Templar Sun King

Chapter 352 Chaos Star Ring

Chapter 352 Chaos Star Ring
Realm of truth.

Large swaths of energy turbulence centered on the kingdom of truth and scattered in all directions, resulting in space turbulence that swept across most of the void outside the domain.All the gods who sensed the movement of the kingdom of truth cast their gazes over, especially Ditney and Feite, who knew the god of truth better, had a dignified look on their faces.

The truth is by no means those high-profile gods who want to know the gods of the entire universe whenever something happens.If it is possible, the truth will definitely push things to perfection in one fell swoop, and then through the battle of gods, it will announce the fall of a god to the world.

If you don't make a move, you will use it, and if you make a move, it will be thunderous!

However, judging from the current situation, I am afraid that the matter is beyond the control of a main god, but it also shows that the other party's actions are huge.

Under the turbulent flow of large areas of energy, the original dream-like and beautiful star rings of the Kingdom of Truth suddenly solidified with the support of large groups of chaotic brilliance, exuding colorful magical brilliance.This kind of energy turbulence, which is a disaster for the legendary peak masters, has only one function for the gods: to block the line of sight.

Even so, at the moment when the kingdom of truth changed, many gods still saw clearly the process of the star ring turning from fiction to reality.But this is just the beginning.

"Chaos Star Ring, it's Chaos Star Ring!" Mrs. Grace shouted in the crystal ball after learning about the changes in the Kingdom of Truth.

The three of them dared to remove Pompey because the God of Truth was restrained by an important matter and had no time for others.But what is the specific matter, a true god, a demigod and a legendary pinnacle can't be calculated.

Now, they know the result.Chaos star ring, the props used by the God of Truth to condense magic priesthood, or in other words, artifacts!

Outside the realm of truth, energies and laws of various attributes are entangled together. The four knights of truth stand in the realm of God and look out. They can clearly feel the four elements of earth, water, air, and fire and dark energy, mixed with space, death, law of destruction.

As the colorful streamers burst forth, more turbulent energy flow was born.

Waves of chaotic brilliance spread out from the realm of truth, brushing against these violent elements, energies and laws, the earth element was divided into two, half orange, half emerald green, water element and air element were also divided into two, into two light clusters.

"Separate the elemental factions, what exactly does Truth want to do?" Avalon Kingdom, the Goddess of the Moon and the Hunt stood up, very puzzled.She looked at the Goddess of Life, and found that the face of the Almighty was very solemn, and she dared not speak any more, for fear of disturbing the Almighty's thinking.

"Magic priesthood!"

"What?" The two gods, the Moon, the Goddess of Hunting, and the Punisher of Nature, asked what could be called a scream.The god of truth is in charge of the terrifying and mysterious priesthood of chaos, and now he actually wants to get involved in the priesthood of magic!
The Goddess of Life didn't have time to explain, so she waved her hand, and a green radiance of the main god passed through countless space restrictions in an instant, arrived at the realm of truth, and rolled towards the seven light clusters arranged in a certain order beside the huge star.

"You dare!" The four knights of truth roared in unison, and the four divine lights of white, red, black, and gray intertwined together, and a strange fluctuation spread centered on the kingdom of truth.The radiance of life rolled down, and the seven light clusters seemed to be illusory, and they rolled into nothingness.

"Distort reality!" Seeing this situation, the Moon and the Goddess of Hunting immediately knew that the Four Horsemen of Truth were working together as the God of Truth to run part of the Priesthood of Chaos, turning that space into an illusion, making the Goddess of Life unable to attack.

A dark red light and a black light were born from the void almost at the same time. The dark red light carried a domineering aura that destroyed everything, and the black light was dark and deep, with an indescribable eerie tranquility.

The moment they saw the two rays of light, the gods knew that the remaining two main gods, the Destroyer Demon God of the Demon God System and the Goddess of Darkness who had always been hiding in the dark, were attacking together.

Four main gods, God of Truth, Goddess of Life, God of Destruction, and Goddess of Darkness!
Usually the relationship between the three main gods is not very good. At this moment, there is a tacit understanding. The destructive brilliance twisted towards the real and illusory space. After a sound of glass breaking, the seven light clusters and other laws formed All the spheres were exposed.

The glory of life and the glory of darkness are swiped together!
"It's useless." The three main gods took action immediately after realizing that the God of Truth was trying to create a chaotic star ring to prepare for the condensed magic priesthood, and even abandoned their positions and joined forces.But Ditney and Feite sat quietly in the Kingdom of God, simply watching.

In the fate that Grace saw, the Chaos Star Ring had already been born, and no matter whether it was the three main gods or all the gods who shot now, it could not prevent the formation of this result.

This is fate!
If you want to modify your destiny, you need more than strength.

