Templar Sun King

Chapter 456 Greed (2)

Chapter 456 Greed (2)

"Devil!" The vampires and werewolves were startled, and wanted to take action, but it was too late. A purple-black magic circle rose from the ground and surrounded them.

"It's this greedy taste, it's really delicious."

The two demon priests, Yu Weng Deli, squatted on the tree stump one after the other with grim smiles, their wings folded, breathing heavily, showing a fascinated look.

A demon priest took out a dark golden coin and threw it on the field.


The crisp voice attracted the attention of the vampires and werewolves. They just glanced at the coin, and the eyes of all the vampire werewolves whose strength was below gold immediately changed, and they all rushed towards the coin, as if it was a treasure related to their lives.

A werewolf was the first to pick up the coin on the ground. He lifted the coin up high and observed it carefully against the sun, ecstatically saying, "Baby, my baby!"

"Give it to me, dirty and vile werewolf, this is not something you can covet!"

A blood race flapped its wings and snatched the coin into its hands, laughing loudly and putting it into the space ring.

But in the next second, his interspatial ring was ripped away by another blood race, along with his fingers.

At first they were just fighting for coins. When a werewolf split a vampire in half with a single sword, the burning blood curse, dark tentacles, hellfire, howling banshee, grudge, and sword light quickly appeared in the magic circle. densely covered.

If it was just a fight between blood clans and werewolves, it has now completely evolved into the killing of individuals.

Identity, status, strength, and race are not important, only the space ring with the coin hidden is eternal.

"This is the magical power of the Greedy Demon God?" Adam sighed sincerely. It is extremely terrifying to be so deceptive, to draw out and use the greed deep in his heart so nakedly.

"The Lord of the Sky was bewitched by the Greedy Demon God all those years ago, so it's no surprise that his priests have such abilities."

Isabella calmly looked at the dark creatures with fewer and fewer people in the field, but their expressions and movements became more and more crazy.

The only ones who can maintain their sanity are Iggy, the elder of the Vlad family who killed his nephew just now, and the two werewolf sword masters of the Lycon tribe.

call out!A vindictive wave shot out from the fingertips of the werewolf sword master, but was easily dodged by the demon priest.

"Vasago, our food still has the strength to resist." A demon priest giggled.

Another demon priest named Vasago stood up from the stump, put his hands on his chest, and began to sing.

Vasago has a solemn face, and looks more like a priest than some priests of the Church of Dawn, completely different from the chaotic and tyrannical image of the shofar demons of the same family.

There was piety in the hoarse voice of the demon priest. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Adam would have thought it was a chant from the church, not a demon invitation from the lava field.

The werewolf sword master, who was trying to resist with a wave of grudge just now, gradually lost his eyesight under the singing, his willpower weakened, and something called greed was born in his eyes.

"My treasure!"

He shouted angrily, a wave of grudge killed a werewolf, and grabbed the space ring with one hand.

But other blood races and werewolves were not afraid of this werewolf sword master at all, and rushed forward screaming.

The second song sounded, and the remaining two golds also lost their minds one after another. Controlled by their inner greed, they fought with all their strength for the interspatial ring that contained the coin.

When the vlad family and the vampires and werewolves of the Lycon tribe were fighting each other like crazy, Vasago took out a money bag from his bosom, opened the bag, and chanted a spell.

Wisps of gray light mist were extracted bit by bit from the heads of the blood races and werewolves who had fallen into madness, and slowly fell into the money bag.

"What are the demon priests doing?"

Adam asked, and Isabella's knowledge in this area is still not as good as Isabella's.

"I'm not sure, but it looks like it's collecting souls corrupted by greed."

Soul, Adam thought of the coin thrown by the demon on the ground just now, and recalled the soul coin that was refined by the black mage Babelade in the underground palace laboratory of the Dawn Islands that day. The two are indeed very similar.

With the extraction of light and mist, a vampire limp on the ground, and the breath of life disappeared.

In less than a minute, there were only three gold professionals left in the magic circle doing the final battle. Although they hadn't died yet, they were not far behind.

"That's... my... baby..."

Iggy, the elder of the blood clan, with disheveled hair, looked at the space ring snatched by the werewolf and shouted unwillingly, but because his soul was corroded and extracted by greed, he was powerless and hovered on the verge of death.

