Templar Sun King

Chapter 309 2 Tails (1)

Chapter 309 Two Tails (1)

"Mermaid?" On the way to the Dawn Islands, Marlock didn't see anything unusual, and he didn't see any colorful mermaid scales at all. "Are you sure?"

"No mistake." Earl's face was gloomy, and he stretched out his left hand. In the palm of his hand, there were two scales with a diameter of about two centimeters, which were multicolored, and there was faintly colored light flowing inside.

"Sure enough, they are mermaid scales, golden rank!" There are many races with long scales, and there is only one kind of colorful scales in the whole world, and that is the scales on the tail of mermaids after they are promoted to the golden rank.

The ocean, a vast area more than four times the total area of ​​Upler and Yasha, is full of races and forces, and is more complicated and chaotic than the land world.A long time ago, the ocean was not just the Naga Empire as it is now. At that time, there were two huge empires in the deep sea, the Naga Empire and the Mermaid Empire.

"Naga, a snake-tailed human body, adult silver, grows a second pair of arms, becomes a six-armed Naga when promoted to gold, comparable to high elves! A mermaid, a fish-tailed human body, when promoted to gold, the tail scales will be sublimated into anti-magic The multicolored scales with extremely strong elemental sensitivity are a kind of precious magic material."

Malok recalled the information of the two. The Naga clan has achieved great success in fighting spirit and spells. The Naga warriors, Naga mages, and Naga priests in the clan are well-known, and the six-armed Naga is full of submission wherever they go. .

Compared with the fact that Naga dabbled in both the two professional systems of strength fighters and spell casters, the mermaid family was weak in body, but they had excellent spellcasting talents and were rich in spellcasters.

It is worth mentioning that the two deep-sea races, the Naga and the Mermaid, are women superior to men, and women dominate.This situation is especially serious among the mermaids—male Naga can become warriors who are proficient in multi-weapon attacks, and male mermaids can only serve as reproductive tools for the group if they do not have excellent spellcasting talents.

"The millennium-long struggle between the Naga and the mermaids will not dissipate with the destruction of the mermaid empire." Earl held up a mermaid scale, and the colorful streamer reflected his face even more gloomy. The dispute between the two tails is a prosperous The hidden contradictions of the Naga Empire.

"Six-armed Naga, guarded by sea monsters, the four-armed Naga who escaped just now is most likely the only princess of the Naga Empire." After calming down, Earl's observation and analysis abilities as a legendary master and inspector of the Church of Dawn regained his composure. Returning, Ellie's identity is quickly deduced from various details.

"And the missing crocodile they mentioned when they went ashore, huh, crocodile!" Because of the crocodile family, the Midland of Frans was turned into ruins, and it is still being rebuilt. Of course, Earl will not have too much good senses.

"You mean to put the blame on the mermaids?" The mermaids became the subjects of the Naga Empire after the Mermaid Empire was destroyed, but the conflicts between the two sides were deep and they were only suppressed temporarily. Contradictions will erupt again.

"It's not to blame the mermaids, but to find the golden-ranked mermaid. We want her to be Adam's accomplice." Earl cut his throat, "Queen Juana who lost her daughter must be devastated .”

Marlock rubbed his forehead. Seriously, Earl's plan was beyond his expectation. Excluding the difficulty of implementation, once the plan is successful, it will definitely provoke Adam, the Griffin Kingdom, the Holy Church and Juana, the Naga Empire, and the Sea God Church. Conflict and even war!

But the relationship between the Naga clan and Adam seems to be good...

No, Malloc immediately realized that this was not a defect, but it made Earle's plan perfect.

What could make Naga more sad than a person who tried everything possible to gain trust colluding with a mermaid to kill her daughter? Even Juana, who was dazzled by grief, would think that Adam had ulterior motives and deliberately tried to win Ellie's favor and favor. trust.

Taking a step back, even if Juana didn't directly launch a large army and masters to attack Celtic, the relationship between the two parties would definitely be completely over. As far as he knew, the current Queen Naga had only one daughter and the heir to the throne.

The relationship between the Griffin Kingdom of the island country and the Sea Clan has dropped to a freezing point, and the mainland has the Church of Dawn and Frans as enemies. He doesn't believe that this can't make Adam!

"If I knew you had such a plan, I shouldn't have let go of the four-armed Naga just now." Malok couldn't express his regret, and now it is not easy to find Princess Naga again.

"Don't worry, she will probably come back with a helper soon." Earl showed a cold smile, "When I attacked the sea monster with vindictiveness just now, I had the idea of ​​torturing him, but I didn't expect that it just helped me now."

It is very difficult for Queen Naga to mobilize the masters of the Naga Empire in the Dawn Islands, because the distance is too far away, let alone Ellie who only has a silver rank.The only place she can turn to for help is Adam in Celtic!
"I understand." Malloc admired Earl's style of conduct while preparing for the ambush.

