Templar Sun King

Chapter 276 Level 16

Chapter 276 Level 16

Just like the crystal ball tore apart Arlos' domain easily, Gavin's collapsing domain has no defense at all in the face of a full blow from a legend and six gold professionals.Under the impact of various elemental energies, especially the yellow wind, the golden field even accelerated its collapse, revealing Gavin who was desperate and unwilling.This was the first time, and also the last time, that he showed such clearly human emotions on his face after successfully performing the God's Arrival technique.

Amidst the dull roar, the yellow wind enveloped everything.The golden light turned into yellow sand, and Gavin's golden field completely disappeared.The majestic and majestic aura slowly dissipated, and the will of the Lord of Dawn had to return to the original body when Gavin's divine descent technique ended.

The yellow wind and sand completely turned the whole of Newland into a desert, and Gavin, carrying the will of the Lord of Dawn, disappeared!

When Gavin was completely killed, Simon and Andrew erupted with a powerful aura, and their bodies were bathed in a thick pillar of holy light. The two people whose professional level had already reached level 20 finally upgraded to 21 at this moment. , Legendary Beginner!These two auras are so powerful and surprising that even Arlos, who had just put away the Legendary Domain, rarely showed a surprised expression.

The two gold high-level professionals under Adam's command unexpectedly advanced to the legend at this time without any warning. If there is no secret in it, it must be a lie.As for the coincidence, it is too much of a coincidence.

"God of the Sun, they have advanced!" Medora covered her mouth in disbelief and exclaimed, "Legend, two legends!" When she first met Andrew, he was still a silver knight. When we met for the second time, he became a golden sword master, but now Andrew advanced to legend in front of him!The other party's tall figure and mature and handsome face made Medora couldn't help showing an obsessed look again.

Because the movement caused by the two people's advancement was too great, Adam, who had been promoted from the silver advanced level to the gold elementary level, seemed insignificant.

In Isabella's mind, the scene of the battle between the Bafison Merchant Alliance and the werewolf Lucien could not help but emerge. At that time, Adam advanced from bronze to silver, and Andrew and Simon advanced to the gold rank together.Now, the same thing happened to her again.She squinted her eyes, thinking that this was the biggest secret that Adam had said.

On the top of the mountain in the distance, the adventurers who watched the battle opened their mouths and couldn't say a word. The battle just now was as dramatic and shocking as the legendary battle in the bard's mouth.

When they thought that the archbishop of the Church of Dawn would be crushed unilaterally, Archbishop Gavin cast the divine descent technique to receive the will of a true god, the Lord of Dawn.When the legendary pinnacle's powerful strength swept across Newlanden, they all sat on the ground under that powerful force, unable to have any thoughts of resisting and fighting.However, just when they thought Archbishop Gavin was about to win the battle, Griffin Principality appeared out of nowhere with a legendary master who was also powerful, and Gavin, who carried the will of the Lord of Dawn, was in a close match. All of Newlandon was reduced to ruins in their battle.

What do they see now?Archbishop Gavin, who bears the consciousness of the Lord of Dawn, a master at the pinnacle of legend, and the highest combat power that this world can carry, was killed by a legend of the Griffin Principality and six gold professionals jointly!

In a sense, this can be regarded as a slaughter of gods, even though the slaughter is just an incarnation of will!
The development of the matter was so unexpected and shocking that they didn't shout dryly again until they felt the powerful aura that belonged to the legendary level emanating from Andrew and Simon: "Two legends!" Such a powerful aura It is difficult for adventurers with low strength to ignore them.

They looked at each other, seeing themselves in the other's wide-eyed eyes.

The Church of Dawn failed, the Principality of Griffin won, and Celtic is about to usher in a drastic change!
In the sea area not very far away from Celtic, a large ship was advancing rapidly, with two flags waving in the wind.On one side is a brilliant sun, on the other side is a shield, with two great swords crossed, which are the symbols of the Church of Dawn and the Knights of Radiance.On the bow, the two deputy captains, both of whom are gold, are discussing the war after arriving in Celtic.

"The two-way mirror is responding." One of the deputy heads took out a two-way mirror, opened it, and the pope's old voice came from it.

"There's no need to go to Celtic, just return immediately."

"Your Majesty the Pope?" Although their immediate superior is the head of the Knights of Radiance, they both maintain enough respect for the Pope, the highest clergyman of the Church of Dawn and the spokesperson of the Lord of Dawn in the world, but this is far from Not enough for them to carry out this inexplicable order.

