Chapter 192 You Got My Attention 14
Xie Xiuzhu didn't expect that Su Ruo also had the lightning ability, but she didn't seem to be particularly advanced, but when she already had the water ability, adding another lightning ability was enough to make people jealous.

Ma Zheng also looked at Su Ruo in surprise, "Xiao Su, you are actually a person with both lightning and water abilities?!"

There was more surprise in his eyes, he was sure that Su Ruo liked him in the past, but it was only because he was with Xie Xiuzhu that she left sadly.

Now that she appeared in front of him and showed off such an operation, she must want to make him regret it.

But now Ma Zheng does have some regrets, but as long as he thinks that his charm is so great and makes Su Ruo so "eating and chasing", he will feel an inexplicable sense of arrogance in his heart, so that what he said also brings out A feeling of grace.

"Xiao Su, we don't care about you leaving the team before, as long as you are willing to prepare water for everyone now, I agree with you returning to the team."

After he finished speaking, he raised his chin very proudly. In the eyes of Bai Qi and Hou San, it seemed that animals put on human clothes and imitated human appearance. It looked a little funny, but the other party didn't agree. Know.

After hearing Ma Zheng's words, other people also echoed.

"Yeah, hurry up and give us some water. We're almost dying of thirst, and so is you little girl. Why are you so bad-hearted? Other water-type superpowers are very generous when they see people in need."

"That's right, look at your decent clothes and handsome appearance. It's been so long and easy to get jealous. Our vice-captain Xiuzhu and Captain Ma are a natural match. It can only be San'er."

"Let me tell you, before the apocalypse, such a girl is the most likely to be a third child. It's annoying. She always destroys other people's families."

Xie Xiuzhu was not happy at first. Ma Zheng told Su Ruo to return to the team, especially now that Su Ruo is still a person with both lightning and water abilities. I thought silently in my heart.

Su Ruoquan should watch a play.

She no longer wanted to comment on the arrogance and arrogance of Ma Zheng and Xie Xiuzhu.

Others are funnier.

While saying bad things about Su Ruo, saying that she is not good, she put the water bottle in front of Su Ruo, waiting for her to release water for them to drink.

Really think she is a fool.

Say, let them say, Su Ruo just doesn't move.

On the other side, Meng Ran opened the car door and sat on the seat, watching the play here with great interest, and Lu Mochen sat next to her to watch the play with her.

But his mind is on her space.

Hou San and Bai Qi are right next to Su Ruo, and they don't talk to each other, leaving the home court to Su Ruo to solve by himself, if necessary, they will help.

In the doomsday world where the jungle preys on the strong, kindness is not worth mentioning.

"You still don't let the water go?! Captain Ma said he let you return to the team, why are you still being hypocritical?"

"That's right, what are you still being hypocritical about? If you don't let the water go, we'll make Captain Ma take back the words to let you return to the team. Hurry up, I'm thirsty."

"hurry up!"


The impatient people from the Friendship Association wanted to come forward to push Su Ruo, but she dodged it, and released a lightning power, splitting the obtrusive water bottle in half, killing those who only knew how to talk. The fast person was frightened.

"Ah! What are you doing! My kettle!"

"You bitch!"

"Crazy! This is my favorite kettle, do you know it's very expensive!"

Su Ruo looked at them indifferently, "I have a team now, and I don't need your kindness. As for the can find someone with a kindness to release the water for you. I'm a bad woman, so naturally I won't Do these good things."

After finishing speaking, she returned to Hou San and Bai Qi's side and stood silently.

"Qi, I thought I was so capable, and I didn't rely on men. Why, it's too embarrassing for a woman to serve two men."

"If you don't turn on the water, don't turn on the water. You broke our kettle and you have to accompany us!"

"That's right, you broke our kettle, you have to accompany us!"

Bai Qi looked at these croaking people irritably. One of the metal-type abilities melted their kettles together, and some of the glass bottles were directly cut off by the wood-type abilities of the last three. up.

They didn't hold back on their abilities, let them take a good look at their abilities.

Su Ruo didn't let go of this opportunity, and threw a water ability to Xie Xiuzhu over there, and directly drenched her thoroughly, "I don't want water, here you are, you're welcome."

She did the same thing, one by one...and drenched all those people into drowned chickens!

"Su Ruo! You bitch!" Xie Xiuzhu saw that her favorite dress was so wet. The temperature difference in the end of the day was already huge, but now she felt cool, very cold.

Ma Zheng stood at the side with a cold face, looking at the disobedient Su Ruo and the two men who helped her over there, with viciousness in his eyes.

His ability is a spiritual ability, which can control other people with abilities, so this is why he can sit in the position of captain.

But when he wanted to use the spiritual ability just now, he found that he was suppressed by two powerful spiritual abilities.

Meng Ran originally wanted to help Su Ruo, so she made a move when Ma Zheng made a move, but Lu Mochen soon discovered her little move, and followed suit to suppress it.

It's all right now.

It doesn't need to be any surprise that two powerful psychic abilities join forces to attack a small psychic ability person, killing them in seconds.

Xie Xiuzhu was attacked by Su Ruo's water system and thunder system abilities, and she couldn't handle it. When she was wondering why Ma Zheng didn't make a move, she saw Ma Zheng standing there with a pale face, her eyes widened, as if Something terrible is going on.

Meng Ran and Lu Mochen shot at the same time, attracting the attention of the three strange zombies in the distance. They abandoned the car and came towards this side frantically.

The two of them looked at each other and said at the same time, "They are coming, hurry up!"

It's not that they can't beat them, it's just that Meng Ran and Lu Mochen both prefer this kind of "cat and mouse" chase when they think that if they can't beat them, they won't waste their energy.

The others didn't know who "they" they were talking about, but seeing how nervous they were, the rest of them panicked too.

After all, they have seen Bai Qi, Hou San and Su Ruo's skills. Although the two people in the car did not make a move, it can be seen that a person with such a strong aura is definitely not an ordinary person.

(End of this chapter)

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