Chapter 13

"There is a familiar feeling radiating from the bone dragon egg."

"This is normal, because you are already connected with it by blood, and it will only obey your arrangements."

"Well, it would be nice to have a strong thug."

During the hatching of the bone dragon, Tang Yuan turned around in the necromancer ruins and found nothing but a staff

"This staff is a bit weird." Tang Yuan looked at the staff wrapped in black air in his hand, Tang Yuan told the information about the staff to the big clock
"Black air, magic staff, black magic sealing staff, Tang Yuan quickly throw it away! A ray of consciousness of this ancient evil god is sealed in the staff!" The big clock shouted eagerly

"I'm stupid!" Tang Yuan waved his stick and threw it out. Tang Yuan has read many novels before so he knows the divine sense

Old man

Old man

The cane directly shattered
"The matter is serious!" Tang Yuan ran away

A cloud of black air floats in the air
"It's been hundreds of thousands of years, and I've finally come out. Those damned undead natives dare to imprison me. I want to kill them all! The plane of the undead!"

"I'm so stupid, I have a deadly feud with the Necromancer."

"Who, come out!"

Tang Yuan came out
"I didn't mean anything, I just came in by accident." Tang Yuan said expressionlessly
"Biological organisms, I haven't eaten for a long time." Heiqi gave a greedy look (although it has no eyes)

Tang Yuan looked at it and ran away immediately, he just felt the killing intent of the black air

brush brush

One person and one cloud of black air soared on the roofs of this dead city

"I want to eat you, so I can recover some strength, and it is your blessing to be my food!"

"Fuck me, this guy must be crazy hungry!" Tang Yuan was speechless for a while

Tang Yuan set up the formation while running, after a while of chasing, Tang Yuan set up the formation perfectly, and now only one Contra-level person or thing is needed to activate it, this thing is indeed the bone dragon, the bone dragon once Born with intelligence and Contra-level strength comparable to a young man

"It's almost there." Tang Yuan's soul power was running low. He could already feel the bone dragon was coming, and then saw that the black air behind him didn't slow down at all. Turning his head, Tang Yuan almost wanted to cry. Sure enough, God is more perverted than ordinary people pervert!
A roar soared into the sky
The black air actually trembled a bit, after several 10 years of consumption power was greatly reduced

A black shadow flashed by, Tang Yuan was already in the sky at this time, a huge dragon was waving its wings under him, the dragon was not much different from ordinary dragons, the bone dragon had flesh and blood, and the scales on its body turned into armor with sharp edges and corners, The dragon head and the angular armor are very handsome, the eyes are like deep black gemstones, the huge wings are covered with armor, and there are clusters of blue flames coming out of the mouth
"I'm stupid, riding a bone dragon to go out is absolutely high, there's nothing wrong with it, no, the bone dragon releases its power to drive the formation!"


The bone dragon released a huge amount of energy with a roar, and the eight trigrams array started to shake!

"Damn it's Tianlei! I'm not reconciled!"


A purple sky thunder blasted down, and the black air was immediately bombarded until there was not even a scum left

"I'm Cao Tianlei so awesome."

At this time the bone dragon had already fallen down, Tang Yuan looked at the bone dragon lying in front of him

"Can you get smaller."


The bone dragon roared to say yes

The body of the bone dragon shrunk and became smaller until it was only as big as the top of the head. Tang Yuan put it on his shoulder and asked how to get out. The bone dragon came with Tang Yuan. On the side of the city, a large teleportation array appeared in front of him.

"Can the big clock be recorded?"


Tang Yuan put the ring in a groove
"Start analyzing, locate the energy circuit, and start positioning..."

10 minutes later
"The analysis is complete, the energy circuit is located successfully, the position is located successfully, and the teleportation array is activated."

A series of beeps appear
Tang Yuan took out the ring and put it on his hand, stood in the teleportation array, and the bone dragon also flew into the teleportation array
"From now on, you will be called Han Gu."


Han Gu let out a low growl and said he liked it very much.
One person and one bone dragon left the ruins with the teleportation array

The whole ruins suddenly returned to silence

Thank you for your recommendation tickets, the author has recently adjusted the adjustment status

(End of this chapter)

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