Two-dimensional Daily Stories

Chapter 680 Theresa's request

Chapter 680 Theresa's request

early morning.

When Su Yu opened his eyes.

Rem was gone, only Ram was still fast asleep.

He looked at the sleeping Ram, got up, got dressed, and walked out the door without disturbing her.

As soon as you come to the kitchen door.

Su Yu saw Lei Mu who was cooking.

She was humming some song with a smile on her face, as if she was very happy.

"Good morning." Su Yu said.

"Morning...good morning, Su Yu-jun." Lei Mu blushed slightly when she saw Su Yu.

"Thank you, Rem, for getting up so early to prepare breakfast for me." Su Yu came to Rem, hugged her and said.

"This... this is my duty as a maid." Rem replied.

"Is it the duty of being a maid? Do you still think you are my maid?" Su Yu looked at Rem in his arms.


"Since you said the duties of a maid, then I will order you to do one thing." Su Yu continued.

Rem was taken aback for a moment, and then seemed to understand what Su Yu was going to say.

Su Yu whispered something in Rem's ear.

Rem blushed, but hummed anyway.


During breakfast time.

Ram was woken up by Su Yu.

Because Su Yu's way of waking her up was too special, she ignored Su Yu until breakfast.

The blush on Rem's face hadn't faded yet. She first did the maid's work, and when she went to call Ram, she saw Su Yu's special way of waking Ram up.

The three of them ate breakfast very quietly.

Su Yu didn't bully them any more.

After breakfast, they returned to the mansion together.

Before going back, both Rem and Ram changed into maid outfits.

Although Su Yu gave them the opportunity to choose freely, this outfit still made them feel more at ease.

It doesn't matter to them if they are not real maids and can't do the work of maids.

Su Yu had no objection to this.

Some things that he thinks are right may also be wrong in the eyes of the person concerned.

The choice of Rem and Ram may also be a kind of tenderness in this world.

They expressed their desire to stay with Su Yu forever.

This may be the reason why they choose to continue working as maids.

Go back to the mansion.

Emilia and Aqua drank tea together.

Under the guidance of Theresia, Petra is working hard to practice swordsmanship.

Although swordsmanship cannot be mastered overnight, as long as one has talent and physical fitness, one can quickly master it.

Petra's talent was not good at first, but now it is a top talent.

Teresia is very satisfied with this disciple, and even feels that she is better than herself.

In the future, he might become a new sword master.

However, when she asked about Petra's ideals, her mood became a little complicated.

Petra turned out to be for Su Yu, so she chose to practice hard.

With her talent and aptitude, as well as her strong sense of justice, if she stayed by Su Yu's side and became a maid, it would be a waste of talent.

If Petra can become a Juggernaut, she will definitely be the most dazzling Juggernaut.

Seeing Su Yu coming back, Teresia hesitated for a moment, then walked towards Su Yu.

Although she was somewhat unwilling to face Su Yu, but for the sake of this disciple, she was willing to ask Su Yu once.

She was already desperate, and she didn't want the disciples she taught to become like her.

Su Yu didn't have any surprises when he saw Thearesia approaching on her own initiative.

Petra's aptitude and talent must have reminded her of her former self. She definitely wanted to protect her disciples when she was in a situation where she was in love.

Even if she had to pay some price, she would probably readily agree.

With this in mind, Su Yu walked towards the villa.

Teresia hesitated for a moment, and followed Su Yu's footsteps.

Seeing Therecia leaving with Su Yu, Petra couldn't help but blushed.

She knew that there must be something happened between Theresa and Su Yu, otherwise, she would not be so disappointed.

Although she respects her teacher very much, she likes Su Yu even more.


in the study.

"Tell me, what do you want to ask me? Or, what do you want?" Su Yu sat behind the desk and looked at Theresia.

"Petra's talent and aptitude belong to the top knight level. In addition, she has a strong sense of justice. Such a girl will definitely become a sword master stronger than me in the future, so please don't Destroy her." Teresia bent down and said.

