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Chapter 20 Martial Artist Exchange

Chapter 20 Martial Artist Exchange
Lin Xiaotian and Fatty were like two loaches, scurrying left and right in the crowd, just to avoid Lu Liang's search, and he didn't know what Lu Liang was shouting behind, Lin Xiaotian could vaguely hear him calling his name.

"Brother Tian, ​​listen, that guy is still looking for you!"

The fat man listened for a while, then patted Lin Xiaotian on the shoulder and said.


Lin Xiaotian shuddered, he didn't want to keep in touch with that Luliang, that guy always looked at him strangely... Maybe that guy is crooked?
Thinking of this, Lin Xiaotian only felt chills all over his body, he didn't dare to continue thinking about it, he dragged the fat man and ran to the other side of the square!

Half an hour later, Lin Xiaotian wiped off the sweat from his brow and stood in the south square of the Martial Artist Exchange, only then could he breathe a sigh of relief.

Behind him was a fat man who was panting. Seeing that the noon sun was getting stronger and stronger, and they were still crossing the entire square under such high temperature, the fat man was almost exhausted.

"Fuck his... yo-yo... We ran from one end of the exchange to the other, this kid must have lost us, right?"

Lin Xiaotian was still muttering after wiping his sweat, he looked back worriedly, and the worry in his heart dissipated when he didn't see the figure of Lu Liang's group of people.

"Don't...don't...look, Brother Tian...I'm be so hot...quick, come inside..."

The fat man was already paralyzed from exhaustion, with his hands on Lin Xiaotian's shoulders, he was half dead, hanging on Lin Xiaotian's back like a koala, and he seemed unable to stand still.

"Okay, okay, why are you so tired, let's go in!"

After procrastinating, Lin Xiaotian and Fatty finally entered the Martial Artist Exchange.

I saw the two of them stepping into a huge building like a shopping mall.

This building looks very unique. Compared with the surrounding high-rise buildings, it is a clear stream. The whole building has only one floor, but it occupies a large area. Seeing this building, Lin Xiaotian always thinks of a large railway station.

As a gathering place for warriors from all over the world, the warrior exchange is naturally the most important. In every city, there are warrior exchanges of different shapes. They all have one thing in common, that is, they occupy a large area .

Because the Martial Artist Exchange receives many customers every day.

Although it is an exchange, its function is not just as simple as trading. The assessment of warriors, the exchange of skills between warriors, the buying and selling of warriors, and the transaction of tasks are all carried out in this place.

The Martial Artist Exchange has the most advanced star-sea trading system, and the Martial Artist Exchange in each place is equivalent to the home of the warriors.

It also has a very special function. When a large-scale war breaks out, the warrior exchange will be the last bastion of people, the line of defense, and it is also a large steel castle.


With so many functions, it will naturally be divided into many functional areas. For example, the area where Lin Xiaotian and the others are located is the trading area.

A huge data sign hangs from the roof, with three big green characters "trading area" flashing on it.

The trading area is divided into two areas. On one side is the counter area lined with long queues. There is a manual service area, which handles special or high-value items.

There was a long queue at every reception entrance, and all kinds of interstellar warriors lined up. Each of them held a number plate in their hands, waiting for their number plate to be displayed in front of them.

The other area is much less crowded, and the entire area is divided into four square meters of small grids, separated by partitions, with swivel chairs and virtual screens inside. This is the self-service area.

The self-service area deals with common things. Items that are not rare will be sold to the warrior exchange at normal prices here. It is a cheap area.

This kind of area seems to be disgusted by people, few people come here to buy and sell things, most of them are martial artist apprentices or low-level warriors.

Lin Xiaotian and the others were sitting in this area, and the fat man was sitting under the air conditioner, enjoying the cold wind from his mouth, and kept making imaginative low moans, looking extremely dirty.

"Brother Tian, ​​how are you doing?"