When the souls of the three gold professionals were also extracted, three dark gold coins appeared on the mouth of the demon priest's pocket.

The demon priest carefully put the coin into the purse and shook it by his ear, making a crisp tinkling sound, and was instantly satisfied.

"Let me listen, let me listen."

Another demon priest snatched the money bag from Vasago, dangling it by his ear, his face full of intoxication.

"How many soul gold coins are there in total now?"


"Well, there are still 57 gold coins short of completing the task. Taking advantage of the natural disaster in France, we have to collect enough gold coins quickly."

"Let's go." The demon priest spread his wings, saw Vasago still standing there, and asked suspiciously, "What are you still doing here?"

"No, we don't need to go anywhere, just wait here for the vampires and werewolves to throw themselves into the trap." Vasago pointed to the crescent moon in front of him, "The legendary silver moon, just like just now, we will collect it soon Get enough soul coins."

"That's a good idea."

The two demon priests looked at each other, spread their wings together, and flew towards the volcano where Yinyue was.

"We really don't get rid of the demons?" Isabella asked after the two demon priests disappeared.

"No need, our goal is to obtain Silver Moon, and there are many competitors." Adam touched his chin, feeling completely different from when he was on the body, "It's better to wait for work and let the two demon priests help us solve part of it first."

"Well, I was too impatient."

Isabella looked at the crescent moon, and for some reason, the desire became stronger.

She suddenly felt a little uneasy, because this inexplicable possessive desire for Yinyue didn't seem to originate from herself!

"Uther is heading to the Godly Kingdom of the Goddess of Plenty, and maybe he can learn something from the Goddess that we don't know."

The outer plane, the Goddess of Plenty.

"You mean the silver moon that the dark lady casts on the earth?"

"Yes, Your Highness Farisa."

The goddess of abundance obviously knew something: "That is an opportunity to become a god."

"An opportunity for the vampires and werewolves?"

"That's right, it is said that the vampires or werewolves who have obtained the silver moon can ascend to the throne and become the fourth god of the dark god system. I don't know the specifics very well, and I'm afraid only the dark lady herself knows."

"However, the spider and the Goddess of Death were Spider-Man before they became gods, and now this race of dark creatures has disappeared from the universe. The race that the Faceless Men belonged to before they ascended to the throne of God is now also extinct."

The Goddess of Spring and the Goddess of Autumn at the side also heard such a secret for the first time, and they couldn't help pricking up their ears, for fear of missing any details.

"Her Highness Farisa means that this is most likely the way the dark lady used to help the dark race become gods, but at the cost of genocide?"

Perhaps many years ago, it might have been the Goddess of Darkness, or it might have been other beings who used the same method to create the current Spider, Goddess of Death, and Faceless.

"It's just a guess. If I didn't see her by chance, I wouldn't think of these things."

The Goddess of Plenty said as she stretched out her finger to the main material plane. Uther looked in the direction that the Goddess of Plenty pointed. It was a girl with bat wings and wolf fur on her back. On the neck of the blood race, the blood of the same race was swallowed.

"According to the three major prophecies given by Lord Yasha back then, this girl with the blood of vampires and werewolves flowing in her body will step on the bones of the two tribes to be crowned."

The person who made the three major prophecies is Archmage Colin, and Colin is the God of Truth!
In fact, the goddess of abundance doubted the authenticity of the matter more than once, because she was not sure how Colin, who was only a mortal at the time, made a prophecy that spanned more than 4000 years.

"Thank you very much for your answer, Your Highness Farisa." Uther got up and was about to leave. "As a reward, here is also a piece of news to share with you."

"The time for the arrival of the New World has changed, and it is now six years."

The goddess of abundance was startled at first, and then remembered what the three goddesses predicted in the Pantheon that day, and immediately understood: "Thank you for the news, Your Highness Uther. This news is very important to me."

The Goddess of Plenty wanted to try to see if she could get more information, but at this moment, a piece of golden divine light rose from the Kingdom of Dawn, turned into a rising sun, and slammed into the temporary Kingdom of God.

"Lord of the Dawn!"

(End of this chapter)

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