"Her talent and aptitude were not so good at the beginning. The reason why she became what she is now is because of the magic potion." Su Yu said lightly.

"I heard what she said. However, it doesn't matter much. What a true knight needs is a sense of justice and a firm heart. She possesses both of these, and that's enough." Theresa looked straight at Looking at Su Yu.

"Oh? You mean, Petra can become a powerful female knight?" Su Yu looked at Theresa with interest.

"Yes, her strength is enough to become a powerful female knight and protect the Kingdom of Lugnica. That's what she should do instead of staying by your side and becoming a maid." Teresia clicked head.

"Why do you think so? Staying by my side, being my maid, doesn't have to face the dangerous things outside, isn't that good for her?" Su Yu threw out his thoughts.

"If you have talent but can't show it, it's equivalent to wasting talent. I don't want to see her wasting talent." Teresia said seriously.

"Have you asked her opinion?" Su Yu poured a cup of tea by himself.

"She's just a child, and, because of what you said to her, she wants to stay by your side as a maid for the rest of her life..."

"You mean, since she is just a child, there is no need to ask her opinion?" Su Yu interrupted Theresa.

"I didn't mean that. I just thought that for her, becoming a Juggernaut would make her life more colorful." Theresa explained.

"This is really a ridiculous prejudice." Su Yu sneered and stood up.

Teresia was taken aback for a moment, not understanding what Su Yu meant.

"Petra was born in Alam village, her parents are just ordinary villagers, you let her become a dazzling knight, do you know what it means? She will bear the pressure far beyond her age, not only to face danger, but also To face her reputation, you can't do anything that hurts the knight's face, even the Kingdom Knights may separate her from her parents..."

"It's impossible, how could the Knights of the Kingdom do such a thing?" Teresia denied.

"With your identity, you were born in a noble family, so it is naturally impossible to understand this kind of thing. Just imagine, how many people will take advantage of a simple girl like Petra who becomes a dedicated knight? In order to protect her parents , She may choose to separate from her parents and let the people of the Knights of the Kingdom protect her parents. At this time, if some bad guys take her parents away and let her kill all the members of the Knights, what do you think she will choose?" Su Yuyi Word by word.

"What you said is just speculation, and there is no evidence to prove your words at all." Teresia retorted.

"Okay, then let's not talk about these dark things, just talk about what may happen. If Petra wants to be a good knight, he must set foot on the battlefield, and the border should be a good place. The first battle , The first time she kills someone, she is likely to feel uncomfortable, what does this mean to a girl of her age, can you understand?" Su Yu asked.

Teresia opened her mouth. Of course, she can understand this kind of thing, because she also experienced this kind of thing back then.

However, her experience was slightly different. Under the order of the family, she had to kill those demihumans who committed crimes.

After that incident, she was depressed for a long time.

"You come from a big family, and you have someone to take care of everything, plus your talent and aptitude, as well as the things you have understood since childhood, it shouldn't take you long to get out of that kind of influence, right?" Su Yu said lightly. road.

Theresa lowered her head, and it didn't take long for her to pull herself together.

After all, she has learned about swordsmanship since she was a child. Although it was her first time to kill someone, the family even took her to the execution site before that in order to exercise her endurance.

"Petra, before she entered the mansion, she was just an ordinary girl. Her dream was to open a tailor shop. Do you think she can go to the battlefield with such a mentality? Can face that kind of thing Will she get out of the influence like you?" Su Yu asked continuously.

Theresa couldn't answer, because this was something she was also worried about.

Once she can't get out of that kind of influence, Petra will be greatly affected, and even, she may no longer be able to hold a sword.

"It seems that you have understood, so please go back and teach her well. Petra is only suitable to be a maid by my side, not the dazzling sword master in your eyes." Su Yu came to Theresa and said .

"What will happen to her in the future?" Teresia asked unwillingly.

"What do you think?" Su Yu asked back.

Teresia understood what Su Yu meant.

Petra likes Su Yu, even if she can't marry Su Yu now, she will marry him in the future.

