The little white fox that goes through the house of the empress

201 Chapter 36 The Demon World Demon Girl [-]

201 Chapter 36 The Demon World Demon Girl [-]

Can we stop chatting!Can you take this very serious Six Realms Conference seriously!Can you have a good competition and let us reap the benefits of the fisherman!We are very anxious to see you in a state where you can't fight now!

However, no one said these incitement words, they could only roar uncontrollably in their hearts.

If they really speak out what they think in their hearts, then they will really become the target of public criticism, so they can only think in their hearts, and have no chance or courage to say it.

Yin looked at Jiuxuan who was standing not far from him with his arms crossed, and lowered his head very shyly, not daring to look directly at Jiuxuan.

The voice is also very low, which is completely different from when the war was declared at the beginning. If it weren't for everyone knowing that under their own noses, under the eyes of the gods, they can't change people at all, so I can be sure that this is the same person just now. Everyone would think that it must have been a different person.

Because the difference is really too big, but the one behind is obviously more like the real him than the one in front, and the one in front is just pretending.

"No... I don't know where my name comes from..."

This point is exactly the same as Jiuxuan, because whether it is the Jiuxuan from the demon world outside or the original Jiuxuan, the names are all born with it.

Not only did he not know where the name came from, but everyone didn't know where the name came from.

From the time I can remember, I know my name is such a name, it seems to be the name given by the world that gave birth to them.

Then the two actually stopped from the competition in such a very atmosphere of the Six Realms Conference, and sat on the ground to chat.

"This is quite a coincidence. My name is also the same as yours. I don't know where it came from, but I think both of our names are very nice. It seems that these people who gave us names are quite nice." Yes, at least know how to give us a nice name."

Yin didn't talk much, and most of the time he listened to Jiuxuan, but he just nodded in response.

"Well, your name sounds nice."

Yin's current state is as gentle and elegant as his dress and appearance, and even his voice is very low, even less than that of women.

Jiuxuan knew that this was a ladylike demeanor that he could never get in his life. No, it seemed a bit wrong to use such a word on Yin. After all, although Yin was very gentle, he was a boy.

"By the way, which world are you from? I don't think your dress should be the annoying fairy world, right? It shouldn't be the demon world, because the demon world should wear clothes like mine."

As he spoke, Jiuxuan patted his arm and motioned Yin to look at the color of his clothes.

Indeed, people in the demon world are all dressed in black, except for the demon king Junran, there is no exception.

Jiuxuan quite likes this black dress, he didn't wear it much before, but now he thinks it's good enough to wear, and he doesn't have the mind to change clothes or change the color, it's just a suit of clothes, there's really no need to waste it So much thought.

Yin replied: "People from the fairy world, do you hate the fairy world?"

It turned out to be a fairyland...

Jiuxuan thought for a while, and then said: "It's not that I hate it too much, but I hate that fairy. He always takes himself seriously, and even threw away the peach I gave him. This is very bad."

(End of this chapter)

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