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Chapter 152 Whole Deer Feast: The Menu

Chapter 152 Whole Deer Feast: The Menu
So the name of this soft-shelled turtle was decided, named Xiaosan.

Xiaosan is a master with a temper, he doesn't do anything except circle around Lin Xiaotian, and he doesn't allow outsiders to approach, as long as anyone approaches, it will definitely raise its neck and threaten the other party.

By observing Lin Xiaotian, he also understood that Xiaosan's three heads were not really three heads, except for the head in the middle, the two next to him didn't seem to have much wisdom, and everything was under Xiaotou's command.

This is also beneficial, at least the three heads will not quarrel all day long, nor will they compete for control of the body because of disagreements.

Ever since he followed Lin Xiaotian, this little guy is inseparable from wherever Lin Xiaotian goes.

Its communication skills are not very good either. It doesn't understand what Lin Xiaotian said, so it can only do so now. When it grows up, it can be trained again.

After tossing about the mistress, it was already dinner time, so needless to say, Lin Xiaotian went to the kitchen to cook a home-cooked meal.

Even so, Fatty and Mengyuan were still full of praise for the food, and Fatty even started a live broadcast to celebrate him eating Brother Tian's cooking again.

After the meal, Fatty left and went home to sleep, but Lin Xiaotian and Mengyuan ushered in an embarrassing moment.


"Xiaotian, me, let's sleep separately from now on..."

Mengyuan lowered her head, blushed, and said that it was always difficult to ask this question.

If we talk about the past, that's all. After all, Mengyuan's memory was not complete at that time, and she seemed like a child, but now she has returned to normal, so naturally she can't return to her original state.

"Okay! That's good, it's not suitable for us to sleep together! Hahaha..."

Lin Xiaotian smiled stiffly, he was also extremely embarrassed, this problem hadn't appeared in the hospital, but after returning home, various problems began to stand out.

Meng Yuan is no longer a cute kitten, she always has a lot of her own thoughts, and the friction in their lives has just begun.

Hearing Lin Xiaotian's answer, Meng Yuan didn't answer, his complexion changed suddenly, he frowned, hummed, turned and went upstairs.

Lin Xiaotian scratched his head and whispered: "Did I say something wrong?"

Straight male cancer is really scary.


In the dead of night, with the bright moon hanging high, the old street was unusually quiet.This is a good time to fall asleep, but there are always some people who have troubles on their minds and cannot sleep well.

"I don't know if he slept well..."

After tossing and turning, Meng Yuan couldn't fall asleep, her mind was full of distracting thoughts, she became more irritable, and turned back and forth several times. In the end, she chose to cover herself with a blanket and stop thinking about those messy thoughts.

Looking at Lin Xiaotian again, he had already fallen into a deep sleep without heart and lungs, he was just about to snore a few times, he really is a straight man, he slept so soundly.

Even Lin Xiaotian, who is like a lump of wood, would turn over occasionally, and would grope for the familiar body. After a few gropings, he couldn't find it. He woke up suddenly, and then began to mutter: "Oh, by the way, aliens don't sleep with me." Understand……"

The two of them violated their own psychology and forced to separate, and they didn't know how long they could last.

If this kind of emotional backlog continues, sooner or later, it will explode. Maybe at that time, it will be the time for the relationship between the two to go further.

The night is still quiet, and the dreams tonight will be beautiful.



In the early morning of the next day, Lin Xiaotian got up early. Today and tomorrow, he will become a machine, spinning for the "All Deer Banquet".

The menu of the Quanlu Banquet was decided by Lin Xiaotian this morning. He didn't have much experience in such a large banquet, so it was a challenge for him.

Counting the dishes in his mind, Lin Xiaotian went round and round around the Yinxue Antlerless Deer, and finally decided on the cold eight dishes and the hot eight dishes.

The large-scale banquet of the Quanlu Banquet is different from the previous dishes. This kind of banquet not only tests the chef's cooking skills, but also tests the chef's understanding of the ingredients. This is the embodiment of the cooking realm.

