Templar Sun King

Chapter 243 Green Dragon

Chapter 243 Green Dragon
"There are people ahead." Isabella quickly reminded Adam after she sensed the presence of a golden rank ahead with her powerful mental power, and the three quickly landed.This is the third group of people they met on their way from Stone Pillar Forest to Iris Flower City for nine days. The third group of people with the golden rank is very likely to be the competitor of Iris Flower City to snatch the Moonwell a few days later.

On the third day, they encountered two golden mages in the Hanging Garden, one was Babel Rady Burns' mortal enemy Wendla, and the other was a flame mage.On the seventh day, I met two Golden Juggernauts from the Bafisun Chamber of Commerce, yes, the Golden Juggernaut belonging to the Bafisun Chamber of Commerce.

After seeing the two powerful golden swordsmen, Adam finally understood the reliance of a wealthy business alliance to survive in the land of chaos, the kingdom of orcs and other human kingdoms - a strong armed force.

Now, they met the third wave.

boom!There was an explosion ahead.

As before, Adam took out six nails and activated the sealing magic circle on it. In addition to the function of isolating telepathy, this magic circle can also shield all a person's breath——Andrew and Isabella are both gold ranks, and they can quickly Adam, who is high-ranking silver, does not have the ability to restrain all the aura that represents personal information so as not to be discovered by others.

Now, Adam can go with Andrew and Isabella to see who is fighting whom ahead.

Soon, the situation ahead appeared in front of Adam. It was the battle of four gold professionals, two gold archbishops, two gold sword masters, belonging to two different churches, more precisely, two hostile churches. church.

Both sides are a configuration of a golden archbishop and a golden swordsman. One of the archbishop's priest robes is embroidered with a lightning storm, which is the symbol of the sky god of the Romano Empire, and the other is three wind blades rotating clockwise to form a Fan blades.

"The Church of the Sky and the Church of the Storm." Adam shouted out the details of the two parties. Naturally, he didn't know which church the fan leaf symbol represented, but since he was the enemy of the Church of the Sky, the answer was basically ready.

This made Isabella couldn't help joking: "Your knowledge is getting wider and wider."

Adam scratched a handful of hair, and was a little embarrassed when he remembered how ignorant he was when he didn't know the world.Recognizing the forces of both parties is already Adam's limit, and Isabella will complete the remaining information.

"Have you seen the golden swordsman who looks like a bear?" Adam looked at the golden swordsman of the Sky Church, just like what Isabella said, tall and strong, with a beard, just looking at it from a distance They can feel the powerful power contained in the opponent's strong body.

"His name is Eugene, and he is a well-known executioner of the Church of the Sky. Of course, it is a scornful name for him by the Church of the Storm. But he doesn't mind at all, and he works harder by killing the priests and fighters of the Church of the Storm. It is said that the Church of the Storm already has two Gold professionals are lost in his hands."

At this time, Eugene was fighting with the Golden Juggernaut of the Church of the Storm. His grudge attribute was a very common earth attribute, but the alienation ability displayed was not common at all.Each sword is accompanied by seven sharp crystals, making the big sword in his hand look like a terrifying giant mouth that chooses to eat someone.

Under Eugene's weird attack, the Golden Juggernaut of the Church of the Storm seemed to be struggling for a while. After all, his sword couldn't block Eugene's great sword and block the seven sharp crystals at the same time.What made him even more depressed was that the seven crystals produced by the opponent's alienation ability could expand and contract freely, but his shoulder was pierced by one of the sharp crystals accidentally!If he hadn't stepped back quickly, the other six crystals that followed would have immediately turned him into a hedgehog.

The battle between the two golden archbishops on the other side is still going on, with lightning and storms roaming the field, flickering twisted arcs and whistling wind blades.

"It's time for us to leave." After satisfying his curiosity, Adam immediately decided to leave quickly.Time is precious. If one of the parties in the battle is a priest or knight of the Church of Dawn, he will unconditionally help the other party to siege the Church of Dawn.It's a pity that now the Church of the Sky and the Church of the Storm, after the science popularization of the Goddess of Fertility, now Adam is not surprised at all that these two churches will fight to the death when they meet.

"There is still a tough battle in a few days. We have to take a good rest after arriving at Iris Flower City." It is not easy to travel for nine consecutive days, especially in the dark area full of dangers. If it is possible, Adam can fall asleep now .

"Adam, thank you." Alice also rubbed her head in Adam's palm.

"Another gold professional is approaching!" Andrew suddenly reminded Adam and Isabella in a low voice.

who is it?Before Adam had time to ask this question, a powerful aura came from the air far away, unscrupulous, even he, a high-ranking silver man, could feel it.The four members of Sky Church and Storm Church who were fighting not far away also stopped fighting and turned their eyes to the distant sky.

"This aura..." Adam felt a little familiar, they were all very evil and chaotic.

