually glanced over with lazy eyes, "Tell me, what do you want to talk about."

The steamy hair was messily pasted on his forehead, and the light in his deep eyes was unpredictable. He stared quietly at Yun Zhanbei, waiting for his next words.

The sound of wind and rain outside also seemed lively, whistling past, blowing away the enthusiasm in Yun Zhanbei's heart.

"Last night... sorry." Yun Zhanbei's apology made Meng Ran a little confused, "Sorry for what."

Yun Zhanbei: "..." Do you really want him to say something so embarrassing?

"Ahem... I didn't expect your family to have such a strong drink, I, I..." Yun Zhanbei didn't even blink when he was negotiating with a dangerous foreign family.

But when he looked at Meng Ran's eyes, there was a trace of tension in his heart. The amber eyes were like gems shining in a silent place, dazzling.

"I took advantage of you, I'm sorry, I apologize to you very formally." Yun Zhanbei looked very innocent when he became serious, which made Meng Ran's lazy and casual smile froze.

Her thoughts returned to last night.

this man...

Seriously, it's pretty cute.

He looked at him with embarrassment, and sighed deeply, "Oh..."

(End of this chapter)

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