The little white fox that goes through the house of the empress

Chapter 699 I want to protect him next door 7

Chapter 699 I want to protect him next door 7
All the 20 or so people in this group knew very well that this nerd lived under his nose, and in this environment, as long as he wanted to find this nerd, it would be a matter of minutes, and it would definitely not be too difficult.

But if this little girl walks away like this, there may not be a chance to meet her in the future, and she may not have such a chance to achieve good things, so naturally it is impossible to miss such a good opportunity of.

After meeting each other's eyes, these people knew what they should do next, and they had already stated the final decision they wanted to make without any consideration.

"Okay, we definitely didn't do anything to that book, it's just because you appeared too coincidentally, so we didn't have time to do anything to it, you come here now, we absolutely can't treat you badly your."

It is not certain whether this group of people will treat Jiu Xuan badly, but this group of people will definitely be severely dumped by Jiu Xuan, and in the end they will definitely be severely taught by Jiu Xuan. The lightest punishment.

Jiuxuan has used too many methods, so even if he really used some methods that he may have never seen outside, it is really normal, and it will not make Jiuxuan feel surprised, but People who have been punished by these methods may not necessarily feel like Jiu Xuan.

Comparing the time experienced by Jiuxuan, it is much longer than these people, and the things Jiuxuan has seen is definitely one of the group of people who belong to the most in the world, because Jiuxuan has already been in this world Having survived for tens of millions of years, they have already experienced the prosperity and diversity of the world.


Jiuxuan planned to wait until the so-called nerd let go, and then he would stop this group of scumbags and scumbags, but he didn't expect that someone would take the lead before he made a move, but the person who made the move was not among the 20 or so people Someone betrayed, it seems that the nerd just got angry.

Jiuxuan interestingly set his sights on the beaten man, wanting to see what kind of a nerd he is, and it seems really interesting to be able to make such a resistance.exist
It seems that the saying that rabbits will bite people when they are in a hurry is indeed a good saying, and it can be verified very well many times.

"you go."

Jiuxuan could guess that this sentence was said to himself, presumably it was because the nerd was worried about some dangers he would suffer, so he said this to himself, it seems that this nerd is indeed a very chivalrous people who breathe.

And he also knows how to repay his kindness, even if he hasn't done anything yet, but he already knows that he wants to help him, so he will say this to himself after hearing what the group of scum said just now.

But Jiuxuan suddenly didn't want to leave, he really wanted to see what kind of person this person was, it should be really interesting, maybe it was as interesting as what he did just now.

It would be good if I could tell him a little trick and teach him some kung fu, so that at least he wouldn't have to be incapable of resisting when he was bullied in the future.

It is always true that it is better to teach a man to fish than to teach him to fish.

(End of this chapter)

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