"It's a giant dragon, I don't know which one of the five-color dragons it is."

Five-color dragons are the most famous classification among giant dragons, divided into five types: black dragons, red dragons, white dragons, green dragons, and blue dragons.Among them, the black dragon Adam has seen it once, and the other four have only heard its voice but not seen its dragon.But soon he knew what kind of dragon this was approaching here.

A miserable green smoke first appeared in Adam's sight before the giant dragon appeared, and the vegetation on the ground melted quickly after being contaminated by this miserable green smoke, turning into a pile of green juice.

"Green dragon, the most vicious dragon among the five-color dragons." The reputation of the giant dragon is no better than that of the devil, and they are all symbols of evil. Now Isabella says that the green dragon is the most vicious dragon among the five-color dragons , it can be seen how evil the green dragon is.

"They are the smallest among the five-color dragons, and they are best at poisonous and plant-related spells."


With a dragon cry, a giant dragon about five meters in length flew out of the miserable green smoke.His whole body is covered in fine green scales, his belly is light green, his head looks like a poisonous snake's head in triangular shape to Adam, his pair of black eyes are full of tyranny and blood, and a pathetic green poisonous mist is constantly emerging from the gaps in his scales come out.

"Green, there are humans, they must have come to snatch the Moon Well, kill them."

On the back of the green dragon lay a woman with an unusually unrestrained style who only surrounded the important parts with two pieces of green cloth, looking like a big lizard.A large piece of skin that should have been snow-white was tattooed with all kinds of weird green tattoos, and even a face that seemed pretty good to Adam was covered with various patterns, destroying the beauty and making it very hideous and ugly.

Speaking of this, the woman stuck out her tongue and licked her lips, and now Adam finally knew why her voice sounded very weird and vague.Because a woman's tongue is artificially split in two, forked like a snake's tongue.

On one foot of the green dragon sits an even weirder humanoid creature, naked|naked, covered with gray scales, its head looks like a lizard that has been magnified many times, with a scimitar on its shoulder, behind it A tail flicked to and fro.

"Orcs, why did they get mixed up with the green dragon?" The humanoid creature sitting on the green dragon's feet is a lizardman among the three branches of orcs, and they generally live in the southern swamps of the orc kingdom.They are natural assassins and thieves, especially good at assassination.

"Fuck|he|damn|!" Eugene was very angry when the battle was interrupted. In fact, as long as he was given another minute, he was 1% sure that he could kill the Golden Juggernaut of the Church of Storms.But considering the strength of the Green Dragon, the Lizard Woman, and the Lizardman, he had to temporarily give up his opponents.

Three golds!

Green Dragon, Gold rank!
Lizard Girl, the Golden Mage!
Lizardman, Golden Juggernaut!

The green dragon opened his mouth, and a miserable green light brewed in his mouth. In less than two seconds, a green beam of light shot out from his mouth, the target, the Sky Church and the Storm Church.The breath of the black dragon is swamp acid, the breath of the bone dragon is undead flames, and the breath of the green dragon is called poisonous fog.


Electromagnetic gun!
The two golden archbishops released two golden spells almost at the same time.

The crackling electromagnetic cannon hit the green beam of light first, sputtering out circles of energy ripples.In this kind of confrontation based on the strength of energy, the green dragon's breath is obviously stronger. The electromagnetic gun only lasted for less than five seconds before retreating steadily and being bombarded back by the green beam of light.

The four of them dispersed, and the green beam of light left a hole on the ground that was unknown how many meters deep, and the thick and miserable green poisonous mist scattered in all directions.

On the other side, the lizard woman on the back of the green dragon twisted her waist and waved her magic wand, preparing to face the blade storm, a powerful spell that Zoe once used to cut a golden swordsman into a skeleton.Countless wind blades swirled in the air to form a huge tornado, humming and flickering cold light, making Adam no doubt that unless it was a gold-level defensive spell, he would never survive this spell.

"Storm spells happen to be the school of spells I'm best at."

A tiny whirlwind appeared at the tip of the Lizardwoman's wand, and she flung it into the air.In the blink of an eye, a weak whirlwind spun quickly and became another golden spell of the storm faction, Hurricane.The sharp blade storm and hurricane caused super strong suction nearby, and even smaller stones were involved, and were twisted into stone chips by the countless wind blades in the blade storm in just a few strokes.

Boom boom boom!
The hurricane and the blade storm collided together, and countless wind blades shot out in all directions from the edge where the two golden spells collided.In the chaos, no one noticed that the three figures quickly left here and continued to fly towards Iris Flower City.

 Thank you for the support of the monthly ticket of the youth running towards the light (*^__^*)
  After working overtime for a week, the boss said that we should go on a trip together for five days in September. The scumbag author who had just been emptied was in a bad condition. He had to save enough manuscripts for ten chapters before departure and lay in his corpse. . .

(End of this chapter)

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