
Chapter 36

Chapter 36

In fact, Gao Cuilan still trusts Li Zimo very much. Li Zimo gambled a lot of valuable emeralds from a pile of worthless rough stones twice in a row. Gao Cuilan couldn't help calling out the price Li Zimo said:

"9000 million..."

After Gao Cuilan shouted, she realized that she actually went to bid for this piece of rough stone that was completely beyond her financial means. The money Gao Cuilan brought was only [-] million, which was only enough for her to buy those clear materials. She mainly came to see this auction.

Li Zimo's stupidity made Gao Cuilan suffer. Gao Cuilan wanted to cry, but if she won this rough stone and didn't pick up the goods, she would have to pay a 5.00% fine, which would be nearly 4000 million!

How could Li Zimo ask Gao Cuilan to pay tens of millions!Even if Li Zimo's price hike failed, and Gao Cuilan voted for the rough stone in the end, he would have to give up picking up the goods. Li Zimo would naturally pay the fine. For Li Zimo, just two or three quick stones would earn him came back.

Although Gao Cuilan was anxious in her heart, her complexion was as usual, without any sign of trepidation, and she even flirted with Li Zimo. This is the genius of the talented girl Gao Cuilan.

The auctioneer probably knew Gao Cuilan, so he shouted directly:
"The president of Gaojiazhuang offered 9000 million... and there is no price increase..."

Niu Da is so angry!Seeing that he was about to win, Gao Cuilan's wife actually stepped in, Niu Da's mission this time was to prevent Gaojiazhuang from obtaining high-grade jade, how could he let Gao Cuilan succeed.

"Eight hundred million..."

Niu Da stood up and shouted loudly, staring at Li Zimo and Gao Cuilan viciously, Gao Cuilan didn't take Niu Da seriously at all, in fact, it was superficial, Gao Cuilan's ass had already quietly leaned against Li Zimo Damn, Gao Cuilan felt in her heart that Li Zimo was his safe harbor.

Li Zimo said quietly again:
"9000 million..."

As soon as Gao Cuilan's price was repeated, there was a loud applause at the famous watch venue. This was so bold. Many businessmen who had made deals with Gaojiazhuang were applauding for Gao Cuilan, and some even discussed loudly:

"Gaojiazhuang has been squeezed out by the Bull Demon King for more than a year. I didn't expect to have such strength!"

"That's right! They're a big family with a solid background."

"It seems that we should not offend both sides in the future, whether it is Cuiyun Group or Gaojiazhuang Company, neither of us will be offended."

"Well...their two companies have such strength, why should we get involved!"

Hearing these comments, Gao Cuilan was so pleasantly surprised that she almost shed tears. Half of the Gaojiazhuang company's predicament was the result of being squeezed out by the Bull Demon King, and the other half was due to the fact that these businessmen took advantage of the wind. This made Gaojiazhuang fall into a dilemma.

Unexpectedly, Li Zimo's empty city strategy has achieved such unexpected results. In the future, the business of Gaojiazhuang Company will definitely have some big changes.

Niu Da has no choice but to suppress the Gaojiazhuang Company, even if it is the price paid by him, Niu Da will not hesitate to do so, absolutely otherwise let those who are on the fence continue to have business contacts with Gaojiazhuang, at this moment must put Gao Cuilan was unable to fight back.

Since this is the case, Niu Da is also fighting. Gao Cuilan bid 5000 million at a time, so I bid [-] million at a time. Watching that little bastard fight with me, I used the money to smash her to death.

"9000..." Niu Da stood up blushing and shouted out the price.

But the people in the hall suddenly fell silent, but were shocked.This piece of rough jadeite, even if all the icy glutinous materials are removed, the total value is still one billion. If it is made into jewelry, the profit will be less than [-]%.In other words, one billion is the upper limit of this piece of rough jadeite, not to mention that there is a leather shell around this piece of rough jade, which is considered a [-]% gambling.

Li Zimo instructed Gao Cuilan to call out the price of "one billion and 5000 million". Now Niu Da was also sweating profusely. Niu Da whispered a few words to his masters quietly. How much is the value of , the answer of several masters is that 11 billion is the upper limit, and if it is high, it will lose money.

The entire venue was completely silent, and everyone was silently watching Niu Da and Gao Cuilan.When the auctioneer yelled "5000 billion [-] million" for the second time, Niu Da yelled out his last bid:
"11 million..."

Everyone gasped, and even Li Zimo, who was cheating, was in pain. This is 11 billion!1150 million cash weighs 11 kilograms, and 300 billion cash weighs more than [-] tons. Just buy a stone weighing more than [-] kilograms. I don’t know if the world is crazy or people are crazy.

Gao Cuilan still wanted to raise placards, this girl is addicted to placards, Li Zimo quickly pressed Gao Cuilan's hand, and immediately whispered:
"give up……"

Only then did Gao Cuilan wake up from a dream, and said "Oh!" in a ignorant manner. At this time, Gao Cuilan roughly understood Li Zimo's meaning, which was deliberately raising the price.Li Zimo must know, but he will never tell anyone.

"11 billion second time, is there any bid?"

"The third time for 11 billion, is there any bid?...Crack...a deal."

The auction hammer fell and hit the podium heavily, and today's bidder was born. This time, the bidder of the public auction is definitely this piece of scalloped green rough stone.

Biaowang rough stones are all opened on the spot. There are regulations. It is to stimulate the enthusiasm of merchants to buy rough stones. The stones are usually opened after five o'clock.

The hidden bid closes at four o’clock, and you can receive the text message of the winning bid after 04:30. You can also use the query system to check whether you have won the bid. Although the public offering in Pingzhou is an imitation of the Burmese public offering, it is better More modern and user-friendly.

There was thunderous applause at the Mingbiao Meeting, Niu Da was invited to the podium to give a speech, but Li Zimo had already slipped away, and he sneaked back to see the two rough emerald stones he was determined to win, Li Zimo almost ran all the way, because at this time There are only ten minutes until the closing bid.

Li Zimo won't take care of other bids anymore, the first thing he looked at was the bid for the piece of imperial green jadeite, because Li Zimo made more than ten blank bids, and the above bids were quickly rejected by him. After reading it, my bid was ten times the reserve price, which was much higher than others, and there was no problem in winning the bid.

This is the advantage of all bets, no one dares to buy all bet rough stones at ten times the reserve price, except of course Li Zimo, who has the eyes of the sky.

Li Zimo immediately trotted to the semi-gambling area, and there were still people bidding. Li Zimo immediately squatted down not far from the bidding box, looking for a piece of rough stone and pretending to look at it. His sky eye had already checked the bidding list in the bidding box.

It didn't matter at first glance, but he was really shocked in the end. There was actually a bid of 100 million, which was too small a gap.Li Zimo didn't leave either. After reading the bids in the bidding box, he looked at the bids in the hands of those people. As long as he came to this bidding box to bid, Li Zimo would definitely look at the bids in his hands with his heavenly eyes.


(End of this chapter)

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