Chapter 43
Bai Lian's tone was full of disbelief, and there seemed to be some vague grievances, like the feeling when a girl said something like "you hit me".

The surrounding enchantment instantly dissipated.

Bai Lianqi directly got into her bed, and gave her a very indifferent back.

For his strange change, Meng Ran was also confused. She looked at his long silver hair covering his back, and his back that made people want to be cupped, and finally sighed out of the house.

Bai Lian's back froze, and he relaxed after hearing her footsteps stop in the yard.

He turned around to face Miankou, and through the crack of the door, he could see Meng Ran in the yard, who was leaning against the trunk of the dead tree, thinking about something with his eyes closed.

Lian Yue: Shit!Think of a ghost! ! !

She never thought that the ghost power she had finally absorbed would be snatched away by Meng Ran!

She is human!

It's okay to grab her a ghost thing, what are you doing!

And as a human being, if she wanted to steal things from ghosts, wouldn't her conscience be aching? !
ah?Won't you be ashamed? !

If Meng Ran could hear what she was thinking, he would definitely tell her that Meng Ran didn't even have a heart, so how could there be such a thing as a conscience.

Meng Ran, who got half of the ghost power in Lian Yue's body again, felt refreshed all over.

As for Lianyue, as if she had been given purple sauce by someone, she pointed at Meng Ran outside the dead tree with trembling hands, and said a single word tremblingly for a long time.

"you you you you you……"

Meng Ran looked at Lianyue's horrified face without any guilt, she leaned over and slowly curled her lips, "Good boy, there are still many lonely ghosts in the west and east of the city, you can continue to absorb their ghost power tomorrow For your use."

"I'm not going!" She's not stupid, and if she went, the result would be the same as tonight, so why did she go to such a troublesome place? !
Tonight she acted as a vessel that took the initiative to absorb the ghost power back for her. In the end, there was only such a little ghost power in her body. For her, she was angry besides being angry.

Meng Ran shrugged her shoulders, "Although I absorbed half of your ghost power, the remaining half of your ghost power is not the same half as before.

Now the remaining half of ghost power, don't you cry a lot more diligently?If you don't believe me, feel the difference yourself. "

Lian Yue, who was dubious, returned the ghost power in her body for a week, and soon found that it was indeed as she said, she had improved a lot.

But there is no way to erase the damage she caused to her heart. Fortunately, she thought this person was not bad before, but she never thought that she would not let ghosts go!

Simply a beast!


It should be said that it is not as good as a beast! ! !

Meng Ran, who ignored Lian Yue's little heart, went back to the house and tried to use ghost power to adjust her physical condition.

When her heart moved with her thoughts, she could feel the interaction between the seal on her wrist and her.

"Go back!" Meng Ran said suddenly, and when she opened her eyes, the quilt on the bed had already collapsed.

And Bai Lian, who was lying under the quilt, had already returned to the space in her wrist, looking at Meng Ran outside with a dazed expression.

It seemed that he couldn't believe what had happened.

Why did he suddenly return to the space seal? ? ?
What did she do to him? !

Bai Lian wanted to go out again, but he couldn't.

Night is when the ghost power is at its strongest. Although his body healed, his spiritual power didn't come back immediately.

So it was understandable that he couldn't defeat Meng Ran who had just absorbed ghost power at night.

It's daytime.

Bai Lian immediately came out of the space seal, and before he had time to do anything to her, Zhang Ruixuan's voice came from the yard outside the house.

"Uncle Meng, sister Ranran, are you there?"


In Bai Lian's eyes where she didn't see, a flash of hostility flashed, but when she looked over, it all disappeared, leaving only a faint smile.

Meng Ran glanced at him suspiciously, and then heard the sound of Meng Qing opening the door of the room next door.

Afterwards, Zhang Ruixuan and Liu Yuzhu said politely, what's the trouble, I didn't expect them to be resting.


I'm really sorry about it……

Then don't bother me so early in the first place!It's all here, but there are so many dramas.

Seeing the displeasure in Meng Ran's eyes at this moment, Bai Lian's heart sank, and he felt a little relieved.


Meng Qing greeted Liu Yuzhu and Zhang Ruixuan to sit in the hall, and then went to the kitchen to boil water.

It's not like letting them hang out on purpose, it's just that in their small yard, there are no maids to serve them, and they need to handle everything by themselves.

"I'll go and have a look." Liu Yuzhu and Zhang Ruixuan said.

He nodded, and then began to look at the room, which seemed to be used for entertaining guests, with a simple table, the so-called warmth was not worth a cent in his opinion.

in the kitchen.

Liu Yuzhu looked tenderly at the man who was sitting there burning firewood and boiling water. Even after so long, there was still a charm about him that attracted her.

"Brother Meng, do you need my help?" She was standing in the kitchen, her luxurious clothes looked so out of place with everything here.

Meng Qing refused and said, "No need, you and Ruixuan just wait in the hall, I'll make you a pot of tea when the water boils..."

"Don't be so polite. You and I are friends who haven't seen each other for many years. If you are too unfamiliar, you will see someone else."

Liu Yuzhu wanted to get closer to each other, but found that Meng Qing seemed to have become the estranged son of the family again.

"No need, just go to the lobby and wait." Meng Qing ignored her kindness, got up and opened the cauldron on the stove, and took a look at the boiling water inside.

Not open yet.

Then he sat back and continued to boil water.

When Meng Ran got up, she was wearing a crimson purple skirt, which looked a little more calm than yesterday's.

Lian Yue in the dead tree lightly opened her eyelids to take a look, shrinking her neck to hide even more.

The great devil has awakened.

very scary.

However, Lian Yue found that there were still two uncomfortable breaths in the yard. When she saw Zhang Ruixuan and Liu Yuzhu over there, her eyelids twitched.

These two people have a very strong hostility, not like theirs, more like contaminated...

"Sister Ranran." Zhang Ruixuan looked over when he heard the door opening, and immediately walked over excitedly to say hello.

"Yeah." Meng Ran just glanced at him, not paying too much attention to him.

She glanced over the dead tree, and after hearing Lian Yue's unconscious murmur, she was thoughtful.

(End of this chapter)

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