Chapter 52
Liu Yuzhu was annoyed.

When he said this, all their arrangements in the past few days were in vain.

"Mother, I only have you as my mother, I will not let you die." Zhang Ruixuan's eyes were red, he knelt down towards Zhu Chenqing, and begged him, "Please give us the antidote, my lord, we We knew we were wrong, we shouldn't have done such a thing to Uncle Meng."

Zhu Chenqing helped the man kneeling on the ground to his feet, and the government servants behind him also helped Liu Yuzhu, who had been slumped on the ground, to his feet.

He didn't say anything, just handed one of the medicines in the box to Zhang Ruixuan, "You will know after taking it."

"What?" Zhang Ruixuan looked at him puzzled.

But thinking that people who didn't eat 'Chunfenglu' would be fine, he immediately put it in his mouth without hesitation, and when he felt the sweetness of a sugar pill, he looked at Zhu Chenqing in surprise, "This is... "

The other party looked at him and smiled gently, "This is just a sugar pill that is similar in color to a pill. Eating it will not cause any harm to your body."

Both Zhang Ruixuan and Liu Yuzhu were dumbfounded.

The people outside were also dumbfounded. They all thought that this medicine was really the nemesis of 'Chunfenglu', and they would bleed to death after taking it.

Who knew it turned out to be just a sugar pill.

Meng Ran noticed it when she took the pill, that's why she looked at Zhu Chenqing like that.

I didn't expect his brain to be so flexible.

"Now that the truth of this matter has come to light, please leave my house. My house is too small and my father is still asleep. I really don't have time to entertain you." Meng Ran's order to evict guests was very obvious, and Zhu Chenqing didn't care.

When the yamen servant under him took Liu Yuzhu away, the other party stared at Meng Ran fiercely, with unwillingness in his eyes.

"Meng Ran, you are as cruel as your mother!"

"I curse you, you will never get the happiness you want, hahahahaha - you will never get the happiness you want!"



She never believed in curses!

Even if there is, it is only for her to curse others!
Others...don't even think about it!

When everything was calm, Meng Ran suddenly felt a little tired.

She looked at Meng Qing who was still sleeping on the bed, covered him with the quilt again, and returned everything to its original state before leaving.

And at this time in Meng Qing's room.

Bai Lian was looking indifferently at the person on the bed with a pair of amber icy pupils. Since there was no one else, he could directly kill the man who prevented him from being with Meng Ran.

It's just that when he raised the sharp knife in his hand, Meng Ran's eyes flashed in front of him at that time, calm and terrifying.

Only then did Bai Lian discover...

It turned out that he had always been afraid of her.

Afraid of her leaving, afraid that she doesn't want me, afraid that she doesn't have me in her eyes, afraid that she doesn't love herself at all.

But when all this really happened, he realized that his feelings for her had accumulated over time and could no longer be eradicated.

He has taken care of everything about She Shan.

Hei Chi and Hei Yi are also tied up, and they won't come out again to cause trouble in the world.

He also regained everything, but he was still unhappy in his heart, as if something was missing.

Whenever he opened his eyes at night, he would habitually look at the people around him.

But apart from the empty stone wall, there was no sign of anyone.

He misses her.

Miss her crazily.

So here he is.


that night.

When Meng Qing woke up from his sleep, he saw Bai Lian sitting on the bedside of his bed with his hair loose, looking at him and smiling silently.

This scene almost scared his soul out.

"what are you doing here?"

Seeing his loathing for him, Bai Lian originally wanted to turn around and leave, but because of what he had heard in the restaurant these days, he backed off his steps to leave.

"I've come to apologize to you."

"I do not need."

"No, you need to."

"I do not need!"

Meng Qing and Bai Lian almost started arguing like this.

Bai Lian thought of the "bitter trick" he had learned, and suppressed his desire to swallow Meng Qing.

"Meng Ran was saved by my mother." Bai Lian began to talk to Meng Qing about his mother and his wife in the cave. At that time, although his body was weak, he was still conscious.

"She is the little wife my mother ordered for me, and she was also raised by me, so you can't just take her away from me."

Speaking of it.

Bai Lian lowered his haughty head. He didn't bow his head when faced with the past experience of being overwhelmed, but now he bowed his head to Meng Qing for Meng Ran.

"You say that creatures like snakes are born with cold blood. I don't agree with that."

"My mother and my father really love each other. My mother is a snake and my father is a human being. They have loved each other all their lives. If there hadn't been that rebellion, my father, my mother, and my younger brother...we would all be a happy family .”

"Our blood is naturally cold. I can't control this, but my affection for Meng Ran is real. I watched her grow up little by little, and I waited for her to become my bride. That feeling It's as if you were waiting for your wife."

Some of Bai Lian's words still touched Meng Qing's soft heart, but as long as he thought of when his daughter was just born, he would be missed.

And he actually had the idea that a little girl was his little lady.

"You are perverted! You are too perverted!" Meng Ran was just a baby at that time!
Bai Lian: "???"

Where did you say something wrong?

Don't all the storytellers in those teahouses say that?

Shouldn't he be moved to marry his daughter to him? ? ?

Why is it different from what those storytellers said?
In the end, Bai Lian touched the ashes on the nose, but still did not get Meng Qing's consent.

And Meng Ran decided to return to the Eight Desolation Mirror after dealing with all the matters. Since Bai Lian is not dead and has become the king of the Sheshan Snake Clan, her mission is completed.

No need to stay in this mortal world anymore.

But thinking of the previous results in the mortal world, she seemed to have thought of a way to cause her to die unexpectedly and it was impossible to come back.

that day.

Meng Qing went out to do errands.

Bai Lian wasn't there either.

The blazing fire burned the small room completely, and when Meng Qing came back, it was too late to save the fire.

He wanted to rush in but was stopped by a hand.

"You are her father, she must not want anything to happen to you, I will rescue her."


Since then.

No one saw Meng Ran and Bai Lian again, and Meng Qing also regretted it.

Seeing Bai Lian who rushed into the flames without hesitation, he regretted what he had done to him before.

The fire burned for a day and a night.

In the end, only ruins remained.

According to Meng Ran's instructions, Lianyue entrusted Meng Qing with a dream, told him that everything was voluntary, and let him live a good life.

And Bai Lian's side.

Although he finally rescued Meng Ran, she was still in a coma.

Until the moment he died.

The snake bone seal on Meng Ran's wrist was transferred to the clavicle above her heart, which was the closest to her heart.

"Meng Ran... In the next life, I will definitely live in your heart."


"……wait for me."


his wife...

In the next life, they will surely grow old together...


If possible, in the next life, I hope to make you a wedding, I love you, you love me, a wedding full of warmth and love.


Starting today, there will be 2 updates every day, 2000 words per chapter, I hope you will support me~
(End of this chapter)

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