The first is the understanding of the ingredients themselves. Since it is a whole deer banquet, many parts of the deer will be used. Roughly speaking: deer lips, deer tendons, deer tail, deer penis and meat, heart, liver, belly, etc. are all A good spot for cooking.

A variety of cooking methods need to be used in the dishes to reflect the taste of the ingredients in an all-round way. Various cooking methods such as frying, roasting, grilling, steaming, and frying must be used.

So it would be very difficult. If it weren't for Lin Xiaotian, a master of cooking, few people would be able to take care of everything and make a complete whole deer feast.

Lin Xiaotian made use of his accumulation of previous life experience, as well as his interpretation of the Yinxue hornless deer through consulting materials, and finally decided on the content of the menu.

Eight cold dishes: snow country platter, intoxicating deer blood, cold roasted venison, braised deer liver, peppery deer belly, shredded venison mixed with silver buds, deer heart in sauce, and spicy deer tongue.

Among them, two dishes are specially introduced, one is the snow country platter, and this one is used as an appetizer without the participation of venison ingredients, but it is a vegan dish.

However, those vegetarian dishes are not simple, they are all wild vegetables that Lin Xiaotian asked Yuming to go to the Snow Mountain overnight to purchase, those wild vegetables are the food of Yinxue Antlerless Deer, and they can meet the standards of human consumption, it really took a lot of thought.

The other is the core of Leng Bapan, the deer blood is intoxicating.

As the essence of the deer body, deer blood has the effect of great tonic. It is an "ancient medicinal diet" inherited from ancient times when it is mixed with medicinal wine.

And it is the best match to use this dish as the end of the cold dish, and it is the best match with the hot dish.

Medicinal wine is said to be a cold dish, but if you drink it from a wine cup, it will have the effect of invigorating blood circulation and appetizing. The hot wine will churn in the stomach, removing the coldness of the cold dish, making the outside cold and the inside hot. Compared with the hot dish, the effect is not bad but stronger.

After talking about the cold eight dishes, let's talk about the hot eight dishes.

Hot eight dishes: orchid deer lips, snow deer three delicacies, phoenix deer tendon, Su Ye deer steak, sesame deer preserved, deer Chenglong, snowflake stewed deer brain, three yuan deer head recipe.

In these hot eight dishes, all the dishes are the essence of dishes, each one has to be described in detail, among them, Lu Chenglong is the most nourishing, and it is the favorite of men.

The main material used is deer penis, and spices are used to remove its fishy smell and improve the taste. It is said that after eating it, it will be effective in the same night, and it can revive the glory of those who have been dormant for a long time.

And the three-yuan grilled deer head is the most complicated and gorgeous, and it is the most suitable as the end of the hot dish.

It is said that this is borrowed from the practice of the Qing Dynasty court to make "Three Yuan Niu Tau Fang".

"Toufang" is the skin of the noodles, and the deer head is the meat on the deer noodles, which is mainly skin, and the meat is thin and smooth.

"Sanyuan" includes golden bamboo shoots, red and white radish balls, and mushroom balls. The ingredients are simple, and they can be used as a side dish or as a bright-colored companion dish, which is the best of both worlds.

After the eight cold dishes and eight hot dishes are finished, it will be used as the main course. The main course Lin Xiaotian has set as "fine stewed venison". guests.

There will be many people at this banquet. A deer that is still wandering between young deer and adult deer can't satisfy everyone. It must use a lot of main dishes to satisfy the guests.

For a banquet, apart from the gorgeous appearance, Lin Xiaotian followed a theme: the purpose of eating is not to taste, but to fill the stomach.

Taste is very important, being able to eat is the most important thing!

 This chapter is very troublesome to write. I checked a lot of information. I hope it can be written more delicately. The following chapters about the whole deer feast will also need a lot of work. I hope everyone will give some encouragement and vote for it. (By the way, some things are really hard to find, so I wrote something based on my own understanding, don't be too serious)
(End of this chapter)

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