Templar Sun King

Chapter 185 Griffin City (2)

Chapter 185 Griffin City (2)

It was already the next morning when the brain became clearer, and Arman finally remembered what the neglected problem was.Since Simon is a priest of the golden rank, who is the god he believes in?This is related to the faith of Falcon City and even the entire Seven Cities Federation in the future.Arman recalled Simon's attire, except for the priest's robe and the sun cross on the wand, there were no other identifiable resembling religious emblems.He preconceived that the Sun Cross was the symbol of Adam's Weaving family, not the symbol of the gods.

He decided to go to the City Lord's Mansion to ask, this question is very important.

Arman usually doesn't come to the Santo's Mansion very often, but today when he was less than a hundred meters away from the Santo's Mansion, he instinctively noticed that today's Santo's Mansion is a little different from usual, to be precise, it is more fortified.After entering the City Lord's Mansion, he discovered where the extra strictness came from.A group of warriors wearing pale gold armor, holding shields and long swords patrolled the city lord's mansion one by one, and there was a pattern of half griffin and half vulture on their armor.

All bronze ranks!Although they are only at the mid-level Bronze level, it is surprising enough. You must know that the entire Celtic Bronze level can be regarded as the backbone of combat power.

Arman couldn't help thinking of the seven warriors Adam summoned in the underground palace that day. These warriors in front of him were stronger and better equipped than the seven warriors.In addition, there are a few more archers in the city lord's mansion who have a good view and are suitable for shooting. They also wear pale gold armor with quiver on their backs.Compared with the fighters just now, their strength is stronger, all bronze high-level.

With the same equipment and the same strength, there is no doubt that they are all handwritten by Adam, and the strength of the entire City Lord's Mansion has undergone earth-shaking changes just overnight.

Going a little further, a silver-ranked magical creature was playing with the little boy Chris whom he had met yesterday in the Santo's Mansion.

Arman swore that he had never seen such a holy and beautiful magical creature, whether it was an elegant and slender body or the long three tail feathers stretched out in the air, he was amazed from the bottom of his heart.What's more important is that this magical creature has the strength of the first level of silver, and its light attribute is exactly the same as that of Adam.

The holy magical creature nodded to Arman's surprised eyes.

In addition to powerful strength, he also possesses extraordinary wisdom!

"Aylas, come here." The little boy Chris giggled and ran in the open space, followed by a beautiful magical creature about five meters long.

In just a few minutes after entering the City Lord's Mansion, Arman's initial doubts have not been answered, but a few more questions have arisen.How did the bronze rank warrior and archer appear here, what race is this silver rank magical creature, and how powerful is the force behind Adam?A question that he had never thought about even popped up in his mind: Is Adam really as harmless as he looks?

However, thinking of the two gold professionals under Adam, Arman's problems were all shattered, and the world is ultimately based on strength.

"Ah, you're here. I just wanted to send someone to invite you to discuss matters." Adam said to Arman.There are many things that need to be done after taking over Falcon City in Adam's plan, meetings are essential things, and he has been preparing to spend in various meetings in recent days.

"The main thing is that I want to ask you a question." Alman looked around and found that there were only four people here besides him, Andrew, Simon, Arras, and Bit hadn't come yet.

"Of course, you can ask whatever you want." Adam sorted out a few pieces of parchment, which were his plans for the development of Falcon City.

Arman glanced at Simon, and then at Adam. There was nothing wrong with that, both of them had a sun cross pattern on their wands.

"I'm just curious which god Simon believes in?"

"Sun God!" It was Simon, the golden archbishop, who answered Arman's question.

"Sun God?" Before getting the answer, Arman thought he would hear the name of a god he was familiar with, although in the field of light, the only god he knew was the Lord of Dawn.But the sun god, Arman was puzzled, did Yuppler and Yasha have a god called the sun god?

"Sun God." The expression on Simon's face was very solemn, more pious than the priests of the Church of Dawn he had seen.He stretched out his right hand across the front, and soon a sun cross made of holy light was born on his fingertips, "This is the sign of the great sun god!"

The relationship between Adam and the sun god is absolutely profound!Otherwise, it would be impossible to blatantly add the logo of a god to the wand. This kind of thing can be called blasphemy.etc!Arman remembered another thing that he ignored, why would a priest of a god obey Adam's arrangement?Andrew is Adam's guardian knight, he can understand it, but the respectful attitude of Simon, the archbishop of the sun god, to Adam made Arman, who had just struggled out of the vortex of doubt, fall back into a bigger vortex.

