The heavens are happy

Chapter 73 Life and death are bearish

Chapter 73 Life and death are bearish
Zhang Wuji, who had just killed someone and was extremely shocked in his heart, didn't pay attention to Yang Xiao's words at all, because at this moment the cold poison in his body finally couldn't be suppressed.

Today, Zhang Wuji experienced so many changes in a day, his mood was really ups and downs, several ups and downs, and at this time he killed someone himself, the breath in his body was in chaos for a while.

In fact, just now his heart was in severe pain, and the cold poison in his body had already exploded, but he was shocked by Yang Xiao's sudden killer at the time, so he didn't feel any pain. It was only at this moment when his mind lost his guard that he felt a biting chill in his chest and abdomen , could not help but groan.

Seeing that his expression was wrong, Yang Xiao quickly put his hand on his pulse, and instantly felt a chill in his body.Yang Xiao knew that he must be suffering from cold poison, so he hurriedly straightened his body, sat cross-legged behind him, and used the internal energy of Nine Suns to heal his injuries.

With the experience of dispelling the cold poison for Wei Yixiao last time, Yang Xiao is naturally familiar with it at this time, but the cold poison in Zhang Wuji and Wei Yixiao's body is different.Wei Yixiao injured his meridians because of his insane practice, but he has profound internal energy, so he can barely suppress it. Yang Xiao only needs to heal his damaged meridians and use the nine yang internal energy to dispel the cold air in his body.

But Zhang Wuji's situation is different. He was still young when he was injured, and he had no internal strength.Although he was healed by people in Wudang, the cold poison was entrenched in his forehead, heart, and dantian. Over the years, it was like one body with him and continued to grow, which cannot be cured by external forces.

Even if Yang Xiao didn't have a year and a half of continuous treatment with the Nine Yangs Divine Art, the cold poison would still be difficult to get rid of.Therefore, at this time, Yang Xiao could only help him get rid of the cold poison that escaped between the chest and abdomen, just to delay the onset of the cold poison.

As Yang Xiao continued to circulate the internal force of the Nine Suns Divine Art, Zhang Wuji could only feel a gust of warm zhenqi flowing from his dantian to the Zhensuoren, Du, and Chong meridians, then turned towards Weilu Pass, and then divided into two branches to go up. Pass through the "Roller's Wheel Pass" on both sides of the No.14 vertebra of the lumbar spine, go up through the back, shoulders, and neck to "Yuzhen Pass", and then pass through the "Baihui Point" on the top of the head. The Qi channels of the whole body are assembled at the "Tanzhong Point", and then divided into two main and subordinate branches, which also unite in the Dantian, enter the orifice and return to the Yuan.

In such a continuous cycle, Zhang Wuji only felt that his body was poured with nectar, and there was a genuine energy in his dantian like cigarette smoke, wandering freely, and the cold poison escaping in his dantian was constantly being eliminated.

After a long time like this, the blueness on Zhang Wuji's face slowly faded away, and his tightly locked brows also relaxed. He felt that he had never felt such warmth in his chest and abdomen in these years, and his limbs and bones were warm. He couldn't help but let out a groan.

Seeing that his condition was improving, Yang Xiao also stopped and stood up. After Zhang Wuji woke up, Yang Xiao said, "I didn't expect your cold poison to be so deep. It will only take half a year for the cold poison to attack your heart. There is no medicine to cure it." .”

Although Zhang Wuji was suffering from the cold poison just now, he was in pain, but he still knew that it was Yang Xiao who was in front of him who rescued him, so he immediately got up and thanked Yang Xiao, "Thank you, Uncle Yang!"

Yang Xiao said to him: "You don't need to thank me. I only got rid of part of your viciousness, and I can barely suppress it so that it won't recur in a short time. But it's just a stopgap measure. When it recurs next time, it's really a big deal." Luo Shenxian is also hopeless, what a pity, what a pity. You don’t know when you will be able to embrace the bloody feud you have carried on your body!"

Hearing Yang Xiao's words, Zhang Wuji felt melancholy for a while, only felt that life was impermanent, and three words suddenly came to his mind: "Life and death are shortened, how can we force it? If you are evil, you will know that the joy of life is not to deceive evil? If you are evil, you will know evil. Is it not the case of a weak person who loses his life and does not know where he will go? Is it true that a person who knows his husband’s death doesn’t regret his birth?”

