Chapter 482
At 1 a.m. on January 23, the eighteen golden wizards in the Hanging Gardens sat silently in a luxurious and elongated carriage to the Ministry of Magic.

As for the reason for the silence, it has something to do with the palace dinner held at the palace last night.

Because Joanna hit the nail on the head, the eleven mages headed by Boggart decided to stand still for the time being and observe the Griffin Kingdom for two days before deciding whether to start negotiations in order to seek higher status and power.

Unexpectedly, the two accidents at the palace dinner tore all their plans and thoughts to shreds, and they have not been able to fully recover until now.

The first accident came from a kid named Chris.

"Alice, don't run away."

As soon as Boggart walked into the banquet hall under the leadership of Alman, he saw an eight-nine-year-old boy chasing and playing with a milky-yellow fold-eared cat.

This is a perfectly normal scene, if the cat hadn't jumped lightly in the air from one end of the hall to the other, and the little boy hadn't been laughing while waving ice mist and snowflakes from his hands.

A monster (possibly a magical creature) he had never seen before, a boy who could cast spells without spells.

Of course, if it's just this, it's not enough to surprise a master of the sky garden who was trained as the heir of the mage lord.

"Alice, come down quickly, I'm going to catch you."

When the cat ran to the dome of the hall and pointed its butt at the boy while licking its paws, the boy raised his right foot and kicked it on the ground.

In an instant, a huge hexagonal frost flower was produced under his feet, and immediately spread in all directions, freezing the ground into ice crystals, and then marched along the wall towards the dome in bursts of "click".

At the same time, the boy raised his hands, and the snow-white ice mist shone beautifully under the illumination of the magic lamp in the hall, spinning and rushing towards the dome, blocking all the cat's way out.

"Ice Mist, Freeze!" Stephanie, one of the eighteen archmages, blurted out and called out the names of the two spells.

The other people in the hall turned a blind eye to this, and they were obviously used to it. They walked through the crowd with their glasses in hand, chatting in low voices, and occasionally cast a conniving glance at the boy.

"It just has a similar spell effect to Ice Fog and Freeze." Joanna looked up at the cat surrounded by ice crystals and ice mist, "These two spells are bronze spells, this kid..."

In Joanna's perception, the opponent is at best a high-level black iron mage.

But this is also very surprising. A magician who climbed to the high level of Black Iron when he was less than ten years old, and can complete the casting of spells without chanting spells, even in the Hanging Garden is a well-deserved No. [-] in Black Iron!

There is no doubt that this boy will be an excellent Frost faction archmage in the future.

But the surprise the boy gave them was much more than that.

After the ice crystals and ice fog surrounded the cat, they entangled and surged together, turning into an exquisite igloo and trapping the cat inside.

Considering the boy's age and the strength of the black iron rank, the ability to control the water element he showed is simply amazing. Even ordinary silver mages cannot achieve this level of spell change.

boom!The igloo exploded suddenly when it landed, turning into large crystal snowflakes.

"Chris, born with the ability to control ice and snow, is the queen's student. Alice, the queen's pet." Arman, who led them to the palace to attend the dinner, explained aloud.

"Nice talent." Boggart said nonchalantly, looking away from the boy and the cat.

While speaking, the creamy yellow cat jumped again and fell into the arms of a man, a beautiful female mage wearing a crown.

Queen Isabella of the Holy Griffin Kingdom!
It was at this time that the eighteen great mages in the Hanging Garden encountered a second accident.

The moment the female mage with the four-element magic talent looked towards them, they were horrified to find that they had lost the ability to cast spells.

Afterwards, they exchanged information and found that everyone encountered exactly the same situation: the magic power on their bodies was flowing normally, and the elemental energy in the hall was also normal, but they just couldn't establish any connection with the elements, as if all the four elements suddenly lost their activity and died.

"Arman of the Ministry of Magic was not affected."

Recalling the situation at that time, a mage said anxiously that he still remembers the fear and anxiety caused by being shrouded in a similar forbidden magic field.

Magic is the foundation of a mage's survival. A mage who has lost the ability to cast spells is not much different from ordinary people. Even the weakest black iron warrior can easily chop off their heads.