It's a pity that the three of them are not all gods, otherwise they could take this opportunity to deal a heavy blow to the God of Truth!
Sure enough, as expected by the three of them, at the critical moment when the Goddess of Life and the Goddess of Darkness were about to annihilate the spheres of light formed by energies, elements, and laws, a mighty chaotic brilliance swept out from the depths of the Realm of Truth. Covering the entire huge star, it seems to be wearing a thick gray cotton-padded jacket.

The radiance of the three main gods fell on the radiance of chaos together, and the radiance of life took root on it. The radiance of darkness fixed all the radiance of chaos that continued to flow. After the dark red radiance of destruction fell, all the radiance of chaos surrounding the realm of truth disappeared.

After the large piece of chaotic radiance and the radiance of the three main gods dissipated, the scene of the kingdom of truth was revealed.

The huge star is suspended in the void, and there is a beautiful star ring on it. In addition, thirteen spheres of different colors are revolving around the huge star at high speed.Waves of strange fluctuations centered on the Kingdom of Truth spread out to the entire extraterritorial void and the world!
At this moment, the combination of the Realm of Truth and the thirteen spheres is like a complete galaxy. The thirteen spheres are revolving around the Realm of Truth while rotating on their own, each with its own trajectory, and they do not contradict each other.

"The Chaos Star Ring was born!"

Mrs. Grace was a little lost. The failure of the three main gods had long been expected by her. What really shocked her was that the Chaos Star Ring was different from what she had seen in the fragmentary fate information.

The God of Truth actually used the entire Kingdom of Truth as a part of the Chaos Star Ring's operation!

Was it the fate that changed or what she saw was the modified result of the God of Truth?
"Earth, Nature, Waves, Frost, Storm, Thunder, Flame, Death, Undead, Darkness, Space, Prophecy, Destruction, that's right, thirteen spell schools!"

"Thrandale, Baimon, Nix, long time no see." A figure with chaotic brilliance walked out of the realm of truth. This was a handsome young man, but with a hint of cunning.

Behind him, the three knights of truth stood respectfully, but the knight of soul was missing.

God of truth!
When the god of truth in the outer void created the chaotic star ring and fought against the three main gods, Adam was still immersed in the joy brought by a series of reminders in the sanctuary space.

Although the dots of green light sprinkled by the Mother Tree of Life just absorbed only 0.1 units of divine power each time, and the increased career progress was only a pitiful 0.02%, but fortunately, there were enough of them.

"Absorb 25 units of divine power of life, increase career progress by 5%!" This is the final statistic after absorbing some of the weak divine power of life.

But what really made Adam happy were the latter two tips, one from Teresa's healing of the Mother Tree of Life, and the other from his treatment of the three legends (except Teresa) whose magic power was almost exhausted.

The former brought Adam a career progress of up to 40%, far exceeding the 20% that Adam estimated before coming to the Emerald Forest.The latter three legends give 5% progress, a total of 15%!

In this way, on the fourth day after raising his career level to level 19, Adam's career progress reached 60%!

It's a pity that Adam has very few chances to heal the Mother Tree of Life or the legend. Otherwise, according to this progress, he would be officially promoted to level 20 in a few days and summon the fourth hero.

"what is that?"

"Look at the sky."

The elves' discussion and Teresa's reminder pulled Adam's consciousness out of joy.

I saw that the entire sky was covered by a layer of colorful streamer, and a strange fluctuation spread radiation in the streamer.Three lights of green, dark red, and black were suddenly born in the large stream of light, and a single sweep smashed the colorful stream of light.

The colorful streamer was also not to be outdone, and a chaotic radiance was born from it, fighting against the green, dark red, and black three radiances.The entire sky is like a drawing board, being painted back and forth by several children fighting for paintbrushes.

In the end, the colorful streamers in the sky dissipated, leaving only a small half in the distance, no matter how the other three rays of light attacked, it would be of no avail.The green, dark red, and black radiances rotated and disappeared, and the chaotic radiance also disappeared. The colorful streamers firmly occupied the sky, and finally disappeared.

The elves were discussing, not to mention them, even the elf queen, the high priest of life and the elder of the sun elves had seen such a spectacular sight for the first time in their long lives.

"The last piece of sky occupied by the colorful streamer seems to correspond to Yasha." The high priest of life only recognized the breath of the goddess of life in the green light. There are only three people in the entire universe who can stand shoulder to shoulder with the goddess of life. The identities of the three radiances are about to be revealed.


These two words hit Adam's chest, thinking of the strange fluctuations and what Lilith said just now, could it be that the colorful streamer just now is the God of Truth's reliance in congealing the magic priesthood?
If that's the case, the path Isabella is taking now will be completely cut off!
Because of the anxiety in his heart, Adam didn't care to stay and celebrate the rebirth of the Mother Tree of Life with the Elf Queen, the High Priest of Life and others. He bid farewell, and hurried away after taking the treasure of the Ancestor God Church from the Elf Queen.

Alvin thoughtfully opened the Wuding Gate outside the Moon Garden. When Adam and Teresa reappeared in the Dawn Islands, a gray magic circle rose from under their feet.

(End of this chapter)

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