Templar Sun King

Chapter 137 4 Elements (2)

Chapter 137 Four Elements (2)

This is what Phoenix saw when he came to the restaurant the next morning: Isabella and Adam were sitting together, talking softly and intimately, with happy and happy smiles on their faces that were hard to ignore, and they got along very harmoniously .

Something must have happened last night, Phoenix thought.As a phoenix of the golden rank, Phoenix has extraordinary wisdom, he can see at a glance that the last layer of haze between Isabella and Adam has disappeared.

"Good morning, Phoenix." Isabella greeted with a smile, "Where's the teacher?"

"Good morning." Phoenix came over and sat down, took two slices of bread for himself, and the phoenix would also eat some food when it was moving in human form, "Madame is in the study."

"Study?" This is Adam.

"Yes, Madam has been in the study and hasn't come out since searching for information about preventing space magic from escaping last night."

"I'll take a look now, maybe the teacher has some method." Isabella left a sentence and hurried to the study on the fifth floor.

After watching Isabella leave, there are only Adam, Andrew and Phoenix left in the restaurant.

"I haven't congratulated you yet, Isabella is a good boy." Phoenix looked at Adam and said very seriously.

"Thank you." Adam was flattered, "I mean I will cherish it."

This may be Adam's biggest gain from coming to Mount Arnia.

Ten minutes later, seeing that Phoenix had almost eaten, Adam asked cautiously: "Will Madam mind if I go to her study? Just watch from a distance, and there will be absolutely no disturbing behavior."

"Of course, come with me."

Phoenix readily agreed and got up to let Adam follow him.

"If a mage who is proficient in space magic doesn't want to fight and simply wants to run away, he can't be stopped with absolute strength unless his strength is a full level higher than him."

The doors in the study room were open but not closed, so when Adam followed Phoenix to the fifth floor, he heard Vesper's old voice coming from inside.

"Don't mages of other factions have other effective methods? Watching their enemies slip away again and again?" This is Isabella's voice.

"Ma'am, Adam is here." Phoenix knocked on the door.

"Come in, since you are coming to my study for the first time, there is one thing I need to clarify with you in advance: I don't want to hear anything that has nothing to do with magic coming out of your mouth in my study, understand? ?” Vesper said to Adam, pointing to the only chair left in the study.

"Don't worry, ma'am, I promise..."

"Oh, the first sentence."

Adam immediately shut up, sat obediently next to Isabella, and quietly listened to the discussion between the two.

Vesper stared at Adam for ten seconds. After making sure that Adam would not speak, he continued: "It's not impossible, it's just difficult."

"What if it was me?"

"Theoretically, there is no problem, but from the perspective of actual spellcasting, it is very difficult."

"You haven't said what kind of spell it is, teacher? I think I can try it." Isabella is very confident in her spell talent, and there may be no second one like her in Uppler and Yasha. A magician who is also proficient in the four elements and seven spell schools.It's just learning a new magic. Isabella doesn't think it's such a difficult thing because of her innate talent and love for magic.

"Four elements enchantment."

"What?" This was the common doubt of Adam and Isabella.

"Four Elements Enchantment, the name of this spell is Four Elements Enchantment."

"I only know ordinary enchantment magic, and I have never heard of this magic in the list of elemental magic spells."

"I think the problem may be that this spell needs to show that the caster can mobilize the four major magic elements at the same time, and this can be done..." Adam saw Vesper staring at him, and this discovery almost made his tongue twitch. Concluded, "...there are very few people."

"That's right, little Mr. Weiwen. You don't need to be so nervous. I always like to have friendly exchanges with people who love magic, even if he is my enemy."

It was the first time Adam saw Vesper showing him a friendly expression, although the corners of his mouth were only slightly curved upwards.

"Where did we go? By the way, there are very few mages who possess the talents of the four elements at the same time, so few that they are very rare in the entire history."

In this world, there are a small number of people with mage talents, and among mages, people with multiple types of magic talents are even rarer. As for magicians who have the talents of the four elements of earth, water, air, and fire at the same time, there are almost no magicians.

"Isabella, you are the second person I know in this life who possesses the talents of the four elements at the same time."

"Who is the other one?" Not only Isabella, Adam was also very curious about the other mage.

"You should all know." Vesper paused, "He has a nickname called the strongest under the stars."

