Chapter 137 Wild Xiaoqingmei 18
Meng Ran likes to stay in bed when she has nothing to do.

It's been three poles in the sun and they haven't gotten up yet.

However, at this time, the doorbell of Su An's house was rang.

Frowning Su An walked over to open the door.

Yuan Qin looked at the door that had not been opened for a long time, and started to call Su An. Su An, who was about to open the door, saw the caller ID, frowned, and intuitively told him that it was not a good thing.

"Su An, open the door quickly. Mom knows you're in the house, and I can hear your cell phone ringing." Yuan Qin's voice pierced through the door and went straight to Su An's ears.

At this time, Meng Ran in the room was also woken up by the sound. She glanced at the surrounding environment and was stunned for a moment before remembering where she was.

Yuan Qin, who was outside the house, entered the living room and soon found the pillows and quilt on the sofa, and glanced at Su An suspiciously, "Did you sleep on the sofa last night?"

"Yeah." Su An nodded, "Mom, your voice should be softer."

"What's so light?!" Yuanqin's fiery temper came up. It's fine if he doesn't go home on weekends, but he still sleeps on the sofa, which doesn't fit his son's personality at all.

Su An has a personality of enjoying sex, not to mention being obsessed with cleanliness, how could he sleep on the sofa? !

"Who slept in your room?" Yuan Qin thought of a woman first, and walked towards the door of the bedroom as soon as her thoughts sprouted.

At this time, Meng Ran, who hadn't washed yet, heard the movement outside, and unlocked the door from the inside.

The two people just looked at each other like this, you were stunned and I was also stunned.

"Why are you in my son's room?!" Yuan Qin's words made Meng Ran laugh when she recovered, "You have to ask your son about this, he brought me here."

"Su An!"

Yuan Qin turned her head and looked at Su An angrily.

The other party walked up to Meng Ran, hugged her waist, and said, "Mom, let me introduce you formally. This is my girlfriend, Meng Ran."

Yuan Qin: "..." Formal introduction?
Meng Ran looked down at the pajamas she was wearing and Su An's flip flops on her feet.

Well, it's quite "official".

in the living room.

After washing up, Meng Ran and Yuan Qin sat on one side.

Su An was still washing up.

The two women kept silent in a very tacit understanding at this moment, and Yuan Qin's gaze never left Meng Ran's face.

"Meng Ran, how did you meet Su An?" Yuan Qin still didn't hold back the desire to gossip, and took the initiative to speak.

Based on the choice of the other party as an elder, Meng Ran did not ignore her problem, "Everyone in the school thinks that he and I are a couple, so we are together."

So is it the result of public opinion?
Shouldn't be.

From childhood to adulthood, there are not thousands of girls who have been involved in "scandals" with Su An, but there are hundreds of them. How can it be done with her?There are tricks.

Yuan Qin's mind is actually quite simple.

She couldn't tell Meng Ran whether it was good or bad, but she thought she was a pretty little girl, prettier than any girl she had ever seen before.

It's just that this a bit cold.

Su An's personality is already cold, and if another one is even colder, if the two get together, wouldn't that be the fusion of the South Pole and the North Pole?

I feel cold just thinking about it.

After Su An came out of the wash, he saw Meng Ran and Yuan Qin sitting face to face. One of them seemed to have a lot of questions to ask, and the other was obviously restraining his indifference.

"Mom, you scared my girlfriend." Su An came over and sat next to Meng Ran, he knew his mother's temper, and said, "Mom, if you have nothing to do, you should go back earlier, I will go back this weekend , the driver is downstairs, let me take you down."

"Huh? I'm not in a hurry to go back." Yuan Qin's bag was picked up by Su An, who led her out first.

Elevator entrance.

Yuan Qin was still looking around the room.

Su An sighed, "Mom, you can easily scare my girlfriend away when you are so excited."

"Oh, how can it be so easy to scare away."

The elevator is coming.

Su An accompanied Yuan Qin in.

Listening to his mother's thoughts in his ears, he was not annoyed, he was used to his mother's gossip like a girl.

"Okay, mom, the drivers are here, let's go back." Su An opened the door of the back seat of the car, looked at his mother with a smile, and Yuan Qin looked at him full of anger.

"Didn't mom just want to help you get to know that girl better? Why are you so ungrateful?"

Yuan Qin just didn't get in the car.

His eyes fell on the upstairs room, and he could vaguely see a person standing on the balcony over there.


The following is Ms. Yuanqin's solo show.

"Oh? Isn't that my daughter-in-law, Su An, how long have you been with her?"

"We've already lived together. You should have been together for a long time, right?"

"My mother is from here. My mother told you to be nicer to other girls. With your cold personality, only your family can bear you."

"Although you are all college students now, do you know that you can't be irresponsible to other girls?"

"Well, if you can't bear it anymore, you must take good measures. You can't bully other girls, do you know?"


Su An listened all the way, and he could see that his mother liked and was very satisfied with Meng Ran, which surprised him.

"Didn't you want me to find a gentle girl before?"

"Then did you find it?"


Yuan Qin's rhetorical question made Su An shut up.

He also didn't expect her to answer the question so quickly, and if he didn't know, he thought she was training every day at home.

"Su An, mom doesn't ask how good her future daughter-in-law's family background is. As long as you like it, mom will like it, don't you know?"

"Understood, well, go back quickly, I will go back to see you on the weekend."

"You said it yourself. If you don't come back, be careful that I will break your leg." Yuan Qin got into the car and told Su An a series of things, and Su An agreed to everything one by one.

The car drove away slowly.

Su An looked up at his balcony, where Meng Ran was gone.


Meng Ran sat on the sofa in the living room and watched a movie boredly. The sudden arrival of Su An's mother caught people by surprise, and she herself knew that her performance was very bad in the eyes of her elders, and she would appear to be not very good to her son.

Before Su An came up, he went to the market downstairs to buy some ingredients, and went upstairs to the kitchen directly.

Although he doesn't know many dishes, he is studying hard.

He took out the sandwich he bought yesterday from the refrigerator, bit it in the microwave, poured another glass of milk, and brought it out to Meng Ran.

"Come here and have breakfast."

Meng Ran sat on the sofa and looked at Su An, who seemed to be wearing a Buddha's light, "Did I make it difficult for you?"

"Why do you ask that?" Su An looked at her puzzled.

"I'm not used to being with get along with people." Even among the roommates in the dormitory, most of the time they would take the initiative to approach him. If she were to take the initiative, I'm afraid she still doesn't have any friends.

(End of this chapter)

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