These three sentences come from "Zhuangzi".Zhang Sanfeng believed in Taoism. Although his seven disciples were not Taoists, they all read the "Zhuangzi Nanhua Jing" that Taoism regards as a treasure book by heart.When Zhang Wuji was five years old on Binghuo Island, Zhang Cuishan taught him how to read and write. Because there were no books, he had to mark the ground to form characters, and taught him "Zhuangzi" by heart.

These four sentences mean: "A person's lifespan is too short to be forced. How did I know that being greedy for life is not a mistake? How did I know that people's fear of death is not like wandering outside in childhood and not knowing how to return to their hometown?" ? How do I know that a dead person will not regret that he lived in the past?"

Zhuangzi's original intention is to clarify that life is not necessarily happy, and death is not necessarily bitter. There is no difference between life and death. Living alone is just a "dream", and death is "wake up". I felt so stupid when I was alive, why didn't I die earlier?Just like after having a sad and terrifying nightmare, when I wake up, I regret that the nightmare has been too long.

Zhang Wuji was young, so he didn't understand these principles of life, but he has been at the border of life and death every day in the past few years, so he can't help but understand the meaning of Zhuangzi's words.

He didn't believe Zhuangzi's words at first, but since the days of living in this world are numbered, he naturally hoped that there would be another miracle after death, and he would regret the ridiculousness of trying to survive while alive.

At this time, he heard Yang Xiao repeatedly say "It's a pity", he smiled lightly, and casually said the three lines of "Zhuangzi" that were thinking in his mind.

Yang Xiao asked: "What does that mean?" Zhang Wuji explained.

"I didn't expect you to have a bit of backbone, and you didn't practice Taoism with Zhang Sanfeng in vain. The Taoist thought of inaction has been learned. But you don't want to make progress at a young age. Even if you don't cherish your own life, don't you forget your parents' hatred?" Yet?"

Zhang Wuji couldn't help being shocked when he heard Yang Xiao's words, Yang Xiao ignored him, and continued: "Those people forced your parents to death for no reason, don't you want to avenge them?"

Thinking of his parents, thinking of the situation on Wudang Mountain that day, Zhang Wuji was an honest kid, and his eyes were flushed at this moment, but when he thought of the cold poison in his body, he buried his head unwillingly.

Seeing this, Yang Xiao chuckled lightly and said, "Hmm! Xuanming God's Palm? Not everyone in the world can be healed!"

Zhang Wuji heard the words and said: "Grand Master said that to get rid of this cold poison, unless Master Jueyuan is reborn, and Yang Zhigang's Nine Suns Divine Kung Fu can help me heal my wounds, or the internal skills of Wudang, Shaolin, and Emei schools can be combined for me. Practicing. But even Grand Master failed to achieve this matter, and now even Mr. Hu is helpless, I am afraid that there is really no one in the world to heal!"

Yang Xiao looked at him with a smile on his face, and said: "I will give you two choices now, the first one is that you and I go back to Guangmingding, and I will cure you of this cold poison, although it will take some time , but within half a year, your poison will naturally be cured by then."

Zhang Wuji raised his head abruptly when he heard this, and looked at Yang Xiao in disbelief. He once heard Zhang Sanfeng say that when the poison of the Xuanming God's Palm is so dark and cold, there is no one in the world except the late Master Jueyuan Apart from the lost Nine Suns Manual, there is absolutely no medicine to cure him. Although his Tai Shifu is pedantic and skilled in heaven and man, he is still helpless.Hu Qingniu is known as the Butterfly Valley Medical Immortal, but he has been treated for two full years without any progress.

At this moment, Yang Xiao said that his cold poison could be cured in half a year. Although he was very surprised, he still looked at Yang Xiao with hesitation. It seems that Yang Xiao's nonsense just now fooled those ten people to death. up.Zhang Wuji couldn't help but feel suspicious of this appalling deceiving skill, and seriously doubted whether Yang Xiao was deceiving him.

Yang Xiao looked at him and said with a chuckle, "You are not a coward! You actually suspected me!"

(End of this chapter)

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