"Mage Colin!" Isabella exclaimed.

As a student of the Golden Archmage and raised by Vesper himself, Isabella can be said to have grown up listening to the stories of Archmage Colin since she was a child.

According to legend, he holds the title of the strongest under the starry sky. Together with the conqueror Charlemagne, he led mankind to overthrow the rule of the elf empire, and established the first unprecedentedly powerful empire in human history, the Sither Empire, which almost ruled the entire Yup Le.

In addition, he also made three major prophecies, the conqueror, the silent man, and the rebel, which will be handed down from generation to generation.

In Isabella's impression, Archmage Colin was a great mage, but she never knew that the other party also possessed the four kinds of magical talents.

Compared with Isabella's astonishment, Adam paid more attention to the fact that in the life of a golden archmage, he only knew two people who possessed the talents of the four elements at the same time, and one of them was a legendary figure nearly 5000 years ago.

This is enough to show how rare a four-element magic talent mage is.In this way, it is not surprising that the little-known situation of the four-element enchantment is unknown. It must be known that the last person qualified to cast this spell was nearly 5000 years ago.It has to be said that the spell of the four-element enchantment can be passed down, and the fact that it has not disappeared in history is itself worthy of admiration.

"I never knew..." Isabella carefully recalled the materials of Master Colin's method in her memory, but there was no information about his school of magic at all.

"I'm not surprised at all, even I only learned of this news from a royal copy handed down from the time of the Sither Empire."

"Teacher, tell me the spell of the four-element enchantment, I want to try."

"You really should try it. This magic is specially prepared for mages with amazing talents like you. A mage like me who only has the talent of fire element can't use it." Vesper complained and took out a piece of magic from the drawer. The parchment was handed to Isabella, on which was written the spell of the four-element enchantment, nearly three lines long.

"It's the longest spell I've ever seen," said Isabella.

Generally speaking, the longer the magic spell and the more syllables, the higher the level of magic and the greater its power.Ordinary black iron magic spells are not long, and basically consist of less than ten syllables. After matching certain gestures and movements, a complete spell model can be established and released.Slightly more complicated magic spells, such as the golden-level disaster spells, have about eighty syllables.But the syllables of the four-element enchantment on this piece of parchment are more than one hundred!
"It's the loveliest spell I've ever seen, and believe me, I've tried it a hundred times. Of course, there's no way it will work."

"I have some doubts whether such a long spell can be recited smoothly." The more than 100 syllables of the spell need to be pronounced without any mistakes in a short period of time, which is the most basic condition for releasing this spell.

According to the spell on the parchment, Isabella uttered a series of syllables that Adam didn't know the meaning of, which was very weird and awkward.As various syllables came out of Isabella's mouth, the four magical elements of earth, water, air, and fire quickly became active and wandered around in the study room, presenting them in a form visible to the naked eye.

"If one day my study is destroyed, the murderer must be you, Isabella."

Adam felt Vesper's surge of magical power flashed by, and an obvious area was constructed in the study. All the magic elements induced by Isabella can only be active in this area, and the magic elements in other areas will be activated immediately. Calm down.

The yellow earth element, the blue water element, the cyan air element, and the red fire element form four light bands intertwined in the area divided by Vesper.Just when the four elements were intertwined with each other and were about to form a light curtain, a flame first emerged from the air, followed by stones, water splashes, and lightning appearing one after another and colliding with each other.

The four elements collided and let out a roar.Fortunately, Vesper had already confined the four elements within a certain range in advance, otherwise the study might really be destroyed in Isabella's hands as she said just now.

"It's hard to master, but I'm confident that I can master it within three days." Isabella frowned first, then said excitedly.

Once she mastered the four-element enchantment, Zooey could no longer use the treasure's ability to escape in front of her.

"I can't believe my study has survived a failed magic again!" Vesper stood up from his seat, "Phoenix, mark five for Miss Isabella who doesn't know where to experiment with magic." Ten thousand gold coins for repairs."

"Okay, ma'am." Phoenix's gentle voice came from outside the study.

"I'll pay attention next time, teacher." Before Vesper complained, Isabella took Adam and trotted out of the study.

"Let's go outside and practice this spell."

 I found that there are still 200+ experience remaining in the book product area this month. Friends who are interested can comment, and keep it.

(End of this chapter)

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