So it wasn't surprising that he had only one thought in his head—a conspiracy, a conspiracy against the Hanging Gardens, where the Queen of the Griffin Kingdom wanted to kill them all at the dinner party—and nearly yelled in a gaffe.

Fortunately, the queen of the Griffin Kingdom just glanced at them and then looked away, and then the long-lost connection with the elements returned to them, so he didn't make a fool of himself in public because of being overly frightened.

From the discovery of losing the ability to cast spells to regaining control of the elements, the interim time did not exceed ten seconds, but this short ten seconds seemed to them to be longer and more difficult than an era.

Others in the hall continued what they had just done. The bard sang the new poetry that has become popular in Celtic recently with an ethereal voice. The boy Chris giggled and took Alice from Isabella...

It wasn't until Alman asked them if they felt uncomfortable somewhere that 18 people finally came to their senses.

They looked at each other, and saw their own pale and embarrassing faces from the other's eyes that had not completely receded from the panic, with cold sweat still faintly remaining on their foreheads, like poor little sheep that had been frightened.

"Maybe...maybe some acclimatization."

Boggart, who has always been arrogant to death, stumbled to find a reason that even he didn't believe--acclimatization would never appear on the golden archmage who can exchange energy with the outside world at any time--and found that even his back All drenched in cold sweat.

The palace dinner to welcome the Hanging Garden to the Griffon Kingdom began soon. The eighteen archmages who were supposed to be the protagonists of the dinner were chomping at the delicious food, sitting on pins and needles and absent-minded.

As for what to say to observe first, things like negotiating with the Griffon Kingdom have long been stuffed into the trash can, and probably will not be mentioned by the owner in a short time.

So when Isabella introduced them to the government affairs palace, Senate, Ministry of Magic, and Ministry of War who came to the dinner party, even Boggart, who held the most resolute objection, behaved very docilely, and would go to The Ministry of Magic's order to carry out the registration work was fully agreed.

"The queen targeted only 18 of us."

There is no magic wand, no spells, and no magic circle. Just looking at them can deprive them of their ability to cast spells. What a terrifying ability!

"The 18 of us are not opponents of a pregnant woman!" Boggart, the most powerful golden mage in the Hanging Garden, said unwillingly.

Thinking that Isabella could easily subdue and kill them all in an instant if she wanted to, Bogut felt extremely ashamed and embarrassed because of his previous arrogant remarks and arrogant behavior.

"What do you think is the upper limit of how Isabella can deprive us of our ability to cast spells?" Joanna, who had been silent all this time, suddenly asked, "Twenty, thirty, what if it's an entire hanging garden?"

"No, Joanna, I beg you." A mage who supported the use of the magic crystal cannon to negotiate with the Griffin Kingdom yesterday groaned pitifully, holding a "Celtic Times" in his hand. , the headline was "Danube City: Project for the City of Magic".

"What about Grande's opinion?" Boggart raised his head, with only the last trace of struggle in his eyes, "Joanna, can I contact Grande and the others now?"

"I can't get in touch. Obviously, a magic item like a two-way mirror is not enough to cross the space limit and connect with the void outside the domain."

The carriage fell silent again, only the sound of hoofbeats.

After a long time, Boggart finally spoke weakly: "Perhaps you are right, we are too self-righteous. But you can register with the Ministry of Magic, but I still disagree with the handing over of the Hanging Garden!"

The other mages looked at each other and sighed: "In the current situation, we can only take one step at a time."

People are swords, and I am fish. This is the truth. The initiative is no longer in their hands.

A few minutes later, the carriage stopped, and the driver said respectfully, "My lords, the Ministry of Magic has arrived at No. 7 King's Road."

The eighteen golden mages quickly got up their spirits, made sure that there was nothing unusual with each other, and stepped out of the carriage. A building with an ordinary shape, but shrouded in countless magic circles and spell auras, and a huge double-ringed hexagonal rune logo engraved on the roof appeared before them. before.

The Ministry of Magic has arrived.

 Merry Christmas everyone, a lot of rewards today, happy O(∩_∩)O
  Thanks to the aesthetics of power, Zaan Kaihei, Huafang listening to the rain, Stealing Jade and Stealing Fragrance丨, FDADFHUJUG, Lord of Order Chenxi, Ferragand, Xingyu, I am Yulu, Ziyouhua, aaron121200 for tipping

(End of this chapter)

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