Two-dimensional Daily Stories

Chapter 517 Misaka Mikoto's Shock

Chapter 517 Misaka Mikoto's Shock

The man in glasses froze in place holding the puppet.

Seeing this, Misaka Mikoto rubbed her fists and wanted to teach him a lesson.

"Girls, don't be so violent." Su Yu patted Misaka Mikoto's little head.

"He almost hurt us, and he might even die. Moreover, he used such a cute little girl. It's just a shame." Misaka Mikoto patted Su Yu's hand away.

"Even so, you can't hit him." Su Yu shook his head.

"Is he yours? Are you protecting him so much?" Misaka Mikoto looked suspicious.

"No, what I mean is that you are just an ordinary student, neither a disciplinary committee member nor a security officer. If you beat him, it will destroy your good image in my heart." Su Yu said seriously.

"I don't want to leave a good image in your heart." Misaka Mikoto said with some disgust.

"It's all your disciplinary committee members' fault! You never show up when I'm being bullied! So, I want you to taste my anger! Let you know the price of being late!" the man with glasses roared angrily.

Su Yu looked at the face of the man with glasses, and had to say that this kind of thinking is simply too weird.

You are being bullied, then go find the person who bullied you!What do you mean by looking for a discipline committee member?Are you out of your mind to take revenge on the disciplinary committee?

"Do you know what you're doing? That little girl is likely to die in the explosion just now! Are you still human?" Misaka Mikoto clenched her fists and said.

"As long as you can get revenge on the disciplinary committee, the rest doesn't matter..."

"Bang" the man with the glasses hadn't finished speaking, and hit the ground heavily.

"The reason why I didn't kill you directly is not because I don't have the power, but to see if you have the heart to repent. It seems that you don't have the slightest intention of repenting, so I won't hand you over to Feng Ji Commissioner or security officer, you should go to hell." Su Yu said lightly.

Before the man in glasses could speak, a space door appeared behind him, and a big black hand protruded from the space door, dragging him in.

"Are you going to kill him directly?" Misaka Mikoto looked at Su Yu.

"He's not worth killing me." Su Yu snapped his fingers, and the man with glasses reappeared.

This time, he was much more honest, and his whole body trembled, as if he had seen something terrible.

"Sister." Shirai Kuroko appeared in front of Misaka Mikoto.

"Heizi, you are finally here." Misaka Mikoto breathed a sigh of relief, she was worried that Su Yu would kill the man with glasses.

"This is the prisoner of the Void Explosion Incident. He will repent sooner or later. Take him back." Su Yu said to Baijing Heizi.

"Why does Heizi listen to you?" Baijing Heizi looked at Su Yu and said.

Although the prisoner was identified, Su Yu's commanding tone made her very uncomfortable.

"This is my identity." Su Yu took out his mobile phone and let Shirai Heizi see the website of the Disciplinary Committee Department.

Shirai Heizi looked at the information on the webpage, his face froze.

Su Yu, the deputy director of the Disciplinary Committee Headquarters, and one of the members of the Academy City Council.

"Now, am I qualified to order you?" Su Yu asked.

Shirai Heizi turned his head and snorted.

"It seems that my order is invalid for you. It just so happens that the Disciplinary Committee Department will conduct an internal screening soon..."

"My lord, I'm leaving first." Shirai Heizi appeared in front of the man with glasses, picked up the man with glasses, and disappeared.

"Well, vice minister, hello." Chuchun Shili saluted cautiously.

"Just call me Su Yu. A well-behaved girl like Chuchun won't be screened out by the discipline committee. Don't worry." Su Yu smiled at her.

"Well, thank you." Chuchun Zhuli breathed a sigh of relief.

"You are abusing your power! How can someone like you become the top of the disciplinary committee..."

"Misaka Mikoto, as the deputy director of the Disciplinary Committee Department, besides the Disciplinary Committee, I also oversee the big and small things in Academy City, such as people with superpowers." Su Yu reminded.

"You mean, if I'm disrespectful to you, can you make up a reason to arrest me?" Misaka Mikoto said in disbelief.

"On the first day I stayed in the dormitory of Tokiwadai Middle School, I haven't troubled you about being attacked by you." Su Yu pushed his glasses.

Misaka Mikoto remembered that incident, and her momentum weakened.

"Assaulting the current high-level members of the Disciplinary Committee Department, do you think I should lock you up in a small black room?" Su Yu looked at Misaka Mikoto.

"That was just a misunderstanding, I didn't even know your identity at that time!" Misaka Mikoto explained.

"The same is true for attacking teachers. As a superpower user at Tokiwadai Middle School, on the first day I became a teacher, you were going to use your ability to teach me a lesson. I think you should temporarily seal your ability. When will you Learn to respect the teacher, and I will unblock you again." Su Yu said bluntly.

"I...I just..."

"Just what? Don't you want to attack me, but you want to confess to me in that way?" Su Yu couldn't be more reasonable.

"I didn't confess to you!"

"Student Misaka Mikoto, although I am handsome, I am your teacher after all, please stop admiring me." Su Yu patted Misaka Mikoto's small head and said earnestly.

Misaka Mikoto clenched her small fists in embarrassment, wanting to say something more, but couldn't continue.

It was her who was in the wrong, no matter how I said it, I couldn't beat Su Yu.

"Okay, that's the end of the joke. I don't care about that matter. I know it's your misunderstanding, Misaka Mikoto-san." Su Yu put away his hands and said with a smile.

Misaka Mikoto looked up at the smile on Su Yu's face, her face turned red, always feeling that she was being teased by the other party.

"Misaka-san, actually, there is one thing that I want to tell you alone." Su Yu said suddenly.

"What's the matter?" Misaka Mikoto was afraid to look at him, not wanting him to see the blush on her face.

"Follow me." Su Yu walked to the side.

Misaka Mikoto followed.

The two came to the corner, and Su Yu moved closer to Misaka Mikoto's ear, making her face even redder.

"If you have anything to say, tell me quickly." Misaka Mikoto urged.

"Actually, what I want to say is that the shy Misaka Mikoto-san is really cute." Su Yu whispered in her ear.

Misaka Mikoto's face was instantly blushed.

She glared at Su Yu shyly and angrily.

However, the next second, she froze.

Su Yu lightly kissed her on the face.

"I am about the same age as you. The reason why my abilities are similar to yours is because I come from another world, and I am Misaka Mikoto's older brother in that world." Su Yu continued.

"What did you say?" Misaka Mikoto looked at Su Yu in disbelief.

"I come from another world, which is exactly the same as this world. Miqin and I grew up together in that world, and our abilities were also researched together, so maybe this is fate." Su Yu said softly.

(End of this chapter)

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