
Chapter 274 Wormhole Accident

Chapter 274 Wormhole Accident
Regardless of whether the other powerful countries are happy or depressed, after the list of members was fully announced, Huaxia fell into a sea of ​​celebration.

Even in the secret research institute, Wang Dashu gave those researchers two days off to celebrate.

The other scientific researchers went home to rest, but those scientific researchers in biological genes were not willing to rest at all. They almost lived in the laboratory one by one, and their research enthusiasm was extremely frenzied.

As the current director of the Secret Research Institute, Wang Dashu should have urged those scientific researchers to take a rest.

But at this time, he didn't have the mood to do it.

Because the system that has not released a new task for a long time has released a new task before.
There are always new surprises in the world!

Introduction: The first fleet of the Tapura Civilization Expedition was supposed to arrive in the solar system a year and a half later, but because it encountered a sudden wormhole during its voyage, it arrived in the outer reaches of the solar system a year and a half earlier. Advance into the solar system.Fortunately, due to the danger of natural wormholes, only 20.00% of the ships of the First Fleet of the Tapura Civilization Expedition survived.Destroy or drive them out of the solar system to win!Note: The First Fleet of the Tapura Civilization Expedition navigated with Neptune as the coordinate point.

Reward: 100 points of soul, 10 points of attributes, all attributes increased by 5 points or strengthening of the host, clone any ability, supernatural power and blood.

Punishment: Mission failure, soul strength weakened by 50 points, and all attributes weakened by 2 point.
Undoubtedly, the appearance of this task was beyond Wang Dashu's expectation.

In order to delay the arrival of the first fleet of the Tapura Civilization Expedition to the solar system, he also made a special mission, which delayed the time for two years.

It's good now, an accident, the other party actually advanced the time!Has reached the outer reaches of the solar system!

The system is so good, so powerful, will such an accident happen? ? ? ? ! ! !

Of course, the system never responded to Wang Dashu's questioning, and only gave him corresponding electrotherapy education.

As previously stipulated, demeaning and offending the system in any situation will be punished!
After recovering from the trembling and convulsions all over his body caused by the electric current, Wang Dashu then connected his mind to the body god who was practicing the Black Sun Demon Scripture in the orbit of Venus, and let him rush back to the blue star.

At the same time, Wang Dashu called Councilor Yang.

"Mr. Wang, Mr. Yang is participating in the celebration in the state banquet hall, do you see?"

It was Mr. Yang's secretary who answered the phone, and he replied with some hesitation.

Obviously, as a secretary, he is not qualified to enter the state banquet hall with Mr. Yang. After all, if every member of parliament goes in with his secretary, the state banquet hall may not be big enough.

"Call Representative Yang immediately, I have something extremely important to inform him!"

At this time, Wang Dashu didn't care about whether the secretary could go in, and said in an unprecedentedly severe tone.

What he said made the secretary stunned. You know, when Wang Dashu talked on the phone in the past, his tone was very gentle, without any hint of arrogance or sternness.

Why this time?
The secretary realized after a short while that he was able to be Mr. Yang's secretary, so he was naturally capable, and then he said that he would definitely hand over the phone to Mr. Yang.

In less than 10 minutes, Councilor Yang answered the phone. There was music, and the tongue was not too loud, so they could talk.

Wang Dashu didn't know how much effort the secretary took to bring the phone over. Of course, the imminent invasion of the alien fleet was more important than these things!

After answering Wang Dashu's call, Councilor Yang was smiling all over his face at first, but after a few words, his face became extremely pale.

Undoubtedly, for Councilor Yang, who was just elected as a member of the Human Alliance and was at the peak of excitement, the information contained in Wang Dashu's call undoubtedly poured cold water on his head.

"Yes, yes, I will immediately inform the speaker and the countries."

Councilor Yang answered repeatedly, and after hanging up the phone, he immediately called the chairman of the Supreme Council of China.

This is also a helpless thing.

Although the Human Alliance started from the end of the parliamentary elections, it was considered to be truly initially established.

But the problem is that the Human Alliance has not entered into the formal process. The next step is to wait until the Human Alliance Supreme Council formally meets to propose a list of candidates for the Human Alliance's highest consul, review the list, and finally select the highest consul.

The supreme consul will propose the list of consuls of the first, second, and third-level administrative regions for consideration by the Supreme Council.

And for those administrative regions formed by a country or the merger of several countries, the administrative district council will again review the list of bureaucrats at all levels proposed by the administrative governor of the administrative region.

Another point that needs to be explained is that the so-called first, second, and third-level administrative regions do not refer to their administrative levels, but are important levels determined by the administrative region's geographical area, population size, and even economic and cultural aspects.

To put it simply, this second- and third-level administrative region is more like the division of municipalities, administrative provinces, and autonomous regions in China in the past.

And the second and third level administrative regions also need to set up administrative district councils and so on.

For this parliament alone, it will take at least half a year before and after the establishment of the ruling system.

After the establishment of various systems, the economy, resources, military, etc. of administrative regions at all levels must be deployed, which is also a rather long process.

Therefore, if you want the Human Alliance to act like a country, it will take at least five years or even longer if all calculations are made!

But now that the aliens are about to call, Mr. Yang can only report the matter to the Chairman of Huaxia, not the Supreme Council of the Human Alliance.

No way, even if the Supreme Council of the Human Alliance knew about it immediately, it would not be able to mobilize global forces to deal with this sudden threat, and could only rely on the governments of various countries that are still functioning.

Leaving aside the series of shocks caused by Mr. Yang's reporting of the matter, it is only said that three hours later, Wang Dashu boarded the body god that returned to Blue Star, and flew straight towards the direction of Neptune at constant speed.

The specific reason for this is that it has been introduced in the mission that the First Fleet of the Tapura Civilization Expedition uses Neptune as the coordinate guide point.

Then when they enter the solar system, they will also pass near Neptune, which is beyond doubt.

Neptune is about 45 billion kilometers away from the sun, about [-] times the distance of the blue star from the sun.

And the current speed of the physical god is activating the blood, and after practicing the Black Sun Demon Sutra, it has also improved a lot, and the highest initial speed can reach 600 kilometers per second. It can increase the speed to 5000 kilometers per second before reaching Neptune!

(End of this chapter)

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