"Just now Gavin used the God's Arrival technique."

God descending technique!Both of them were horrified. What happened on the Celtic land could force Gavin to use the divine descent technique. The archbishops of the church would not use the divine descent technique unless it was absolutely necessary.Moreover, once the divine descent technique is successful, it will be the peak of legendary strength, but judging from the Pope's order, Gavin failed even so!
"How is this possible?" The first reaction of the impulsive deputy head was to doubt the authenticity of the matter, and then he realized that it was the Pope who was talking to him, "I mean...that's Celtic." Gavin , Gwenda, Cornwall, as well as two other cardinals and the Silver Tower, so many gold professionals failed to take down the Principality of Griffin, and they even needed the two of them to lead [-] Knights of the Radiant Knights to go there. Celtic, everything is beyond their expectations.

Now, even Gavin, who is at the peak of legend, has failed!What terrible thing happened on Celtic?

At the moment when Gavin, the legendary pinnacle master carrying the consciousness of the Lord of Dawn, was jointly killed, Adam's consciousness was actively drawn in by the sanctuary space.This was the second time the sanctuary space took the initiative to pull his consciousness, the first time was when he was promoted from bronze to silver.

It was dark all around, without any light, darkness and dead silence, this was the only thing Adam could see after entering the sanctuary space with his consciousness.Just when this endless darkness made Adam feel annoyed, a little light suddenly appeared in the darkness, the light was soft and holy, full of hope.

The next moment, the light became bigger and bigger, dispelling the darkness, as if a sharp sword split the remaining darkness in half, the sun and the moon were born from the holy light, mountains, rivers and rivers were formed on the earth, and the whole world was surrounded by the holy light. Born from the void under the light.Adam looked up, a sun was shining in the sky, and all his consciousness was cast towards the sun that was emitting strong light.

When Adam's sight was filled with endless light, everything disappeared, and he reappeared in the sanctuary space.

The sanctuary space is undergoing unprecedented change.

The expansion of the area was expected by Adam. The four elements of earth, water, air and fire continued to gather in the sanctuary space. Sunshine, mountains, rivers, and breeze, the entire sanctuary space was getting closer and closer to the real world.

What really shocked Adam was that there were seven huge pillars of holy light descending from the sky, connecting the sky and the earth of the temple.The diameter of each pillar of holy light is more than ten meters, making Adam feel unparalleled magnificence when standing on the ground and looking up at the entire sanctuary space.Except for one pillar of holy light that fell on the ground, the other six pillars of holy light fell on the castle, farm, sun garden, wolf forest, barracks, and shooting range.The holy light flows around like a tide, and the entire sanctuary space becomes a sea of ​​holy light.

With the arrival of the six pillars of light, the vast energy of light is injected into the castle, farm, sun garden, wolf forest, barracks and shooting range, and every building is undergoing tremendous changes.The area of ​​the farm continued to expand, giving Adam the feeling of being endless.Neat and orderly farmland, lush green crops, windmill haystacks, a scene of a food forest.

Sunny gardens were born on the land of the sanctuary space, and a little bit of holy light bloomed from the gardens, beautiful and dreamy, and spherical shining spirits were constantly born in these holy lights.

The wolf forest is worthy of the name of the forest. It stretches and undulates, and its area is even above the ashes forest. The roar of wild wolves echoes in the forest one after another.

The barracks and the shooting range have been transformed in succession in the holy light beam, from a single building to a complex of buildings, majestic and majestic.

When the seven pillars of holy light dispersed and the space change in the sanctuary ended, a series of prompts finally sounded in Adam's ears.

"Your occupation level has been raised to 16!"

"Level up, automatically learn the spell Holy Guardian!"

"Level up, get 1 action point!"

"Level up, Militia +7, Glory +7, Silverback Wolf +7, Guard +5, Marksman +5, Priest +3, Royal Griffin +3, Basic Magic Scroll *7, Elementary Magic Scroll *5 , Intermediate Magic Scroll*3, Advanced Magic Scroll*2!"

"Building upgrade, farm LV2 (based on LV1's basic upgrade), solar garden LV3, wolf forest LV3, barracks LV3, shooting range LV3!"

"Upgrade the number of units belonging to the building!"

"Sun God Proxy mode is on!"

(End of this chapter)

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