His mind was very confused, and he finally decided not to speculate on the relationship between the two, and his intuition told him that the day when he learned the truth would not come too late.

The meeting officially began when Beet took a chair next to Arman.

Adam cleared his throat: "There are three main issues. First, the name of Falcon City. Second, the convening of the Seven Cities Conference and how to deal with Goldberg. Third, the future power structure of Falcon City."

"First of all, it is the name of Falcon City. After discussing with my husband, I think it is more appropriate to change it to Griffin City, considering that Griffin will be here permanently in the future."

The griffin in the mouth of Aras confuses Bit and Alman who attended the meeting. They don't care about changing the name. In fact, the name of Falcon City has not been changed, and it is not an unacceptable thing.What really made them want to know was the griffin in the mouth of Arras, so what kind of creature they hadn't seen?

"It's him." Simon pointed forward with his right hand, shot a holy light, and summoned a griffin from the space of the sanctuary.

Half lion and half vulture, with the body and tail of a lion, the head and wings of an eagle, Arman always thought that this animal that appeared on the armor of Adam's warriors existed in fantasy, but he did not expect that he actually existed, and he also had The powerful strength of the silver middle class!If there are more griffins under Adam's command, the name of Griffin City is worthy of its name, a powerful creature with silver rank power that has never appeared on Celtic, whether it is power, reputation or deterrence. good thing.

Especially in terms of strength, the powerful strength of the silver middle class!Now Falcon City only has a total of two silvers, and the addition of Griffin will undoubtedly give Falcon City a powerful step forward in its overall strength.

"How many griffins will our Griffin City welcome in the future?" Arman is no longer interested in asking about the origin of the griffins. Anyway, they are all created by the forces behind Adam, right?Now he pays more attention to the number of griffins. A griffin represents a silver professional, and he has forgotten all the impact on the power of the Mage Union.

"There are currently three that can be used, and the number will increase in the future." From now on, every time Adam's professional level increases, he can automatically get three griffins from the griffin tower.

Both Arman and Bit saw the shock in each other's eyes, and now they can say with certainty that even without the two gold professionals Andrew and Simon, these griffins alone are enough for Falcon City to win in the Federation of Seven Cities. Absolute dominance.

Aras was very satisfied with Arman and Bit's reaction. He would not admit how excited he was when he saw the Griffin yesterday. Feathers and fur.

"Very well, if there is no other opinion, Falcon City will be officially renamed as Griffon City from today on."

"A small question." Arman said, "When will it be officially announced?"

"Anytime, we will participate in the Seven Cities Conference in the name of Griffin City."

"I have no opinion."


"Then the first topic has been completed." Arras picked up the second parchment, "The second question is about the seven cities meeting and how to deal with Goldberg. According to Goldberg's proposal, it was originally scheduled to The seven-city conference held by Falcon City will be held in Goldberg ten days later, that is, on December [-]. We at Griffin City will attend on time, and I think there should be no objection to this."

"Then the next step is how to deal with the problem of Goldberg. It is obvious that Levitt, the lord of Goldberg, has revealed his great ambitions after he advanced to the gold rank. He tried to unify the Federation of Seven Cities, so he did not hesitate to kill him to raise objections." City Lord Fast.” After killing City Lord Fast, he hung the opponent’s head at the gate of the City Lord’s mansion. This simple and crude deterrent had no choice but to submit to Arman, Bit, and Arras before Adam returned, but now With the appearance of two gold professionals, Andrew and Simon, things went in a different direction.

"What should we do?" Bit asked.

"At the Seven-Cities Conference, I foiled the opponent's conspiracy to unify the Seven-Cities Federation. As for the specific plan, I have basically prepared it." Adam smiled mysteriously, "It is undoubtedly our Griffin City that will unify the Seven-Cities Federation , the loose connection of the Seven Cities Federation is not enough to deal with the Southern Noble Council."

"Since other cities can choose to succumb to Levitt's gold strength, there is no reason to resist when it is Griffin City's turn, not to mention that our Griffin City has twice as many gold professionals as Goldberg!"

Alman and Bit, who were still guessing what plan Adam had prepared, were immediately attracted by the meaning revealed by Adam's words. Adam's meaning could not be more obvious. First, they should use their existing powerful forces to unify the Federation of Seven Cities in a short period of time. , after the integration is completed, the target will be aimed at the Southern Noble Council.

How long has the division between the North and the South been going on?Arman did a quick calculation, and it was almost 90 years ago.Could it be that a unified Celtic will be realized in the hands of Adam, which will be an unprecedented event!
(End of this chapter)

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