Chapter 113 Collapse!

"Brother, this ice crystal is so hard." Tang Qinyao's eyes were full of shock. You must know that the Chi Yan Sword is close to the existence of the ultimate fire. Facing the attribute of restraint, it can only Does it leave a scratch?

Eyebrows raised slightly, Zhang Xiao was noncommittal to Tang Qinyao's words, and then raised the Chi Yan Sword again.


Compared with the crisp sound before, this time the sound became a bit harsh.

Tang Qinyao looked at the ice crystal block in front of her, and her heart could no longer be described as shock. Zhang Xiaoke used a lot of strength, but this lotus-like ice crystal only cracked a few cracks, and it was only on the surface, inside. The structure is not damaged at all.

Seeing Bing Jing's appearance, Zhang Xiao shrugged helplessly, crossed her fingers and raised her head high, yawned lazily, and then sat down on the cold ground.

Tang Qinyao sat down beside him, "Brother, what's the matter, can't it work?"

"Yes, yes, but I may need your help." Zhang Xiao stared at Tang Qinyao's eyes and said.

Being stared at by him flustered, Tang Qinyao blushed slightly, "How can I help?"

"It's very simple. Use blue silver grass to tie all of us together, and then use the thickest blue silver grass to tie it to the pillar."

"Oh." Nodding obediently, more than ten bunches of blue silver grass gushed out of Tang Qinyao's palm. The green color of life made its breath extraordinarily fresh, as if it had come to life. The grass squirmed like snakes, and when it touched everyone's bodies, it twisted and tied a blue silver grass on each of them.

With a swing of his left hand, a blue silver grass about a foot wide was wrapped around an icicle, tightly tightened, without any looseness.

"Just sit here like this, don't move, you understand?"

"Know it."

Before Zhang Xiao stood up, Tang Qinyao said, "Why don't you tie the blue silver grass?"

He obviously hesitated for a while, but he still lied, "Uh, it will be inconvenient for me to move if I tie it up."

Obviously, Tang Qinyao didn't have any doubts about his words, but just looked at him quietly.

He breathed a sigh of relief, he was not afraid of affecting his actions, but he was afraid that he would be in danger later, if he was also tied to the Blue Silver Grass, it was likely to implicate everyone.

The hilt of the Blazing Sword was fully gripped by Zhang Xiao, and he held it high behind his back, urging his soul power to run with all his strength, and the raging fire was burning crazily. On the edge of the sword, there was even a tongue of fire sticking out, constantly trying to melt the ice crystals .

A dark breath kept gushing out from the ice crystals, and the damp mist was like an invisible big hand, covering everyone in it.

In Zhang Xiao's palm, dark blue and silver grass swarmed out, wrapping herself around another icicle, and then the two blue and silver grasses were already wrapped around the icicles of the ice crystal, the soul power was running at full speed, and the blue and silver grass went upwards. Stretching up, he tugged at the ice crystal fiercely.

Perhaps it was due to the excessive use of strength, the blue silver grass broke, but the ice crystal remained motionless.

In the depths of the ice fog, Tang Qinyao's voice sounded: "Can't you?"

"Uh, it's okay, just sit still and don't move." He could feel that the hardness of the ice crystals that looked like ice lotuses was far beyond the range that the toughness of the blue silver grass could bear. It was unrealistic to try to use the blue silver grass.

Zhang Xiao herself made a very helpless expression, and looked at Bing Jing stupidly, don't blame me, it's you who disobeyed.

On both hands, the two swords of Bingyao and Chi Yan all appeared. Under the pressure of the two completely different attributes, the mist could not invade the range of nearly ten feet outside his body. I took a last look at Bingjing with some regret, and the two swords It has brought a faint light and shadow and smashed it up.


The ice lotus shattered and turned into countless ice slags scattered on the ice surface, and the two swords of Bing and Yan had already been rebounded, almost hitting Zhang Xiao himself.It wasn't that he couldn't break the ice lotus, but he didn't want to damage it. He had his plan, but now he had to bear the pain and give up.

"Cousin, what's the matter?" Hearing the sound of ice slag falling on the ground, Tang Qinyao was startled.

Zhang Xiao didn't answer, he was very surprised, obviously the ice lotus has been crushed, but nothing in this place has changed, why?

The more he thought about it, the more something went wrong, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, he walked under the icicle with two swords in hand, and observed the strange pattern again, according to his understanding, the patterns engraved on the four pillars represented four meanings .

Although he seemed to recognize only two of them, he vaguely guessed what they meant, but everything failed as he wished.

Heaven, earth, square, and circle, aren't these four words?

Taking a deep breath, Zhang Xiao also became distressed immediately. He really didn't recognize these words, and he guessed the two who knew each other based on their appearance.

While he was thinking, there was a strange sound above his head,

chi chi-

He looked up, but couldn't see anything, the damp ice fog was too thick, covering his sight.

Smiling slightly, this didn't bother him, and with a wave of his hand, a blue silver grass with a length of tens of meters flew towards the sky, groping for something on the top of the cave.As early as when he entered the cave, he could clearly see the approximate height of the ice cave, at most no more than eight or nine meters, and the length of the blue silver grass was still sufficient.

Sure enough, after groping for a while, the Blue Silver Grass seemed to have touched something that was emitting moist gas, and the Blue Silver Grass was already soaked.

There was bitterness on Zhang Xiao's face. The thing above was the real source of the poisonous mist, and after damaging the ice lotus below, the speed of the ice mist eruption seemed to speed up.

There is no time to wait, my mind is running fast, two blue silver grasses have been wrapped around the hilts of the two swords, the blue silver grasses are swung backwards, and before they are tense, they have already shot into the sky, with a piercing sound Suddenly, two illusory lights and shadows severed the misty ice mist.

You know, wet fog is gaseous!It was cut off by the two swords of the entity, and it could not heal for a long time, which shows how much soul power Zhang Xiao injected.



First, there was the cracking sound of the object above, and then, the entire ice cave began to shake violently, with ice cubes constantly falling from above, and the ice surface seemed to be collapsing!At this time, not to mention that most of the people were already in a coma, even if they didn't, it was too late to run out, because the entrance of the ice cave had been blocked by several huge ice blocks.

"Brother! This place seems to be collapsing!"

"Hold on to the blue silver grass!" This was the last message Zhang Xiao could convey.

A burst of dizziness came from under their feet. Tang Qinyao and Zhang Xiao only felt that they were falling continuously, as if they had fallen into an abyss.

No way, did I harm everyone?A little sleepy, the feeling of fatigue came back like a tide, and Zhang Xiao, who couldn't stand it anymore, fell into a drowsy state, and fell towards the bottom with a sense of guilt.

(End of this chapter)

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