Chapter 6 I pissed off the villain 06
And, she really wanted to tell them...

She could hear their conversation!
So can you stop talking about their plans so blatantly? ? ?

This will give her a sense of lack of participation and accomplishment.

The long sword in Yu Zhaoyan's hand was always on guard. Although he couldn't hear the voices of those shadows, he could tell something strange from the shadows gathered together over there.

Shen Ruoying supported Sima Han who was injured while trying to save herself, and looked at him worriedly, "Cousin, are you alright?"

"It's okay." Sima Han covered the wound with his hand.


What he didn't say was that the wound on his hand was numb, as if he had been poisoned.

After Meng Ran finished drawing the talisman designed to resist these shadows, he walked up to them and told them, "This circle can protect us for a quarter of an hour, but the 'cloud covers the moon' lasts for two quarters of an hour, and we need to rely on us for the next quarter of an hour." It's up to me."

Meng Ran's original intention was to boost morale, but Shen Ruoying obviously didn't believe him, anyway, he let it go, "As long as we can survive this quarter of an hour safely, we don't have to be afraid of them."

Without darkness, the attacks of these shadows are not high.

According to the abilities of the few of them, it is enough to deal with it.

It's a pity that Shen Ruoying didn't believe his words, after all, Meng Ran was the most dandy son in the whole capital.

There is a saying in the capital that has been circulating.

I would rather believe that a sow can climb a tree than Meng Ran's mouth.

"Why should we trust you?"

She has been very angry with Meng Ran's series of manipulations since just now. If Sima Han hadn't been giving her hints, she would never have listened to him.

What's more, he still misses her brother Zhaoyan all the time, a vicious thought arises spontaneously in Shen Ruoying's heart.


Meng Ran glanced at her lightly, "If you want to die, you don't have to believe it."

Anyway, she is not the object of her mission, she will not stop her if she wants to die, with such an IQ, she is still the most talented woman in the capital.

Yu Zhaoyan saw the shadow gradually disappearing over there, and a cold voice sounded, "It's gone, be careful."

Meng Ran's ears moved, "It's to the east."

That will be the place where "clouds cover the moon" first started, and it is also the place where darkness first shrouds.

Yu Zhaoyan glanced at him, his gaze began to focus on the east side, and the coldness around him dropped to freezing point in an instant.

Although Shen Ruoying didn't believe Meng Ran's words, she believed in Yu Zhaoyan.

Their voices were kept very low, and the shadows didn't pay attention to what they said, so they didn't know their deployment.

For the talisman painted by Meng Ran, they tried to get closer.

After discovering that there was no influence or attack power, they gradually breathed a sigh of relief.

Just take this talisman as Meng Ran's pretending to be mysterious.


Yu Zhaoyan paused at a certain place from the corner of his eye, and the vigilance in his heart became more and more behind him.

Meng Ran was standing behind him, watching the man's broad shoulders draw his lips.

Even Yu Zhaoyan didn't realize that he handed over his most trusted back to Meng Ran.

In his heart, he trusted the man who gave him a new life.

In the past, he would let Meng Ran mess around with him like this because he saved his life.

In order to save him, he was also imprisoned by the queen mother for 3 months.

The first thing after coming out is to find him.

The moment he saw him, that kind of smile with its own brilliance, he will never forget in his life.

Suddenly, someone twisted her waist severely.

Yu Zhaoyan returned to his senses immediately.

"I know that my beauty is enough to make everyone sink, but Yu Zhaoyan, if you dare to lose your mind again, believe it or not, I will kill you when I go back!"

Meng Ran's threatening words made the man with his back turned, the corners of his mouth curl up uncontrollably.


Clouds cover the moon, clouds cover the moon.

According to legend, in ancient times, before humans were born, there existed such a group of species that did not look like ghosts or gods.

They lived in darkness, ate raw meat, gnawed bones, and what they loved most was living with blood.

Later, with the appearance of humans, they discovered new sources of food, and gradually began to eat human flesh, causing panic in the mortal world.

Meng Ran was also surprised that such creatures existed in this world.

She tried to summon the power of ghosts.

But as the "cloud covering the moon" got closer, the ghost power she could sense became weaker and weaker, almost to nothing.

never mind!

Everything is unreliable!

It is better to rely on yourself!
Sensing the increasingly gloomy chill behind him, Yu Zhaoyan glanced sideways, and when he caught sight of the unsmiling Meng Ran from the corner of his eye, his heart skipped a beat.

His hand rarely took the initiative to hold his hand, "Don't be afraid, I will protect you out."

After saying this, Yu Zhaoyan let go of his hand.

His eyes focused on the shadows that gradually merged with the darkness, and the soft sword in his hand was already floating with the master's heart, and began to make a "buzzing" sound of the sword, sonorous and powerful, which made many The shadow felt timid.

"The sword in that man's hand... is a bit weird." The wife of the old woman from before suddenly spoke up. As the leader of the shadows, his words quickly aroused the worries of the shadows.

The old lady from before has also become a woman with a lingering charm at this time.

The old woman was nothing more than a humanoid coat she used, and at night, the shadows who borrowed the "cloak" would take off the burden.

"What's really frightening is not the sword in that indifferent man's hand, but that little white face. Haven't you seen the silver light on that sword, even in the absence of moonlight, it is also emitting a silver-gray light?"

Her words attracted the attention of other shadows, "Anyway, no matter what, they must not be allowed to leave! If they discover the secret of the Blood Bamboo Forest, our family will be completely finished."

Their tribe has become less and less.

If it is less, they may disappear from this world completely.

"Be careful, darkness is coming soon." Meng Ran's words coupled with the scene at the scene doubled the fear in Shen Ruoying's heart, but Yu Zhaoyan heard a trace of excitement in her voice.

Could it be that he wants to...

The moment the darkness completely struck, all the shadows took advantage of the cover of the darkness, and their sharp claws kept attacking Yu Zhaoyan and the others.



The voices of the shadows came one after another from the darkness.

Meng Ran's lips gradually curled up, just for this effect!

Let you dislike the symbols drawn by labor and capital!

When the shadows approached them to strike, the sharp claws in their hands were burned by an invisible force, blocking the outside of the talisman.

Because there is no moonlight, their voices are also presented in the dark.

"Damn! What the hell is this!"

(End of this chapter)

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