After the cool breeze had blown enough, the fat man turned around, looked at Lin Xiaotian across the aisle, and asked loudly.

At this time, Lin Xiaotian was sitting in front of a self-service server, in front of him was a blue virtual light curtain, and the handwriting was constantly changing between flashes.

Lin Xiaotian didn't answer, he was looking at the screen intently, as if he was waiting for something, he was so focused that he didn't hear the fat man calling him.

Seeing that Lin Xiaotian didn't speak, the fat man stopped asking, and lightly jumped off the swivel chair, and came behind Lin Xiaotian.

Stretching his neck, the fat man looked forward, just in time to see a line of words flashing on the screen "Please wait a moment, the system is estimating the price of the item..."

On Lin Xiaotian's left hand side, the small bottle was shrouded in blue light, which formed a net and swept continuously from top to bottom.

"Detailed identification failed, this item is beyond the system's identification range."

"Preliminarily identified as high-level cultural items, pharmaceuticals, worth more than 500 million, please ask the owner to go to the manual service desk to find the specific value."

Seeing such a line of words popping up on the screen, Lin Xiaotian frowned slightly. He looked up at the manual service area next to him. He didn't know how long the long queue would be there.

"Damn it! 500 million, Brother Tian, ​​what did you buy? Is it Thai oil?"

The fat man's eyes widened, and he said some irrelevant words, which made Lin Xiaotian even more upset.

"Go, go, don't talk nonsense, this is a potion used by warriors, and it can sell for a lot of money..."

Lin Xiaotian waved the fat man away, then stood up and looked towards the manual service area. He is now thinking about how to solve the problem quickly, and he doesn't want to waste a day here.

"Brother Tian, ​​don't rush to leave, let me see how much my treasure is worth."

Fatty sat in front of the self-service server and put his yellow spar on it. The machine was quite fast this time, and the result appeared in just over ten seconds.

"Spar artwork, from the master of Energy Star, Pruulsman Harlan, is a relatively popular collectible on the market, and the current stock price is 65."

There are also a row of options below it, such as independent auction, direct sale, listed sale, and many other modes.

Generally speaking, selling items from the Martial Artist Exchange can be divided into two categories, one is direct trading, no matter who it is selling to, the item can be sold at a fixed price and in a timely manner.

The second type is long-term listing, whether it is listing or auction, it is all to make the item more valuable and win more benefits for the owner.

However, this method takes a long time, and it is likely that it will not be sold for several months. When I come back to check one day, I find that the item has been sold at a high price.

According to Lin Xiaotian's current situation, they don't have much time to put up for sale or auction, because they are short of time and short of money, so they must sell the item immediately.

"65, it can be regarded as a transfer...then sell it!"

The fat man muttered a few words, and clicked on the direct sale.

The direct sale is to sell items to the Martial Arts Exchange. Fatty’s items are swept by the red light, and a warning pops up on the screen:

"Do not enter the range of red light transmission, items are being recovered."

For about ten seconds, the yellow crystal stone "swish" disappeared in the red light, and the fat man was amazed to see it.

This is the space transmission technology derived from high technology. Fatty only heard about it, but this is the first time he has seen it with his own eyes.

Afterwards, there were 65 interstellar coins in Fatty's account.Seeing the money, the fat man's face turned into a flower with a smile, and his fat body trembled.

"Brother Tian! We are rich!"

The fat man picked up his ID card and turned his head excitedly, but his smiling face froze, and a look of surprise appeared in his eyes.

At some point, a beautiful woman in business attire stood behind the fat man, talking with Lin Xiaotian.

What's happening here?How did Brother Tian hook up with a beautiful woman in the blink of an eye?

The fat man looked at the blonde beauty with question marks all over his head.

The blond beauty had a standard service smile on her face, she was polite and humble to Lin Xiaotian, and her words were as sweet as Ying's cry.

"Excuse me, are you Mr. Lin Xiaotian?"

(End of this chapter)

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