Chapter 162
On this point, Jiang Ren analyzed himself very thoroughly.

Meng Ran looked at Jiang Ren who kept walking towards the side of the mountain, a series of question marks in his mind, what is this kid going to do?
Because she was on the side of the house by the mountain, Jiang Ren's walking there was equivalent to walking towards her. When she couldn't figure out what the little brat was thinking, Meng Ran kept her position. Watching Jiang Ren's actions behind him.

Jiang Ren looked up at the moon in the sky, "Oh..."

He has been a sick child since he was a child, and what the little beggar said is not wrong, he is just arrogant, but is this what he wants?
He coughed twice casually, which in the eyes of other healthy people is arrogance, so instead of making everyone misunderstand, he simply sat by and watched his "arrogance", he had to sit in a sedan chair when he went out, and he had to eat good food, which is even more unsightly A little messy.

Over time, even he himself got used to this kind of "arrogance".

Not to mention the people of the entire capital.

And the little beggar must really hate his arrogance, right?


He is just a poor little person who is loved by no one. This world is too boring. He can't do anything except trouble and worry about the man-made city at home.

Even when she is an adult, no woman is willing to marry him.

Instead of that, why not...

Just when Jiang Ren had made up his mind and decided to give up his own life to save his father and sister from trouble, there was a chewing sound of "click" and "click" from the corner.

Jiang Ren's back felt cold.

Can't even choose to die?

After, the one behind will not be...

Jiang Ren turned around cautiously, cautiously, and slowly. After seeing Meng Ran who was watching a play with fruit in the dark, his eye sockets instantly turned red.

He didn't leave!
Meng Ran was thirsty just now, so she couldn't help but eat the fresh fruit picked in the afternoon. She wanted to chew it in small bites, but she didn't expect the sound of this fruit to be so crisp, and it was especially loud in the dark night after one bite.

Facing Jiang Ren's eyes with red eyes, the fruit she stretched out from her mouth slowly stretched towards him, "...Do you want to eat it?"

Jiang Ren: "..." No, he doesn't want to.

But in a blink of an eye, he thought of all the dislikes he had for him before. Is it because he disliked him so much before that he didn't come back this afternoon?
How patient?
Jiang Ren had already stretched his feet out of the darkness just now, and as long as he leaned forward, he could basically throw himself into the arms of Mother Earth, perform a free spin, jump, and close his see the King of Hades.


Jiang Ren walked over two steps faster, stared into her piercing eyes, took the fruit he took a bite of, and gnawed it in small bites.

Meng Ran: "..."

Is this boy in front of him who is nibbling fruit like a little hamster and looking at her with red eyes really Jiang Ren?

She reached out and touched his forehead, frowning: I don't have a fever, why did I suddenly change so much?Bewitched?Suddenly woke up?Got it wrong?

She shook her head without asking.

Meng Ran walked to the kitchen, and Jiang Ren followed behind her in small steps. Every time she turned around, he would stop and nibble the fruit in his hand. He gnawed out such a small fruit. The feeling of big fruit.

Meng Ran put the fruit in her arms into the basin in the kitchen, scooped a spoonful of water into it, "Don't gnaw on that, the core is almost gone, come here, take it yourself."

It is very cold on the top of the mountain, especially at night.

It doesn't matter that Meng Ran's body is strong, but Jiang Ren, a sick child, has turned pale after staying outside for so long.

She re-ignited the dry firewood in the pot that was originally used to grill fish, and put the fruit and pot aside, "Come and sit here, I'll get you something to eat."

The sweet potatoes that were baked in the charcoal fire before should still be warm. She added firewood and re-fired them. On the one hand, she heated up the pot and on the other hand, roasted the ones in the charcoal fire. She was so busy that she didn't pay attention. Now, this time Jiang Ren obediently sat by the fire.

Sitting obediently on the small bench she pointed at, the fire shone on his cheeks, making him look a little more rosy.

He didn't take any more fruit, just propped his chin up, huddled up and looked at Meng Ran who was burning firewood over there.

Jiang Ren: Actually, the little beggar looks pretty good...

It's not that Meng Ran didn't notice Jiang Ren's gaze, but she really couldn't figure out what this young man was thinking. Thinking about his actions just now...

Jiang Ren...

It's more like "seeking death".

Meng Ran's eyes slowly fell on Jiang Ren, who had already turned his eyes away from her. Although he was looking at the fire, he still glanced at Meng Ran from the corner of his eyes from time to time, paying attention. his emotions.

Why did the little beggar keep silent?
Are you still angry?

Why on earth did he come back so late...

Did something happen?
But why didn't he tell him, did he think he couldn't help him?

Would it look bad if he took the initiative to ask?

Jiang Ren's mind was full of thoughts, while Meng Ran on the other side was thinking: Should I eat roasted sweet potatoes first, or boiled sweet potatoes?

After a long time.

Jiang Ren was about to fall asleep, Meng Ran patted him on the shoulder.

"Scared!" He leaned back in horror, and almost fell, but Meng Ran quickly grabbed him, "What are you doing, you're in a panic."

"Also..." Jiang Ren was just about to lose his temper, but when he thought of his disappearance in the afternoon, he finally retracted his tongue and said slowly, "Isn't it because you scared me..."

Don't be too embarrassed to say this.

Meng Ran's hand holding his arm was going to let go immediately, but he hesitated for a moment after hearing his words, "Blame me?"

"...Hmm." It's all your fault.

do not know why.

From his "hmm", Meng Ran actually heard a hint of coquettishness.

Ok? ? ?
It must be her hallucination.

"Eat something simple, or you won't be able to sleep hungry at night." She let go of his arm and pointed to the sweet potato on the table. "Of course, if you are not hungry, you can choose not to eat it."

She walked to the place where the firewood was burning, took a black scissors-like object, and took out the roasted sweet potato, and put it on the ground beside her.

Although she baked it for a long time, the sweet potatoes she put in were big enough, so they didn't all turn into coke.

Ask her to tell.

The sweet potatoes have to be roasted in a charcoal fire to be fragrant. The sweet potatoes coming out of the stove only smell fragrant, but taste watery and tasteless at all.

And the ones baked in this charcoal fire are different, each one is fragrant and fragrant, which makes people appetite after smelling it.

And ah.

This baked sweet potato not only smells delicious, but also tastes better!

(End of this chapter)

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