Chapter 229

"Developed! Developed!"

The stone floated up in the bushes, looking at the still surging water splash in the distance, I was very excited.

Lin Xiaotian watched the boxes being transported in front of him one after another, he couldn't stop smiling from ear to ear, and packed all the boxes of different sizes into the backpack.

"There are 25 of them. If you can eat them, they say there are three more coming!"

After Lin Xiaotian's guidance, those who can eat and transport are given priority to big boxes, and big boxes account for more than half, so even if Lin Xiaotian needs more energy as he becomes stronger, it is enough for him to use it for two years!


Lin Xiaotian happily took the box from Can Eat, stroked its head lovingly, smiled and looked into the distance.

When the group of people were still fighting over a box, Lin Xiaotian had already made a fortune silently.

There were less than a hundred boxes produced in the ruins this time, and Lin Xiaotian directly snatched one-third, and he had touched all the boxes in this water area.

The other boxes were either washed into the distant waters, or they were still at the bottom of the lake, and they were not washed out by the water column. It was difficult to find those boxes.

"Xiaotian, let Can Eat them come back, there are people from the academy, and it is estimated that they will arrive here in 3 minutes!"

Aside from his excitement, Stone did not relax his vigilance. He has been observing the situation in the distance. The detectors in his body have detected a large number of people approaching here rapidly.

Hearing Shi Shi's words, Lin Xiaotian nodded, telling them all to come back.

Never being greedy is a very superior quality of Lin Xiaotian, no matter what the situation is, Lin Xiaotian will never really lose his mind, no matter how much temptation it is.

Just take what you can take, and always leave a way for others to survive. If it really kills them all, maybe something will happen.

The so-called rabbit bites people in a hurry, it is obviously not worth exposing yourself because of resources!

Three minutes passed in the blink of an eye, Lin Xiaotian had just arranged to eat them back to the worm nest, and Bai Quexin called again, and Didi's urging sound came at the right time.

"Xiaotian, where are you?"

Bai Quexin's anxious face appeared in the video communication.

"I'm near this location, Mr. Bai, just come here directly!"

Seeing that the fleet of aircraft in the distance had already flown above the water column, Lin Xiaotian quickly straightened his clothes and stood out from the bushes, waving to the distance.

The school team quickly discovered where Lin Xiaotian was, and a small aircraft left the team and flew to land next to Lin Xiaotian.

Amid the whistling sound, the aircraft opened, and Bai Quexin and Bai Xiangxiang walked out of the aircraft.

"Teacher Bai! Teacher Xiangxiang!"

After seeing the two of them, Lin Xiaotian immediately smiled and shook his hand.

"You bastard!"

Bai Que walked quickly to Lin Xiaotian's side, patted him on the shoulder, looked him up and down, saw that he was not injured, then smiled, bowed his head and lit a cigarette.

Lin Xiaotian hadn't seen Bai Quexin for a month, and when he saw Bai Quexin again, he was a little emotional, and Bai Quexin had also undergone some changes, which made him full of thoughts.

Although Bai Quexin still smiled so carelessly, and still looked like a scruffy beard, but Lin Xiaotian felt that he was different, his aura was much weaker, and his sense of vicissitudes had become old.

Especially the empty cuffs made Lin Xiaotian inexplicably sad.His left arm was lost because of protecting Lin Xiaotian. This was a hurdle in Lin Xiaotian's heart that he couldn't get over for the rest of his life.

"Mr. Bai, your arm..."

The smile on Lin Xiaotian's face gradually disappeared, and his brows were tightly furrowed to express the pain in his heart.

"Haha, it's okay, they said they wanted to equip me with armed prosthetics and some kind of transplant and regeneration, but I refused!"

Bai Que smiled cheerfully, but the way he laughed heartily made Lin Xiaotian feel even more sad, feeling that the corners of his eyes were moist.

With a cigarette in his mouth, he put his arm on Lin Xiaotian's shoulder, and said with a smile: "It's not that my things are uncomfortable to use. Besides, it's good for me to lose this arm. I've worked hard. The above You didn't punish me that much!"

No matter how you explain it, no matter how you say it, it's all just having fun while suffering, Lin Xiaotian understands that the bearded man doesn't want to make himself feel guilty.

He sniffed his nose, squeezed the tears from his eyes, and instead of making a painful expression, he followed Bai Que and laughed heartlessly.

"Teacher Bai, I think you are more handsome like this!"

"Haha? Really, good boy, based on your words, I'll treat you to a drink tonight!"

The two walked forward shoulder to shoulder, as if they had returned to the time when they first met in the examination room, admiring each other without any emotion.

Bai Xiangxiang pouted and followed behind the two of them. She felt that she was superfluous, and the two of them never looked at her directly.

"Me too, just keep worrying about it, hum, this Lin Xiaotian doesn't even have respect for my teacher!"

Whispering, Bai Xiangxiang followed the two of them onto the aircraft.


It is a small aircraft, but compared to an aircraft carrier, it is a jet aircraft, about the size of a helicopter, and it is very spacious for three people to sit around.

Bai Quexin felt that their mission was to ensure Lin Xiaotian's safety, so they were already on their way back.

Passing by the water column on the way, I saw a large number of teachers and students maintaining order and mandating the explorers, like catching criminals.

"Teacher Bai, what will happen to those people?"

Touching his chin, Lin Xiaotian asked tentatively.

"Oh? They should be dismissed, and the things here should be confiscated. This time, the four major colleges have taken action. They must be punished for making such a big disturbance."

At this time, Bai Xiangxiang was finally able to interject, and quickly interjected: "I heard from the principal that the higher-ups have long been displeased with the chaotic situation of the explorers, and they will use this opportunity to rectify the explorers."

Lin Xiaotian smacked his lips, sighed for those innocent explorers, and secretly rejoiced that he found the boxes secretly, otherwise these things would be confiscated.

"Don't worry about them, these guys have been making small moves behind their backs, but they just don't want to control them. After this time, they have to be honest for a while!"

Bai Quexin stretched his waist, and said to Lin Xiaotian: "You boy, why don't you tell me what you have done during this time!"

"It's a long story, I blame the school for not arranging the start of classes!"

As soon as this matter was mentioned, Lin Xiaotian's chatterbox opened.

"Hey, classmate Lin Xiaotian, you must pay attention to the words you use when you speak. What do you mean by not having a class? Don't we have theory classes?"

Amidst Bai Xiangxiang's dissatisfied rebuttal, Lin Xiaotian began to talk about what happened after he separated from Bai Quexin, and what he went through this month.

Of course, the words are both true and false, just let Bai Que understand the general idea.

The three people inside the aircraft were noisy, talking about those past stories, the atmosphere was harmonious.

In addition to the aircraft, the high-level law enforcement officers arrested the Hundreds and those small groups, preparing to rectify the group of explorers on Wuyuan Star.

Lin Xiaotian's practice has come to an end here, but the Wuyuan star has an undercurrent surging, the new forces collide with the old high-level forces, and it begins...

(End of this chapter)

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