If Adam dares to come to the Dawn Islands, they may not have a chance to come back—like them, Adam has to consider the possibility of Percyva’s sneak attack, so he can only bring two legends with him when he comes to the Dawn Islands—hope that Silver High Percival of the tower can take advantage of the opportunity to ignore the legendary pact and attack Griffin City while Adam is out. It would be even better if Griffin City can be wiped off the map.

"I'll send someone to find the whereabouts of the mermaid right now." Malloc calculated the time. It would take about a day from Ellie to Celtic to ask for help to Adam's decision to come to the Dawn Islands.

One day is almost enough for two legends.

"It would be great if I could bring Bart here." When he walked out of the cave, Malloc vaguely heard Earl's regretful voice behind him.

Adam and his party sat on the head of the sea monster Leviathan, which was more than three times the size of Levatin, and moved quickly in the ocean.

Leviathan, a sea monster with legendary power, does not need to sink his body to the bottom of the sea when he is moving fast in the ocean. His big mouth is submerged in the sea, but the part exposed on the sea is still like an island. Drift in the ocean.

Regardless of Leviathan's huge and bulky body, when swimming in the ocean, his speed is no slower than any legend, and it can be described as fast.

"Huh?" Suddenly, Ellie on Leviathan's head seemed to see something, and let out an exclamation.

"What's the matter, Ellie?" Adam asked.

"I seem to see a colorful scale." Ellie looked around, "Leviathan, stop." Leviathan immediately stopped in the ocean after receiving the master's order, because it suddenly stopped rolling up the five-meter-high waves.

Ellie, Adam, Aylas, Andrew, and Teresa all flew nearby to look for the multicolored scale that Ellie just mentioned.

"Whose scales are those, is it important?" Adam felt that their priority now was to rescue the six-armed Naganikita captured by the Church of Dawn, rather than looking for any scales.

Knowing Adam's doubts, Ellie explained while trying to find it in the ocean: "That's the mermaid's scales."

"Mermaid?" An unusually beautiful creature appeared in Adam's mind. The upper body is a human body, with enchanting curves, and the lower body is a fish tail, giving people infinite reverie.

"Yes, mermaids. They believe in the god of mist and foam. I suspect that the disappearance of the crocodilians is inseparable from them."

"Why?" Adam doesn't know much about the Naga Empire. To be precise, only those big forces have the ability and qualifications to understand the internal disputes and contradictions of the behemoth of the Naga Empire.

"I found the scales that Princess Ellie said." A holy light fell into the sea water, and when it flew back, it brought a colorful scale flowing in the sun.Teresa handed the scale in her hand to Ellie: "I hope it is right."

"That's right, that's it." Ellie aimed the scales in her hand at the sun, and the air reflected colorful light.When she injected a trace of magic power into this mermaid scale, there was even the crashing sound of tidal waves from the scale, which was very crisp.

"Leviathan, all forward, aim at the Dawn Islands." Ellie carefully put away the scales in her hand, and set off again.

"A long time ago, there were two powerful kingdoms in the deep sea, one was the Naga Empire established by our Naga, and the other was the Mermaid Empire established by the mermaids. At that time, it was the God of Waves who protected us (the Sea God had not yet been promoted to the true god, As a demigod), the Mermaid Empire is blessed by the God of Beauty and Mist."

"The two empires fought a long war in the ocean. Finally, after a battle of gods, the Naga Empire won the final victory, brought the entire deep sea area under its rule, and became the sole overlord and empire of the deep sea!"

"War of Gods? It's a battle between the God of Waves and the God of Beauty and Mist." Adam asked.

"Well, I saw it in a lonely book in the church." Allie said, "After the God of Beauty and Misty was killed by the great God of Waves, the Mermaid Empire was no longer the opponent of the Naga Empire. After persisting for less than half a year, it was completely destroyed and became history."

"Didn't the mermaid be exterminated after that battle?" According to the rules of this world, the victor after such a tragic battle is very likely to slaughter all the losers, or degrade them into slaves—considering that they have been able to fight against the Naga Empire for many years However, it is unlikely that the mermaid family will be reduced to slavery. The best way is to exterminate the family and never cause future troubles.

"Not at all." Ellie shook her head, "After the fall of the God of Beauty and Mist, the mermaids are willing to become believers of the God of Mist and Foam, the God of the Sea God, and accept the rule of the Naga Empire." Not so peaceful, but a unified, vast deep-sea empire formed in the ocean.

"So that's how it is." Adam suddenly realized that there were three members of the ocean god system, the god of the sea god, the god of fish, and the god of fog and foam. These disputes are completely within the scope allowed by the gods.

"The god of beauty and mist, the god of foam and mist, and the gods believed by mermaids all have the priesthood of mist?"

"This... I'm not very clear." Ellie seriously considered Adam's complaints, "But the God of Mist and Foam has another name, called the Goddess of Love and Pleasure!"

"how is this possible?"

(End of this chapter)

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