Chapter 56
Meng Ran stayed here to experience life during the summer vacation.

Temporarily acted as a part-time teacher.

Still teaching music.

Some basic music theory is taught to children every day.

There are not many courses here, and there may be at most two classes a day.

When she has nothing to do, she also acts as a cook. In this world, she has to admit that she has a mother who is a gourmet, and her cooking skills have also improved by leaps and bounds.

Some common side dishes will also be made into different tastes by her.

But here she doesn't pay much attention to the presentation of the plate, because every ingredient here is very cherished.

This is the third time that Lu Qiran has seen her cooking.

Although she is good at cooking, she does not cook every meal.

Usually, whichever female teacher has more free time, she will do it. Today, other teachers are busy, so she is the only one to do it.

Lu Qiran stood outside the kitchen and looked at the woman's beautiful face without makeup. The halo of the sunset swayed on her body, rendering it a layer of beautiful fluorescence, which made him unable to move his eyes away.

Meng Ran saw Lu Qiran when she looked up, looked at him with some surprise and smiled, "Ms. Lu is out of class, and we can start dinner right away, just wait a little longer."

The children here eat their lunch at school, and the amount of work will be larger.

They all go back to eat at night, so she only needs to prepare a few meals for the teacher tonight.

There are five teachers and one principal here.

Among them, the principal and two teachers are locals, and Lu Qiran, another female teacher, and a male teacher came from outside to teach.

it's here.

Lu Qiran was the one who stayed the longest among the supporting teachers.

"It's okay, take your time." Lu Qiran's voice was as indifferent as his own, except for smiling when facing children, he was used to being alone at other times.

"Okay, if you don't mind, you can help me add some more firewood." Meng Ran smiled sincerely at him, the knife in her hand kept working, looking amazing, but at the same time worried that she would cut it into your own hands.

Lu Qiran nodded, came to the firewood place and sat down, adding some firewood from time to time.

After that, he sat here without leaving.

While adding firewood, while warming the fire.

Just to warm up the body.

Even in summer, there is still some coolness in the mountains at night, especially there are more mosquitoes.

Meng Ran wears long sleeves and trousers on weekdays, but she still can't avoid being stared at a few times, and she always scratches her hands when eating, Lu Qiran notices all this.

There is no such thing as a shower here, and Meng Ran is also used to boiling water to wipe her body every day.

Although it is not as comfortable as a shower, at least the body is not dirty in summer, there is no sweat smell, and it will not be uncomfortable.

"Knock knock" knocked on the door.

Meng Ran was about to fall asleep, when she heard the sound, she put on a coat and came out to open the door.

When she saw Lu Qiran, a strange color flashed in her eyes, as if she had some doubts about his midnight visit.

"What's the matter, Mr. Lu?"

Lu Qiran handed her a plaster sold by the locals, "The mosquito-like anti-mosquito lotion here can't stop it. In the future, rub some of this ointment on your hands and neck will be effective. After being bitten by mosquitoes, It’s also useful to use this.”

Meng Ran took the ointment from his hand. Although she was a little surprised by his behavior, she still expressed her gratitude verbally.

Lu Qiran didn't say much, and turned back to his room.

In fact, it is next door to Meng Ran.

Lu Qiran and the others shared a room with each other before, but after Meng Ran came, he gave up his room for her to live in, while he shared a room with another male support teacher, Shen Tianchi.

She had seen that room, with simple furnishings, two small beds, and the two men didn't pay much attention to it.

Girls, on the other hand, live in one room.

On the other side of her is the room of Chu Qin, a female teaching teacher. Although she has been teaching for half a year, she still tidies herself up beautifully.

The reason for this.

She saw the trickiness in the eyes she often secretly glanced at Lu Qiran.

It seems that she is another woman who has been fascinated by Lu Qiran's suit pants, and she doesn't know that this man will...

its not right!
In this world, she came to "marry"! ! !

Since Fu Yiqi is not the one who cleared the customs in the Tianbei, then Lu Qiran is the most important target.

two years ago.

He is also a well-known figure in the wealthy circle, known as "the noble son of the wealthy family", and he is the object of pursuit by many wealthy families.

But then I don't know what happened.

It just disappeared suddenly.

And although she is known as the "famous lady's daughter", she doesn't have much contact with Lu Qiran and their circles.

It's just that I have heard of it occasionally, but I haven't seen each other once.

But in the experience before the world restarted.

In the time after marrying Fu Yiqi, I met Lu Qiran many times with him.

This man is definitely a representative of a black belly, the ink in his stomach is as black as the big cuttlefish in the sea.

A little inattentive.

It is very likely to get sprayed with ink all over, but you still have nothing to do with him.

But after getting along for this period of time, she really didn't find that he had the aura she had seen in the past.

Isn't he now... blackened? ? ?

Looking at his usual cold and indifferent appearance, whether he is black or not, makes people feel a little chilled in the back.

I hope she made the right choice this time.

The people who can be selected by Tianbei are naturally excellent people, so her "marriage" partners are naturally all excellent people.

Fu Yiqi is, and so is Lu Qiran.

If it is wrong again this time, I am afraid that the world will have to be restarted again.


The food in the school is almost gone, and there is a long way to go from the village to the county seat.

After knowing that Meng Ran came by car, the principal asked her to come, and Meng Ran had no objection to this.

It just so happened that Lu Qiran had no class that day, so he simply went with her.

He didn't let Meng Ran drive, but took the initiative to act as a driver. When he saw the Range Rover Meng Ran was driving, his eyes on her froze slightly.

Meng Ran shrugged, "I have never denied that my family is rich."

"..." Lu Qiran.

The two of them were still silent along the way, but fortunately, there was a lot of music in her car, which she downloaded specially for Lu Qiran.

It was a long walk downhill and then a couple of hours of driving.

It was already dark when they arrived in the small county town, and the principal wanted them to go back tomorrow, so they could sleep in a hotel in the town tonight, but they found several hotels, but they all said there was no room.


(End of this chapter)

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