"Compared to worrying about others, you should worry about yourself." Su Yu frivolously raised Theresia's chin.

"Can't you let her go?" Teresia couldn't help but ask.

"We are in love with each other, but you want me to let her go? Do you think this kind of thing is possible?" Su Yu laughed a little.

"She was just cheated by you, so..."

"Don't be too self-righteous, you will never understand her feelings." Su Yu hugged Theresa with one hand.

Thearesia didn't struggle, and slowly closed her eyes.

She knew that she couldn't refuse.

Su Yu hugged Theresia and came to the window.

"Open your eyes and look out the window, the person you most want to see has come."

Thearesia trembled, looking at the carriage in the courtyard.

Wilhelm was wearing a housekeeper's uniform, standing beside the carriage.

Crusch stepped down from the carriage.

"Do you want to see him?" Su Yu hugged Theresia and whispered in her ear.

"I... I don't want to see him." Theresa turned her head and said.

"In that case, let's stay here and wait until he leaves before you go out." Su Yu said without being polite.

After all, Thearesia couldn't help looking at Wilhelm.

However, I no longer have the face to meet him.


in the courtyard.

Crusch got out of the carriage.

Emilia, Aqua, Rem and Ram all stepped forward and bowed.

"Where is Su Yu-jun?" Crusch didn't see Su Yu, so he was a little confused.

"Su Yujun is in the study, dealing with some things." Emilia glanced at Wilhelm's direction, but didn't say anything directly.

She had heard about the relationship between the former Juggernaut and Wilhelm.

If Wilhelm knew that Theresa was resurrected by Su Yu, and also by Su Yu...

Then he will definitely work hard.

"In the study?" Crusch's face flushed slightly, and he understood.

"Master Crusch, this is a rare opportunity, why don't you sit down and drink tea together?" Emilia invited.

"Yeah." Crusch didn't refuse.

Emilia is about to marry Su Yu, and her status is only higher than hers.

If she has a good relationship with Emilia, maybe she can get more benefits.

The tea party for the three girls begins.

Both Rem and Ram have their own responsibilities.

Rem started teaching Petra, and Ram went to Mei Li.

Wilhelm could feel the gaze from the study, but he didn't pay attention, thinking that Su Yu was in the study.

Crusch was the first guest to arrive.

Immediately afterwards, Anastasia also came, bringing the best knight, Julius.

Knowing that Su Yu was in the study, Anastasia glanced at Crusch meaningfully.

Crusch blushed and continued drinking tea, pretending he didn't know anything.

A tea party for three becomes a tea party for four.

Less than an hour passed.

A carriage drove into the mansion.

Wilhelm looked at the carriage with a complicated expression.

Because, it was Felt's carriage, with the coat of arms of the Reinhardt family on it.

Felt is a princess, and the Juggernaut family is her family of knights.

After the king's election, Reinhardt was still Felt's knight, and the entire Juggernaut family chose to be loyal to Felt.

Reinhardt chose to become her knight, and the Juggernaut family naturally kept the same choice as Reinhardt, and became Felut's knight family.

Theoretically speaking, Felut was just a thief girl before, so the Juggernaut family is her knight family, rather than grasping Felut's identity.

Ordinary people think so, thinking that Felt is a puppet princess.

However, anyone who knows the inside story knows Felut's status.

This princess is favored by Master Su Yu, and protected by the first knight Reinhardt, her status should not be underestimated.

Reinhardt is a knight of the Sage Society. Although the Sage Society has begun to decline, as long as Su Yu is still there, Reinhardt will have no other choice.

The carriage stopped next to Crusch's carriage.

When Reinhardt saw Wilhelm, he didn't even bother to welcome the Princess to get off the car, and went directly to Wilhelm and bowed.

Seeing his knight run away, Felut had a dissatisfied expression on his face.

"Long time no see, Reinhardt." Wilhelm looked at Reinhardt in front of him and said softly.

After the White Whale Crusade, he finally had the courage to face Reinhardt.

"Long time no see." Reinhardt raised his head and looked at Wilhelm.

(End of this chapter)

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